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clipman(1) FreeBSD General Commands Manual clipman(1)


clipman [<flags>] <command> [<args> ...]

A clipboard manager for Wayland

-h, --help
Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man).
Path of history file
Serve item to the primary clipboard. Default: --no-primary
Send desktop notifications on errors
-v, --version
Show application version.

Show help.

Record clipboard events (run as argument to `wl-paste --watch`)
history size
-P, --no-persist
Don't persist a copy buffer after a program exits
Normalize line endings to LF

Pick an item from clipboard history
scrollview length
-t, --tool=TOOL
Which selector to use: wofi/bemenu/CUSTOM/dmenu/rofi/STDOUT
-T, --tool-args=""
Extra arguments to pass to the --tool
Separate items using NULL; recommended if your tool supports --read0 or similar

Remove item/s from history
scrollview length
-t, --tool=TOOL
Which selector to use: wofi/bemenu/CUSTOM/dmenu/rofi/STDOUT
-T, --tool-args=""
Extra arguments to pass to the --tool
-a, --all
Remove all items
Separate items using NULL; recommended if your tool supports --read0 or similar

Serve the last recorded item from history show-history

Show all items from history

Run the binary in your Sway session by adding `exec wl-paste -t text --watch clipman store` (or `exec wl-paste -t text --watch clipman store 1>> PATH/TO/LOGFILE 2>&1 &` to log errors) at the beginning of your config.

For primary clipboard support, also add `exec wl-paste -p -t text --watch clipman store -P --histpath="~/.local/share/clipman-primary.json` (note that both the `-p` in wl-paste and the `-P` in clipman are mandatory in this case).

To query the history and select items, run the binary as `clipman pick -t wofi`. You can assign it to a keybinding: `bindsym $mod+h exec clipman pick -t wofi`. You can pass additional arguments to the selector like this: `clipman pick --tool wofi -T'--prompt=my-prompt -i'` (both `--prompt` and `-i` are flags of wofi). You can use a custom selector like this: `clipman pick --print0 --tool=CUSTOM --tool-args="fzf --prompt 'pick > ' --bind 'tab:up' --cycle --read0"`.

To remove items from history, `clipman clear -t wofi` and `clipman clear --all`.

To serve the last history item at startup, add `exec clipman restore` to your Sway config.

We only support plain text.

By default, we continue serving the last copied item even after its owner has exited. This means that, unless you run with the `--no-persist` option, you'll always immediately lose rich content; for example: vim's visual block mode breaks; copying images in Firefox breaks; if you copy a bookmark in Firefox, you won't be able to paste it in another bookmark folder; if you copy formatted text inside Libre Office you'll lose all formatting on paste.

Run `clipman store` with the `--no-persist` option if you are affected. Unfortunately, it seems that there is no way to make them play well together.


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