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database-management_managed-database -

The details of a Managed Database.

  • change-database-parameters
  • get
  • get-awr-db-report
  • get-awr-db-sql-report
  • get-user
  • list
  • list-asm-properties
  • list-awr-db-snapshots
  • list-awr-dbs
  • list-consumer-group-privileges
  • list-data-access-containers
  • list-database-parameters
  • list-object-privileges
  • list-proxied-for-users
  • list-proxy-users
  • list-roles
  • list-system-privileges
  • list-users
  • reset-database-parameters
  • summarize-awr-db-cpu-usages
  • summarize-awr-db-metrics
  • summarize-awr-db-parameter-changes
  • summarize-awr-db-parameters
  • summarize-awr-db-snapshot-ranges
  • summarize-awr-db-sysstats
  • summarize-awr-db-top-wait-events
  • summarize-awr-db-wait-event-buckets
  • summarize-awr-db-wait-events

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters

Changes database parameter values. There are two kinds of database parameters:
Dynamic parameters: They can be changed for the current Oracle Database instance. The changes take effect immediately. - Static parameters: They cannot be changed for the current instance. You must change these parameters and then restart the database before changes take effect.

Note: If the instance is started using a text initialization parameter file, the parameter changes are applicable only for the current instance. You must update them manually to be passed to a future instance.

oci database-management managed-database change-database-parameters [OPTIONS]

--credentials [complex type]

This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--managed-database-id [text]

The OCID <> of the Managed Database.

--parameters [complex type]

A list of database parameters and their values. This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--scope [text]

The clause used to specify when the parameter change takes effect.

Use MEMORY to make the change in memory and affect it immediately. Use SPFILE to make the change in the server parameter file. The change takes effect when the database is next shut down and started up again. Use BOTH to make the change in memory and in the server parameter file. The change takes effect immediately and persists after the database is shut down and started up again.

Accepted values are:


--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Gets the details for the Managed Database specified by managedDatabaseId.

oci database-management managed-database get [OPTIONS]

--managed-database-id [text]

The OCID <> of the Managed Database.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export managed_database_id=<substitute-value-of-managed_database_id> #
    oci database-management managed-database get --managed-database-id $managed_database_id

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • UTC with microseconds
  • Timezone with microseconds
  • UTC with microseconds
  • Timezone with microseconds

  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Gets the AWR database report for one database.

oci database-management managed-database get-awr-db-report [OPTIONS]

--awr-db-id [text]

Exact match filter on the internal identity of the database.

--managed-database-id [text]

The OCID <> of the Managed Database.

--begin-sn-id-greater-than-or-equal-to [integer]

The optional greater than or equal to filter on the snapshot identity.

--container-id [integer]

The exact match filter on the identity of the database container. The identity can be retrieved from the endpoint /managedDatabases/{managedDatabaseId}/awrDbSnapshotRanges.

--end-sn-id-less-than-or-equal-to [integer]

The optional less than or equal to filter on the snapshot identity.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--inst-nums [text]

Optional multiple value filter to match the database instance numbers exactly.

--report-format [text]

The format of the AWR report content.

Accepted values are:


--report-type [text]

Exact match filter on the report types of AWR database.

Accepted values are:


--time-greater-than-or-equal-to [datetime]

The optional greater than or equal to filter on the timestamp.

The following datetime formats are supported:

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.ssssssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123456Z
UTC with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123Z
UTC without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00Z
UTC with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30Z

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-0800
Timezone with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-0800
Timezone without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00-0800
Timezone with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30-0800
Short date and time
The timezone for this date and time will be taken as UTC (Needs to be surrounded by single or double quotes)
.. code::
    Format: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm' or "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm"
    Example: '2017-09-15 17:25'
Date Only
This date will be taken as midnight UTC of that day
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DD
    Example: 2017-09-15
Epoch seconds
.. code::
    Example: 1412195400

--time-less-than-or-equal-to [datetime]

The optional less than or equal to filter on the timestamp.

The following datetime formats are supported:

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.ssssssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123456Z
UTC with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123Z
UTC without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00Z
UTC with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30Z

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-0800
Timezone with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-0800
Timezone without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00-0800
Timezone with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30-0800
Short date and time
The timezone for this date and time will be taken as UTC (Needs to be surrounded by single or double quotes)
.. code::
    Format: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm' or "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm"
    Example: '2017-09-15 17:25'
Date Only
This date will be taken as midnight UTC of that day
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DD
    Example: 2017-09-15
Epoch seconds
.. code::
    Example: 1412195400

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export awr_db_id=<substitute-value-of-awr_db_id> #
    export managed_database_id=<substitute-value-of-managed_database_id> #
    oci database-management managed-database get-awr-db-report --awr-db-id $awr_db_id --managed-database-id $managed_database_id

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • UTC with microseconds
  • Timezone with microseconds
  • UTC with microseconds
  • Timezone with microseconds

  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Gets the SQL health check report for one SQL of the specific database.

oci database-management managed-database get-awr-db-sql-report [OPTIONS]

--awr-db-id [text]

The parameter to filter the database by internal ID. Note that the internal ID of the database can be retrieved from the following endpoint: /managedDatabases/{managedDatabaseId}/awrDbs

--managed-database-id [text]

The OCID <> of the Managed Database.

--sql-id [text]

The parameter to filter SQL by ID. Note that the SQL ID is generated internally by Oracle for each SQL statement and can be retrieved from AWR Report API (/managedDatabases/{managedDatabaseId}/awrDbs/{awrDbId}/awrDbReport) or Performance Hub API (/internal/managedDatabases/{managedDatabaseId}/actions/retrievePerformanceData)

--begin-sn-id-greater-than-or-equal-to [integer]

The optional greater than or equal to filter on the snapshot ID.

--container-id [integer]

The optional query parameter to filter the database container by an exact ID value. Note that the database container ID can be retrieved from the following endpoint: /managedDatabases/{managedDatabaseId}/awrDbSnapshotRanges

--end-sn-id-less-than-or-equal-to [integer]

The optional less than or equal to query parameter to filter the snapshot ID.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--inst-num [text]

The optional single value query parameter to filter the database instance number.

--report-format [text]

The format of the AWR report.

Accepted values are:


--time-greater-than-or-equal-to [datetime]

The optional greater than or equal to query parameter to filter the timestamp.

The following datetime formats are supported:

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.ssssssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123456Z
UTC with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123Z
UTC without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00Z
UTC with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30Z

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-0800
Timezone with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-0800
Timezone without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00-0800
Timezone with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30-0800
Short date and time
The timezone for this date and time will be taken as UTC (Needs to be surrounded by single or double quotes)
.. code::
    Format: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm' or "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm"
    Example: '2017-09-15 17:25'
Date Only
This date will be taken as midnight UTC of that day
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DD
    Example: 2017-09-15
Epoch seconds
.. code::
    Example: 1412195400

--time-less-than-or-equal-to [datetime]

The optional less than or equal to query parameter to filter the timestamp.

The following datetime formats are supported:

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.ssssssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123456Z
UTC with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123Z
UTC without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00Z
UTC with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30Z

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-0800
Timezone with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-0800
Timezone without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00-0800
Timezone with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30-0800
Short date and time
The timezone for this date and time will be taken as UTC (Needs to be surrounded by single or double quotes)
.. code::
    Format: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm' or "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm"
    Example: '2017-09-15 17:25'
Date Only
This date will be taken as midnight UTC of that day
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DD
    Example: 2017-09-15
Epoch seconds
.. code::
    Example: 1412195400

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export awr_db_id=<substitute-value-of-awr_db_id> #
    export managed_database_id=<substitute-value-of-managed_database_id> #
    export sql_id=<substitute-value-of-sql_id> #
    oci database-management managed-database get-awr-db-sql-report --awr-db-id $awr_db_id --managed-database-id $managed_database_id --sql-id $sql_id

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Gets the details of the user specified by managedDatabaseId and userName.

oci database-management managed-database get-user [OPTIONS]

--managed-database-id [text]

The OCID <> of the Managed Database.

--user-name [text]

The name of the user whose details are to be viewed.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export managed_database_id=<substitute-value-of-managed_database_id> #
    export user_name=<substitute-value-of-user_name> #
    oci database-management managed-database get-user --managed-database-id $managed_database_id --user-name $user_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Gets the Managed Database for a specific ID or the list of Managed Databases in a specific compartment. Managed Databases can be filtered based on the name parameter. Only one of the parameters, ID or name should be provided. If neither of these parameters is provided, all the Managed Databases in the compartment are listed. Managed Databases can also be filtered based on the deployment type and management option. If the deployment type is not specified or if it is ONPREMISE, then the management option is not considered and Managed Databases with ADVANCED management option are listed.

oci database-management managed-database list [OPTIONS]

--compartment-id, -c [text]

The OCID <> of the compartment.


Fetches all pages of results. If you provide this option, then you cannot provide the --limit option.

--deployment-type [text]

A filter to return Managed Databases of the specified deployment type.

Accepted values are:


--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--id [text]

The identifier of the resource.

--limit [integer]

The maximum number of records returned in the paginated response.

--management-option [text]

A filter to return Managed Databases with the specified management option.

Accepted values are:


--name [text]

A filter to return only resources that match the entire name.

--page [text]

The page token representing the page from where the next set of paginated results are retrieved. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.

--page-size [integer]

When fetching results, the number of results to fetch per call. Only valid when used with --all or --limit, and ignored otherwise.

--sort-by [text]

The field to sort information by. Only one sortOrder can be used. The default sort order for ‘TIMECREATED’ is descending and the default sort order for ‘NAME’ is ascending. The ‘NAME’ sort order is case-sensitive.

Accepted values are:


--sort-order [text]

The option to sort information in ascending (‘ASC’) or descending (‘DESC’) order. Ascending order is the default order.

Accepted values are:


Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export compartment_id=<substitute-value-of-compartment_id> #
    oci database-management managed-database list --compartment-id $compartment_id

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Gets the list of ASM properties for the specified managedDatabaseId.

oci database-management managed-database list-asm-properties [OPTIONS]

--managed-database-id [text]

The OCID <> of the Managed Database.


Fetches all pages of results. If you provide this option, then you cannot provide the --limit option.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--limit [integer]

The maximum number of records returned in the paginated response.

--name [text]

A filter to return only resources that match the entire name.

--page [text]

The page token representing the page from where the next set of paginated results are retrieved. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.

--page-size [integer]

When fetching results, the number of results to fetch per call. Only valid when used with --all or --limit, and ignored otherwise.

--sort-by [text]

The field to sort information by. Only one sortOrder can be used. The default sort order for ‘TIMECREATED’ is descending and the default sort order for ‘NAME’ is ascending. The ‘NAME’ sort order is case-sensitive.

Accepted values are:


--sort-order [text]

The option to sort information in ascending (‘ASC’) or descending (‘DESC’) order. Ascending order is the default order.

Accepted values are:


Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export managed_database_id=<substitute-value-of-managed_database_id> #
    oci database-management managed-database list-asm-properties --managed-database-id $managed_database_id

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • UTC with microseconds
  • Timezone with microseconds
  • UTC with microseconds
  • Timezone with microseconds

  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Lists AWR snapshots for the specified database in the AWR.

oci database-management managed-database list-awr-db-snapshots [OPTIONS]

--awr-db-id [text]

The parameter to filter the database by internal ID. Note that the internal ID of the database can be retrieved from the following endpoint: /managedDatabases/{managedDatabaseId}/awrDbs

--managed-database-id [text]

The OCID <> of the Managed Database.


Fetches all pages of results. If you provide this option, then you cannot provide the --limit option.

--begin-sn-id-greater-than-or-equal-to [integer]

The optional greater than or equal to filter on the snapshot ID.

--container-id [integer]

The optional query parameter to filter the database container by an exact ID value. Note that the database container ID can be retrieved from the following endpoint: /managedDatabases/{managedDatabaseId}/awrDbSnapshotRanges

--end-sn-id-less-than-or-equal-to [integer]

The optional less than or equal to query parameter to filter the snapshot ID.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--inst-num [text]

The optional single value query parameter to filter the database instance number.

--limit [integer]

The maximum number of records returned in the paginated response.

--page [text]

The page token representing the page from where the next set of paginated results are retrieved. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.

--page-size [integer]

When fetching results, the number of results to fetch per call. Only valid when used with --all or --limit, and ignored otherwise.

--sort-by [text]

The option to sort the AWR snapshot summary data.

Accepted values are:


--sort-order [text]

The option to sort information in ascending (‘ASC’) or descending (‘DESC’) order. Descending order is the default order.

Accepted values are:


--time-greater-than-or-equal-to [datetime]

The optional greater than or equal to query parameter to filter the timestamp.

The following datetime formats are supported:

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.ssssssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123456Z
UTC with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123Z
UTC without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00Z
UTC with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30Z

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-0800
Timezone with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-0800
Timezone without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00-0800
Timezone with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30-0800
Short date and time
The timezone for this date and time will be taken as UTC (Needs to be surrounded by single or double quotes)
.. code::
    Format: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm' or "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm"
    Example: '2017-09-15 17:25'
Date Only
This date will be taken as midnight UTC of that day
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DD
    Example: 2017-09-15
Epoch seconds
.. code::
    Example: 1412195400

--time-less-than-or-equal-to [datetime]

The optional less than or equal to query parameter to filter the timestamp.

The following datetime formats are supported:

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.ssssssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123456Z
UTC with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123Z
UTC without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00Z
UTC with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30Z

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-0800
Timezone with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-0800
Timezone without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00-0800
Timezone with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30-0800
Short date and time
The timezone for this date and time will be taken as UTC (Needs to be surrounded by single or double quotes)
.. code::
    Format: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm' or "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm"
    Example: '2017-09-15 17:25'
Date Only
This date will be taken as midnight UTC of that day
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DD
    Example: 2017-09-15
Epoch seconds
.. code::
    Example: 1412195400

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export awr_db_id=<substitute-value-of-awr_db_id> #
    export managed_database_id=<substitute-value-of-managed_database_id> #
    oci database-management managed-database list-awr-db-snapshots --awr-db-id $awr_db_id --managed-database-id $managed_database_id

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • UTC with microseconds
  • Timezone with microseconds
  • UTC with microseconds
  • Timezone with microseconds

  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Gets the list of databases and their snapshot summary details available in the AWR of the specified Managed Database.

oci database-management managed-database list-awr-dbs [OPTIONS]

--managed-database-id [text]

The OCID <> of the Managed Database.


Fetches all pages of results. If you provide this option, then you cannot provide the --limit option.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--limit [integer]

The maximum number of records returned in the paginated response.

--name [text]

The optional single value query parameter to filter the entity name.

--page [text]

The page token representing the page from where the next set of paginated results are retrieved. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.

--page-size [integer]

When fetching results, the number of results to fetch per call. Only valid when used with --all or --limit, and ignored otherwise.

--sort-by [text]

The option to sort the AWR summary data.

Accepted values are:


--sort-order [text]

The option to sort information in ascending (‘ASC’) or descending (‘DESC’) order. Descending order is the default order.

Accepted values are:


--time-greater-than-or-equal-to [datetime]

The optional greater than or equal to query parameter to filter the timestamp.

The following datetime formats are supported:

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.ssssssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123456Z
UTC with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123Z
UTC without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00Z
UTC with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30Z

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-0800
Timezone with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-0800
Timezone without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00-0800
Timezone with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30-0800
Short date and time
The timezone for this date and time will be taken as UTC (Needs to be surrounded by single or double quotes)
.. code::
    Format: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm' or "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm"
    Example: '2017-09-15 17:25'
Date Only
This date will be taken as midnight UTC of that day
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DD
    Example: 2017-09-15
Epoch seconds
.. code::
    Example: 1412195400

--time-less-than-or-equal-to [datetime]

The optional less than or equal to query parameter to filter the timestamp.

The following datetime formats are supported:

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.ssssssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123456Z
UTC with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123Z
UTC without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00Z
UTC with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30Z

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-0800
Timezone with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-0800
Timezone without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00-0800
Timezone with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30-0800
Short date and time
The timezone for this date and time will be taken as UTC (Needs to be surrounded by single or double quotes)
.. code::
    Format: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm' or "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm"
    Example: '2017-09-15 17:25'
Date Only
This date will be taken as midnight UTC of that day
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DD
    Example: 2017-09-15
Epoch seconds
.. code::
    Example: 1412195400

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export managed_database_id=<substitute-value-of-managed_database_id> #
    oci database-management managed-database list-awr-dbs --managed-database-id $managed_database_id

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Gets the list of consumer group privileges granted to a specific user.

oci database-management managed-database list-consumer-group-privileges [OPTIONS]

--managed-database-id [text]

The OCID <> of the Managed Database.

--user-name [text]

The name of the user whose details are to be viewed.


Fetches all pages of results. If you provide this option, then you cannot provide the --limit option.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--limit [integer]

The maximum number of records returned in the paginated response.

--name [text]

A filter to return only resources that match the entire name.

--page [text]

The page token representing the page from where the next set of paginated results are retrieved. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.

--page-size [integer]

When fetching results, the number of results to fetch per call. Only valid when used with --all or --limit, and ignored otherwise.

--sort-by [text]

The field to sort information by. Only one sortOrder can be used. The default sort order for ‘NAME’ is ascending. The ‘NAME’ sort order is case-sensitive.

Accepted values are:


--sort-order [text]

The option to sort information in ascending (‘ASC’) or descending (‘DESC’) order. Ascending order is the default order.

Accepted values are:


Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export managed_database_id=<substitute-value-of-managed_database_id> #
    export user_name=<substitute-value-of-user_name> #
    oci database-management managed-database list-consumer-group-privileges --managed-database-id $managed_database_id --user-name $user_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Gets the list of containers for a specific user. This is only applicable if ALL_CONTAINERS !=’Y’.

oci database-management managed-database list-data-access-containers [OPTIONS]

--managed-database-id [text]

The OCID <> of the Managed Database.

--user-name [text]

The name of the user whose details are to be viewed.


Fetches all pages of results. If you provide this option, then you cannot provide the --limit option.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--limit [integer]

The maximum number of records returned in the paginated response.

--name [text]

A filter to return only resources that match the entire name.

--page [text]

The page token representing the page from where the next set of paginated results are retrieved. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.

--page-size [integer]

When fetching results, the number of results to fetch per call. Only valid when used with --all or --limit, and ignored otherwise.

--sort-by [text]

The field to sort information by. Only one sortOrder can be used. The default sort order for ‘NAME’ is ascending. The ‘NAME’ sort order is case-sensitive.

Accepted values are:


--sort-order [text]

The option to sort information in ascending (‘ASC’) or descending (‘DESC’) order. Ascending order is the default order.

Accepted values are:


Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export managed_database_id=<substitute-value-of-managed_database_id> #
    export user_name=<substitute-value-of-user_name> #
    oci database-management managed-database list-data-access-containers --managed-database-id $managed_database_id --user-name $user_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Gets the list of database parameters for the specified Managed Database. The parameters are listed in alphabetical order, along with their current values.

oci database-management managed-database list-database-parameters [OPTIONS]

--managed-database-id [text]

The OCID <> of the Managed Database.


Fetches all pages of results.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--is-allowed-values-included [boolean]

When true, results include a list of valid values for parameters (if applicable).

--name [text]

A filter to return all parameters that have the text given in their names.

--sort-by [text]

The field to sort information by. Only one sortOrder can be used. The default sort order for NAME is ascending and it is case-sensitive.

Accepted values are:


--sort-order [text]

The option to sort information in ascending (‘ASC’) or descending (‘DESC’) order. Ascending order is the default order.

Accepted values are:


--source [text]

The source used to list database parameters. CURRENT is used to get the database parameters that are currently in effect for the database instance. SPFILE is used to list parameters from the server parameter file. Default is CURRENT.

Accepted values are:


Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export managed_database_id=<substitute-value-of-managed_database_id> #
    oci database-management managed-database list-database-parameters --managed-database-id $managed_database_id

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Gets the list of object privileges granted to a specific user.

oci database-management managed-database list-object-privileges [OPTIONS]

--managed-database-id [text]

The OCID <> of the Managed Database.

--user-name [text]

The name of the user whose details are to be viewed.


Fetches all pages of results. If you provide this option, then you cannot provide the --limit option.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--limit [integer]

The maximum number of records returned in the paginated response.

--name [text]

A filter to return only resources that match the entire name.

--page [text]

The page token representing the page from where the next set of paginated results are retrieved. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.

--page-size [integer]

When fetching results, the number of results to fetch per call. Only valid when used with --all or --limit, and ignored otherwise.

--sort-by [text]

The field to sort information by. Only one sortOrder can be used. The default sort order for ‘NAME’ is ascending. The ‘NAME’ sort order is case-sensitive.

Accepted values are:


--sort-order [text]

The option to sort information in ascending (‘ASC’) or descending (‘DESC’) order. Ascending order is the default order.

Accepted values are:


Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export managed_database_id=<substitute-value-of-managed_database_id> #
    export user_name=<substitute-value-of-user_name> #
    oci database-management managed-database list-object-privileges --managed-database-id $managed_database_id --user-name $user_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Gets the list of users on whose behalf the current user acts as proxy.

oci database-management managed-database list-proxied-for-users [OPTIONS]

--managed-database-id [text]

The OCID <> of the Managed Database.

--user-name [text]

The name of the user whose details are to be viewed.


Fetches all pages of results. If you provide this option, then you cannot provide the --limit option.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--limit [integer]

The maximum number of records returned in the paginated response.

--name [text]

A filter to return only resources that match the entire name.

--page [text]

The page token representing the page from where the next set of paginated results are retrieved. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.

--page-size [integer]

When fetching results, the number of results to fetch per call. Only valid when used with --all or --limit, and ignored otherwise.

--sort-by [text]

The field to sort information by. Only one sortOrder can be used. The default sort order for ‘NAME’ is ascending. The ‘NAME’ sort order is case-sensitive.

Accepted values are:


--sort-order [text]

The option to sort information in ascending (‘ASC’) or descending (‘DESC’) order. Ascending order is the default order.

Accepted values are:


Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export managed_database_id=<substitute-value-of-managed_database_id> #
    export user_name=<substitute-value-of-user_name> #
    oci database-management managed-database list-proxied-for-users --managed-database-id $managed_database_id --user-name $user_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Gets the list of proxy users for the current user.

oci database-management managed-database list-proxy-users [OPTIONS]

--managed-database-id [text]

The OCID <> of the Managed Database.

--user-name [text]

The name of the user whose details are to be viewed.


Fetches all pages of results. If you provide this option, then you cannot provide the --limit option.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--limit [integer]

The maximum number of records returned in the paginated response.

--name [text]

A filter to return only resources that match the entire name.

--page [text]

The page token representing the page from where the next set of paginated results are retrieved. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.

--page-size [integer]

When fetching results, the number of results to fetch per call. Only valid when used with --all or --limit, and ignored otherwise.

--sort-by [text]

The field to sort information by. Only one sortOrder can be used. The default sort order for ‘NAME’ is ascending. The ‘NAME’ sort order is case-sensitive.

Accepted values are:


--sort-order [text]

The option to sort information in ascending (‘ASC’) or descending (‘DESC’) order. Ascending order is the default order.

Accepted values are:


Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export managed_database_id=<substitute-value-of-managed_database_id> #
    export user_name=<substitute-value-of-user_name> #
    oci database-management managed-database list-proxy-users --managed-database-id $managed_database_id --user-name $user_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Gets the list of roles granted to a specific user.

oci database-management managed-database list-roles [OPTIONS]

--managed-database-id [text]

The OCID <> of the Managed Database.

--user-name [text]

The name of the user whose details are to be viewed.


Fetches all pages of results. If you provide this option, then you cannot provide the --limit option.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--limit [integer]

The maximum number of records returned in the paginated response.

--name [text]

A filter to return only resources that match the entire name.

--page [text]

The page token representing the page from where the next set of paginated results are retrieved. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.

--page-size [integer]

When fetching results, the number of results to fetch per call. Only valid when used with --all or --limit, and ignored otherwise.

--sort-by [text]

The field to sort information by. Only one sortOrder can be used. The default sort order for ‘NAME’ is ascending. The ‘NAME’ sort order is case-sensitive.

Accepted values are:


--sort-order [text]

The option to sort information in ascending (‘ASC’) or descending (‘DESC’) order. Ascending order is the default order.

Accepted values are:


Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export managed_database_id=<substitute-value-of-managed_database_id> #
    export user_name=<substitute-value-of-user_name> #
    oci database-management managed-database list-roles --managed-database-id $managed_database_id --user-name $user_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Gets the list of system privileges granted to a specific user.

oci database-management managed-database list-system-privileges [OPTIONS]

--managed-database-id [text]

The OCID <> of the Managed Database.

--user-name [text]

The name of the user whose details are to be viewed.


Fetches all pages of results. If you provide this option, then you cannot provide the --limit option.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--limit [integer]

The maximum number of records returned in the paginated response.

--name [text]

A filter to return only resources that match the entire name.

--page [text]

The page token representing the page from where the next set of paginated results are retrieved. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.

--page-size [integer]

When fetching results, the number of results to fetch per call. Only valid when used with --all or --limit, and ignored otherwise.

--sort-by [text]

The field to sort information by. Only one sortOrder can be used. The default sort order for ‘NAME’ is ascending. The ‘NAME’ sort order is case-sensitive.

Accepted values are:


--sort-order [text]

The option to sort information in ascending (‘ASC’) or descending (‘DESC’) order. Ascending order is the default order.

Accepted values are:


Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export managed_database_id=<substitute-value-of-managed_database_id> #
    export user_name=<substitute-value-of-user_name> #
    oci database-management managed-database list-system-privileges --managed-database-id $managed_database_id --user-name $user_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Gets the list of users for the specified managedDatabaseId.

oci database-management managed-database list-users [OPTIONS]

--managed-database-id [text]

The OCID <> of the Managed Database.


Fetches all pages of results. If you provide this option, then you cannot provide the --limit option.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--limit [integer]

The maximum number of records returned in the paginated response.

--name [text]

A filter to return only resources that match the entire name.

--page [text]

The page token representing the page from where the next set of paginated results are retrieved. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.

--page-size [integer]

When fetching results, the number of results to fetch per call. Only valid when used with --all or --limit, and ignored otherwise.

--sort-by [text]

The field to sort information by. Only one sortOrder can be used. The default sort order for ‘TIMECREATED’ is descending and the default sort order for ‘NAME’ is ascending. The ‘NAME’ sort order is case-sensitive.

Accepted values are:


--sort-order [text]

The option to sort information in ascending (‘ASC’) or descending (‘DESC’) order. Ascending order is the default order.

Accepted values are:


Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export managed_database_id=<substitute-value-of-managed_database_id> #
    oci database-management managed-database list-users --managed-database-id $managed_database_id

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters

Resets database parameter values to their default or startup values.

oci database-management managed-database reset-database-parameters [OPTIONS]

--credentials [complex type]

This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--managed-database-id [text]

The OCID <> of the Managed Database.

--parameters [complex type]

A list of database parameter names. This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--scope [text]

The clause used to specify when the parameter change takes effect.

Use MEMORY to make the change in memory and ensure that it takes effect immediately. Use SPFILE to make the change in the server parameter file. The change takes effect when the database is next shut down and started up again. Use BOTH to make the change in memory and in the server parameter file. The change takes effect immediately and persists after the database is shut down and started up again.

Accepted values are:


--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • UTC with microseconds
  • Timezone with microseconds
  • UTC with microseconds
  • Timezone with microseconds

  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Summarizes the AWR CPU resource limits and metrics for the specified database in AWR.

oci database-management managed-database summarize-awr-db-cpu-usages [OPTIONS]

--awr-db-id [text]

The parameter to filter the database by internal ID. Note that the internal ID of the database can be retrieved from the following endpoint: /managedDatabases/{managedDatabaseId}/awrDbs

--managed-database-id [text]

The OCID <> of the Managed Database.

--begin-sn-id-greater-than-or-equal-to [integer]

The optional greater than or equal to filter on the snapshot ID.

--container-id [integer]

The optional query parameter to filter the database container by an exact ID value. Note that the database container ID can be retrieved from the following endpoint: /managedDatabases/{managedDatabaseId}/awrDbSnapshotRanges

--end-sn-id-less-than-or-equal-to [integer]

The optional less than or equal to query parameter to filter the snapshot ID.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--inst-num [text]

The optional single value query parameter to filter the database instance number.

--limit [integer]

The maximum number of records returned in large paginated response.

--page [text]

The page token representing the page from where the next set of paginated results are retrieved. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.

--session-type [text]

The optional query parameter to filter ASH activities by FOREGROUND or BACKGROUND.

Accepted values are:


--sort-by [text]

The option to sort the AWR CPU usage summary data.

Accepted values are:


--sort-order [text]

The option to sort information in ascending (‘ASC’) or descending (‘DESC’) order. Descending order is the default order.

Accepted values are:


--time-greater-than-or-equal-to [datetime]

The optional greater than or equal to query parameter to filter the timestamp.

The following datetime formats are supported:

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.ssssssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123456Z
UTC with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123Z
UTC without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00Z
UTC with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30Z

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-0800
Timezone with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-0800
Timezone without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00-0800
Timezone with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30-0800
Short date and time
The timezone for this date and time will be taken as UTC (Needs to be surrounded by single or double quotes)
.. code::
    Format: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm' or "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm"
    Example: '2017-09-15 17:25'
Date Only
This date will be taken as midnight UTC of that day
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DD
    Example: 2017-09-15
Epoch seconds
.. code::
    Example: 1412195400

--time-less-than-or-equal-to [datetime]

The optional less than or equal to query parameter to filter the timestamp.

The following datetime formats are supported:

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.ssssssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123456Z
UTC with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123Z
UTC without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00Z
UTC with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30Z

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-0800
Timezone with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-0800
Timezone without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00-0800
Timezone with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30-0800
Short date and time
The timezone for this date and time will be taken as UTC (Needs to be surrounded by single or double quotes)
.. code::
    Format: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm' or "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm"
    Example: '2017-09-15 17:25'
Date Only
This date will be taken as midnight UTC of that day
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DD
    Example: 2017-09-15
Epoch seconds
.. code::
    Example: 1412195400

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export awr_db_id=<substitute-value-of-awr_db_id> #
    export managed_database_id=<substitute-value-of-managed_database_id> #
    oci database-management managed-database summarize-awr-db-cpu-usages --awr-db-id $awr_db_id --managed-database-id $managed_database_id

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • UTC with microseconds
  • Timezone with microseconds
  • UTC with microseconds
  • Timezone with microseconds

  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Summarizes the metric samples for the specified database in the AWR. The metric samples are summarized based on the Time dimension for each metric.

oci database-management managed-database summarize-awr-db-metrics [OPTIONS]

--awr-db-id [text]

The parameter to filter the database by internal ID. Note that the internal ID of the database can be retrieved from the following endpoint: /managedDatabases/{managedDatabaseId}/awrDbs

--managed-database-id [text]

The OCID <> of the Managed Database.

--name [text]

The required multiple value query parameter to filter the entity name.

--begin-sn-id-greater-than-or-equal-to [integer]

The optional greater than or equal to filter on the snapshot ID.

--container-id [integer]

The optional query parameter to filter the database container by an exact ID value. Note that the database container ID can be retrieved from the following endpoint: /managedDatabases/{managedDatabaseId}/awrDbSnapshotRanges

--end-sn-id-less-than-or-equal-to [integer]

The optional less than or equal to query parameter to filter the snapshot ID.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--inst-num [text]

The optional single value query parameter to filter the database instance number.

--limit [integer]

The maximum number of records returned in large paginated response.

--page [text]

The page token representing the page from where the next set of paginated results are retrieved. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.

--sort-by [text]

The option to sort the AWR time series summary data.

Accepted values are:


--sort-order [text]

The option to sort information in ascending (‘ASC’) or descending (‘DESC’) order. Descending order is the default order.

Accepted values are:


--time-greater-than-or-equal-to [datetime]

The optional greater than or equal to query parameter to filter the timestamp.

The following datetime formats are supported:

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.ssssssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123456Z
UTC with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123Z
UTC without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00Z
UTC with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30Z

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-0800
Timezone with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-0800
Timezone without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00-0800
Timezone with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30-0800
Short date and time
The timezone for this date and time will be taken as UTC (Needs to be surrounded by single or double quotes)
.. code::
    Format: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm' or "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm"
    Example: '2017-09-15 17:25'
Date Only
This date will be taken as midnight UTC of that day
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DD
    Example: 2017-09-15
Epoch seconds
.. code::
    Example: 1412195400

--time-less-than-or-equal-to [datetime]

The optional less than or equal to query parameter to filter the timestamp.

The following datetime formats are supported:

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.ssssssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123456Z
UTC with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123Z
UTC without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00Z
UTC with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30Z

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-0800
Timezone with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-0800
Timezone without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00-0800
Timezone with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30-0800
Short date and time
The timezone for this date and time will be taken as UTC (Needs to be surrounded by single or double quotes)
.. code::
    Format: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm' or "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm"
    Example: '2017-09-15 17:25'
Date Only
This date will be taken as midnight UTC of that day
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DD
    Example: 2017-09-15
Epoch seconds
.. code::
    Example: 1412195400

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export awr_db_id=<substitute-value-of-awr_db_id> #
    export managed_database_id=<substitute-value-of-managed_database_id> #
    export name=<substitute-value-of-name> #
    oci database-management managed-database summarize-awr-db-metrics --awr-db-id $awr_db_id --managed-database-id $managed_database_id --name $name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • UTC with microseconds
  • Timezone with microseconds
  • UTC with microseconds
  • Timezone with microseconds

  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Summarizes the database parameter change history for one database parameter of the specified database in AWR. One change history record contains the previous value, the changed value, and the corresponding time range. If the database parameter value was changed multiple times within the time range, then multiple change history records are created for the same parameter. Note that this API only returns information on change history details for one database parameter. To get a list of all the database parameters whose values were changed during a specified time range, use the following API endpoint: /managedDatabases/{managedDatabaseId}/awrDbs/{awrDbId}/awrDbParameters

oci database-management managed-database summarize-awr-db-parameter-changes [OPTIONS]

--awr-db-id [text]

The parameter to filter the database by internal ID. Note that the internal ID of the database can be retrieved from the following endpoint: /managedDatabases/{managedDatabaseId}/awrDbs

--managed-database-id [text]

The OCID <> of the Managed Database.

--name [text]

The required single value query parameter to filter the entity name.

--begin-sn-id-greater-than-or-equal-to [integer]

The optional greater than or equal to filter on the snapshot ID.

--container-id [integer]

The optional query parameter to filter the database container by an exact ID value. Note that the database container ID can be retrieved from the following endpoint: /managedDatabases/{managedDatabaseId}/awrDbSnapshotRanges

--end-sn-id-less-than-or-equal-to [integer]

The optional less than or equal to query parameter to filter the snapshot ID.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--inst-num [text]

The optional single value query parameter to filter the database instance number.

--limit [integer]

The maximum number of records returned in large paginated response.

--page [text]

The page token representing the page from where the next set of paginated results are retrieved. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.

--sort-by [text]

The option to sort the AWR database parameter change history data.

Accepted values are:


--sort-order [text]

The option to sort information in ascending (‘ASC’) or descending (‘DESC’) order. Descending order is the default order.

Accepted values are:


--time-greater-than-or-equal-to [datetime]

The optional greater than or equal to query parameter to filter the timestamp.

The following datetime formats are supported:

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.ssssssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123456Z
UTC with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123Z
UTC without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00Z
UTC with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30Z

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-0800
Timezone with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-0800
Timezone without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00-0800
Timezone with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30-0800
Short date and time
The timezone for this date and time will be taken as UTC (Needs to be surrounded by single or double quotes)
.. code::
    Format: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm' or "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm"
    Example: '2017-09-15 17:25'
Date Only
This date will be taken as midnight UTC of that day
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DD
    Example: 2017-09-15
Epoch seconds
.. code::
    Example: 1412195400

--time-less-than-or-equal-to [datetime]

The optional less than or equal to query parameter to filter the timestamp.

The following datetime formats are supported:

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.ssssssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123456Z
UTC with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123Z
UTC without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00Z
UTC with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30Z

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-0800
Timezone with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-0800
Timezone without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00-0800
Timezone with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30-0800
Short date and time
The timezone for this date and time will be taken as UTC (Needs to be surrounded by single or double quotes)
.. code::
    Format: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm' or "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm"
    Example: '2017-09-15 17:25'
Date Only
This date will be taken as midnight UTC of that day
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DD
    Example: 2017-09-15
Epoch seconds
.. code::
    Example: 1412195400

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export awr_db_id=<substitute-value-of-awr_db_id> #
    export managed_database_id=<substitute-value-of-managed_database_id> #
    export name=<substitute-value-of-name> #
    oci database-management managed-database summarize-awr-db-parameter-changes --awr-db-id $awr_db_id --managed-database-id $managed_database_id --name $name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • UTC with microseconds
  • Timezone with microseconds
  • UTC with microseconds
  • Timezone with microseconds

  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Summarizes the database parameter history for the specified database in AWR. This includes the list of database parameters, with information on whether the parameter values were modified within the query time range. Note that each database parameter is only listed once. Depending on the optional query parameters, the returned summary gets all the database parameters, which include:
Each parameter whose value was changed during the time range: (valueChanged =”Y”) - Each parameter whose value was unchanged during the time range: (valueChanged =”N”) - Each parameter whose value was changed at the system level during the time range: (valueChanged =”Y” and valueModified = “SYSTEM_MOD”) - Each parameter whose value was unchanged during the time range, however, the value is not the default value: (valueChanged =”N” and valueDefault = “FALSE”)

Note that this API does not return information on the number of times each database parameter has been changed within the time range. To get the database parameter value change history for a specific parameter, use the following API endpoint: /managedDatabases/{managedDatabaseId}/awrDbs/{awrDbId}/awrDbParameterChanges

oci database-management managed-database summarize-awr-db-parameters [OPTIONS]

--awr-db-id [text]

The parameter to filter the database by internal ID. Note that the internal ID of the database can be retrieved from the following endpoint: /managedDatabases/{managedDatabaseId}/awrDbs

--managed-database-id [text]

The OCID <> of the Managed Database.

--begin-sn-id-greater-than-or-equal-to [integer]

The optional greater than or equal to filter on the snapshot ID.

--container-id [integer]

The optional query parameter to filter the database container by an exact ID value. Note that the database container ID can be retrieved from the following endpoint: /managedDatabases/{managedDatabaseId}/awrDbSnapshotRanges

--end-sn-id-less-than-or-equal-to [integer]

The optional less than or equal to query parameter to filter the snapshot ID.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--inst-num [text]

The optional single value query parameter to filter the database instance number.

--limit [integer]

The maximum number of records returned in large paginated response.

--name [text]

The optional multiple value query parameter to filter the entity name.

--name-contains [text]

The optional contains query parameter to filter the entity name by any part of the name.

--page [text]

The page token representing the page from where the next set of paginated results are retrieved. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.

--sort-by [text]

The option to sort the AWR database parameter change history data.

Accepted values are:


--sort-order [text]

The option to sort information in ascending (‘ASC’) or descending (‘DESC’) order. Descending order is the default order.

Accepted values are:


--time-greater-than-or-equal-to [datetime]

The optional greater than or equal to query parameter to filter the timestamp.

The following datetime formats are supported:

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.ssssssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123456Z
UTC with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123Z
UTC without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00Z
UTC with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30Z

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-0800
Timezone with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-0800
Timezone without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00-0800
Timezone with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30-0800
Short date and time
The timezone for this date and time will be taken as UTC (Needs to be surrounded by single or double quotes)
.. code::
    Format: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm' or "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm"
    Example: '2017-09-15 17:25'
Date Only
This date will be taken as midnight UTC of that day
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DD
    Example: 2017-09-15
Epoch seconds
.. code::
    Example: 1412195400

--time-less-than-or-equal-to [datetime]

The optional less than or equal to query parameter to filter the timestamp.

The following datetime formats are supported:

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.ssssssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123456Z
UTC with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123Z
UTC without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00Z
UTC with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30Z

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-0800
Timezone with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-0800
Timezone without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00-0800
Timezone with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30-0800
Short date and time
The timezone for this date and time will be taken as UTC (Needs to be surrounded by single or double quotes)
.. code::
    Format: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm' or "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm"
    Example: '2017-09-15 17:25'
Date Only
This date will be taken as midnight UTC of that day
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DD
    Example: 2017-09-15
Epoch seconds
.. code::
    Example: 1412195400

--value-changed [text]

The optional query parameter to filter database parameters whose values were changed.

Accepted values are:

N, Y

--value-default [text]

The optional query parameter to filter the database parameters that had the default value in the last snapshot.

Accepted values are:


--value-modified [text]

The optional query parameter to filter the database parameters that had a modified value in the last snapshot.

Accepted values are:


Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export awr_db_id=<substitute-value-of-awr_db_id> #
    export managed_database_id=<substitute-value-of-managed_database_id> #
    oci database-management managed-database summarize-awr-db-parameters --awr-db-id $awr_db_id --managed-database-id $managed_database_id

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • UTC with microseconds
  • Timezone with microseconds
  • UTC with microseconds
  • Timezone with microseconds

  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Summarizes the AWR snapshot ranges that contain continuous snapshots, for the specified Managed Database.

oci database-management managed-database summarize-awr-db-snapshot-ranges [OPTIONS]

--managed-database-id [text]

The OCID <> of the Managed Database.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--limit [integer]

The maximum number of records returned in the paginated response.

--name [text]

The optional single value query parameter to filter the entity name.

--page [text]

The page token representing the page from where the next set of paginated results are retrieved. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.

--sort-by [text]

The option to sort the AWR summary data.

Accepted values are:


--sort-order [text]

The option to sort information in ascending (‘ASC’) or descending (‘DESC’) order. Descending order is the default order.

Accepted values are:


--time-greater-than-or-equal-to [datetime]

The optional greater than or equal to query parameter to filter the timestamp.

The following datetime formats are supported:

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.ssssssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123456Z
UTC with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123Z
UTC without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00Z
UTC with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30Z

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-0800
Timezone with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-0800
Timezone without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00-0800
Timezone with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30-0800
Short date and time
The timezone for this date and time will be taken as UTC (Needs to be surrounded by single or double quotes)
.. code::
    Format: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm' or "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm"
    Example: '2017-09-15 17:25'
Date Only
This date will be taken as midnight UTC of that day
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DD
    Example: 2017-09-15
Epoch seconds
.. code::
    Example: 1412195400

--time-less-than-or-equal-to [datetime]

The optional less than or equal to query parameter to filter the timestamp.

The following datetime formats are supported:

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.ssssssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123456Z
UTC with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123Z
UTC without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00Z
UTC with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30Z

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-0800
Timezone with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-0800
Timezone without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00-0800
Timezone with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30-0800
Short date and time
The timezone for this date and time will be taken as UTC (Needs to be surrounded by single or double quotes)
.. code::
    Format: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm' or "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm"
    Example: '2017-09-15 17:25'
Date Only
This date will be taken as midnight UTC of that day
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DD
    Example: 2017-09-15
Epoch seconds
.. code::
    Example: 1412195400

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export managed_database_id=<substitute-value-of-managed_database_id> #
    oci database-management managed-database summarize-awr-db-snapshot-ranges --managed-database-id $managed_database_id

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • UTC with microseconds
  • Timezone with microseconds
  • UTC with microseconds
  • Timezone with microseconds

  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Summarizes the AWR SYSSTAT sample data for the specified database in AWR. The statistical data is summarized based on the Time dimension for each statistic.

oci database-management managed-database summarize-awr-db-sysstats [OPTIONS]

--awr-db-id [text]

The parameter to filter the database by internal ID. Note that the internal ID of the database can be retrieved from the following endpoint: /managedDatabases/{managedDatabaseId}/awrDbs

--managed-database-id [text]

The OCID <> of the Managed Database.

--name [text]

The required multiple value query parameter to filter the entity name.

--begin-sn-id-greater-than-or-equal-to [integer]

The optional greater than or equal to filter on the snapshot ID.

--container-id [integer]

The optional query parameter to filter the database container by an exact ID value. Note that the database container ID can be retrieved from the following endpoint: /managedDatabases/{managedDatabaseId}/awrDbSnapshotRanges

--end-sn-id-less-than-or-equal-to [integer]

The optional less than or equal to query parameter to filter the snapshot ID.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--inst-num [text]

The optional single value query parameter to filter the database instance number.

--limit [integer]

The maximum number of records returned in large paginated response.

--page [text]

The page token representing the page from where the next set of paginated results are retrieved. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.

--sort-by [text]

The option to sort the data within a time period.

Accepted values are:


--sort-order [text]

The option to sort information in ascending (‘ASC’) or descending (‘DESC’) order. Descending order is the default order.

Accepted values are:


--time-greater-than-or-equal-to [datetime]

The optional greater than or equal to query parameter to filter the timestamp.

The following datetime formats are supported:

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.ssssssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123456Z
UTC with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123Z
UTC without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00Z
UTC with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30Z

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-0800
Timezone with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-0800
Timezone without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00-0800
Timezone with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30-0800
Short date and time
The timezone for this date and time will be taken as UTC (Needs to be surrounded by single or double quotes)
.. code::
    Format: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm' or "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm"
    Example: '2017-09-15 17:25'
Date Only
This date will be taken as midnight UTC of that day
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DD
    Example: 2017-09-15
Epoch seconds
.. code::
    Example: 1412195400

--time-less-than-or-equal-to [datetime]

The optional less than or equal to query parameter to filter the timestamp.

The following datetime formats are supported:

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.ssssssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123456Z
UTC with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123Z
UTC without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00Z
UTC with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30Z

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-0800
Timezone with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-0800
Timezone without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00-0800
Timezone with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30-0800
Short date and time
The timezone for this date and time will be taken as UTC (Needs to be surrounded by single or double quotes)
.. code::
    Format: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm' or "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm"
    Example: '2017-09-15 17:25'
Date Only
This date will be taken as midnight UTC of that day
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DD
    Example: 2017-09-15
Epoch seconds
.. code::
    Example: 1412195400

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export awr_db_id=<substitute-value-of-awr_db_id> #
    export managed_database_id=<substitute-value-of-managed_database_id> #
    export name=<substitute-value-of-name> #
    oci database-management managed-database summarize-awr-db-sysstats --awr-db-id $awr_db_id --managed-database-id $managed_database_id --name $name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • UTC with microseconds
  • Timezone with microseconds
  • UTC with microseconds
  • Timezone with microseconds

  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Summarizes the AWR top wait events.

oci database-management managed-database summarize-awr-db-top-wait-events [OPTIONS]

--awr-db-id [text]

The parameter to filter the database by internal ID. Note that the internal ID of the database can be retrieved from the following endpoint: /managedDatabases/{managedDatabaseId}/awrDbs

--managed-database-id [text]

The OCID <> of the Managed Database.

--begin-sn-id-greater-than-or-equal-to [integer]

The optional greater than or equal to filter on the snapshot ID.

--container-id [integer]

The optional query parameter to filter the database container by an exact ID value. Note that the database container ID can be retrieved from the following endpoint: /managedDatabases/{managedDatabaseId}/awrDbSnapshotRanges

--end-sn-id-less-than-or-equal-to [integer]

The optional less than or equal to query parameter to filter the snapshot ID.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--inst-num [text]

The optional single value query parameter to filter the database instance number.

--session-type [text]

The optional query parameter to filter ASH activities by FOREGROUND or BACKGROUND.

Accepted values are:


--sort-by [text]

The option to sort the AWR top event summary data.

Accepted values are:


--sort-order [text]

The option to sort information in ascending (‘ASC’) or descending (‘DESC’) order. Descending order is the default order.

Accepted values are:


--time-greater-than-or-equal-to [datetime]

The optional greater than or equal to query parameter to filter the timestamp.

The following datetime formats are supported:

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.ssssssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123456Z
UTC with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123Z
UTC without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00Z
UTC with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30Z

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-0800
Timezone with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-0800
Timezone without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00-0800
Timezone with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30-0800
Short date and time
The timezone for this date and time will be taken as UTC (Needs to be surrounded by single or double quotes)
.. code::
    Format: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm' or "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm"
    Example: '2017-09-15 17:25'
Date Only
This date will be taken as midnight UTC of that day
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DD
    Example: 2017-09-15
Epoch seconds
.. code::
    Example: 1412195400

--time-less-than-or-equal-to [datetime]

The optional less than or equal to query parameter to filter the timestamp.

The following datetime formats are supported:

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.ssssssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123456Z
UTC with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123Z
UTC without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00Z
UTC with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30Z

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-0800
Timezone with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-0800
Timezone without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00-0800
Timezone with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30-0800
Short date and time
The timezone for this date and time will be taken as UTC (Needs to be surrounded by single or double quotes)
.. code::
    Format: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm' or "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm"
    Example: '2017-09-15 17:25'
Date Only
This date will be taken as midnight UTC of that day
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DD
    Example: 2017-09-15
Epoch seconds
.. code::
    Example: 1412195400

--top-n [integer]

The optional query parameter to filter the number of top categories to be returned.

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export awr_db_id=<substitute-value-of-awr_db_id> #
    export managed_database_id=<substitute-value-of-managed_database_id> #
    oci database-management managed-database summarize-awr-db-top-wait-events --awr-db-id $awr_db_id --managed-database-id $managed_database_id

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • UTC with microseconds
  • Timezone with microseconds
  • UTC with microseconds
  • Timezone with microseconds

  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Summarizes AWR wait event data into value buckets and frequency, for the specified database in the AWR.

oci database-management managed-database summarize-awr-db-wait-event-buckets [OPTIONS]

--awr-db-id [text]

The parameter to filter the database by internal ID. Note that the internal ID of the database can be retrieved from the following endpoint: /managedDatabases/{managedDatabaseId}/awrDbs

--managed-database-id [text]

The OCID <> of the Managed Database.

--name [text]

The required single value query parameter to filter the entity name.

--begin-sn-id-greater-than-or-equal-to [integer]

The optional greater than or equal to filter on the snapshot ID.

--container-id [integer]

The optional query parameter to filter the database container by an exact ID value. Note that the database container ID can be retrieved from the following endpoint: /managedDatabases/{managedDatabaseId}/awrDbSnapshotRanges

--end-sn-id-less-than-or-equal-to [integer]

The optional less than or equal to query parameter to filter the snapshot ID.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--inst-num [text]

The optional single value query parameter to filter the database instance number.

--limit [integer]

The maximum number of records returned in large paginated response.

--max-value [text]

The maximum value of the histogram.

--min-value [text]

The minimum value of the histogram.

--num-bucket [integer]

The number of buckets within the histogram.

--page [text]

The page token representing the page from where the next set of paginated results are retrieved. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.

--sort-by [text]

The option to sort distribution data.

Accepted values are:


--sort-order [text]

The option to sort information in ascending (‘ASC’) or descending (‘DESC’) order. Ascending order is the default order.

Accepted values are:


--time-greater-than-or-equal-to [datetime]

The optional greater than or equal to query parameter to filter the timestamp.

The following datetime formats are supported:

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.ssssssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123456Z
UTC with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123Z
UTC without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00Z
UTC with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30Z

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-0800
Timezone with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-0800
Timezone without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00-0800
Timezone with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30-0800
Short date and time
The timezone for this date and time will be taken as UTC (Needs to be surrounded by single or double quotes)
.. code::
    Format: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm' or "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm"
    Example: '2017-09-15 17:25'
Date Only
This date will be taken as midnight UTC of that day
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DD
    Example: 2017-09-15
Epoch seconds
.. code::
    Example: 1412195400

--time-less-than-or-equal-to [datetime]

The optional less than or equal to query parameter to filter the timestamp.

The following datetime formats are supported:

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.ssssssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123456Z
UTC with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123Z
UTC without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00Z
UTC with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30Z

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-0800
Timezone with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-0800
Timezone without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00-0800
Timezone with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30-0800
Short date and time
The timezone for this date and time will be taken as UTC (Needs to be surrounded by single or double quotes)
.. code::
    Format: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm' or "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm"
    Example: '2017-09-15 17:25'
Date Only
This date will be taken as midnight UTC of that day
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DD
    Example: 2017-09-15
Epoch seconds
.. code::
    Example: 1412195400

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export awr_db_id=<substitute-value-of-awr_db_id> #
    export managed_database_id=<substitute-value-of-managed_database_id> #
    export name=<substitute-value-of-name> #
    oci database-management managed-database summarize-awr-db-wait-event-buckets --awr-db-id $awr_db_id --managed-database-id $managed_database_id --name $name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • UTC with microseconds
  • Timezone with microseconds
  • UTC with microseconds
  • Timezone with microseconds

  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Summarizes the AWR wait event sample data for the specified database in the AWR. The event data is summarized based on the Time dimension for each event.

oci database-management managed-database summarize-awr-db-wait-events [OPTIONS]

--awr-db-id [text]

The parameter to filter the database by internal ID. Note that the internal ID of the database can be retrieved from the following endpoint: /managedDatabases/{managedDatabaseId}/awrDbs

--managed-database-id [text]

The OCID <> of the Managed Database.

--begin-sn-id-greater-than-or-equal-to [integer]

The optional greater than or equal to filter on the snapshot ID.

--container-id [integer]

The optional query parameter to filter the database container by an exact ID value. Note that the database container ID can be retrieved from the following endpoint: /managedDatabases/{managedDatabaseId}/awrDbSnapshotRanges

--end-sn-id-less-than-or-equal-to [integer]

The optional less than or equal to query parameter to filter the snapshot ID.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--inst-num [text]

The optional single value query parameter to filter the database instance number.

--limit [integer]

The maximum number of records returned in large paginated response.

--name [text]

The optional multiple value query parameter to filter the entity name.

--page [text]

The page token representing the page from where the next set of paginated results are retrieved. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.

--session-type [text]

The optional query parameter to filter ASH activities by FOREGROUND or BACKGROUND.

Accepted values are:


--sort-by [text]

The option to sort the data within a time period.

Accepted values are:


--sort-order [text]

The option to sort information in ascending (‘ASC’) or descending (‘DESC’) order. Descending order is the default order.

Accepted values are:


--time-greater-than-or-equal-to [datetime]

The optional greater than or equal to query parameter to filter the timestamp.

The following datetime formats are supported:

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.ssssssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123456Z
UTC with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123Z
UTC without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00Z
UTC with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30Z

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-0800
Timezone with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-0800
Timezone without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00-0800
Timezone with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30-0800
Short date and time
The timezone for this date and time will be taken as UTC (Needs to be surrounded by single or double quotes)
.. code::
    Format: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm' or "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm"
    Example: '2017-09-15 17:25'
Date Only
This date will be taken as midnight UTC of that day
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DD
    Example: 2017-09-15
Epoch seconds
.. code::
    Example: 1412195400

--time-less-than-or-equal-to [datetime]

The optional less than or equal to query parameter to filter the timestamp.

The following datetime formats are supported:

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.ssssssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123456Z
UTC with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123Z
UTC without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00Z
UTC with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30Z

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-0800
Timezone with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-0800
Timezone without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00-0800
Timezone with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30-0800
Short date and time
The timezone for this date and time will be taken as UTC (Needs to be surrounded by single or double quotes)
.. code::
    Format: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm' or "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm"
    Example: '2017-09-15 17:25'
Date Only
This date will be taken as midnight UTC of that day
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DD
    Example: 2017-09-15
Epoch seconds
.. code::
    Example: 1412195400

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export awr_db_id=<substitute-value-of-awr_db_id> #
    export managed_database_id=<substitute-value-of-managed_database_id> #
    oci database-management managed-database summarize-awr-db-wait-events --awr-db-id $awr_db_id --managed-database-id $managed_database_id


2016, 2022, Oracle
May 17, 2022 3.9.1

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