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Algorithm::Evolutionary::Individual::BitString(3) User Contributed Perl Documentation Algorithm::Evolutionary::Individual::BitString(3)

Algorithm::Evolutionary::Individual::BitString - Classic bitstring individual for evolutionary computation; usually called chromosome

    use Algorithm::Evolutionary::Individual::BitString;

    my $indi = new Algorithm::Evolutionary::Individual::BitString 10 ; # Build random bitstring with length 10
                                   # Each element in the range 0 .. 1

    my $indi3 = new Algorithm::Evolutionary::Individual::BitString;
    $indi3->set( { length => 20 } );   #Sets values, but does not build the string

    $indi3->randomize(); #Creates a random bitstring with length as above

    print $indi3->Atom( 7 );       #Returns the value of the 7th character
    $indi3->Atom( 3 ) = 1;       #Sets the value

    $indi3->addAtom( 1 ); #Adds a new character to the bitstring at the end
    my $size = $indi3->size(); #Common interface to all individuals, should return 21

    my $indi4 = Algorithm::Evolutionary::Individual::BitString->fromString( '10110101');   #Creates an individual from that string

    my $indi5 = $indi4->clone(); #Creates a copy of the individual

    my @array = qw( 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 ); #Create a tied array
    tie my @vector, 'Algorithm::Evolutionary::Individual::BitString', @array;

    print $indi3->asString(); #Prints the individual
    print $indi3->as_yaml() #Change of convention, I know...

    my $gene_size = 5;
    my $min = -1;
    my $range = 2;
    my @decoded_vector = $indi3->decode( $gene_size, $min, $range);


Bitstring Individual for a Genetic Algorithm. Used, for instance, in a canonical GA

Creates a new random bitstring individual, with fixed initial length, and uniform distribution of bits. Options as in Algorithm::Evolutionary::Individual::String

Similar to a copy ctor; creates a bitstring individual from a string. Will be deprecated soon

Sets values of an individual; takes a hash as input. Keys are prepended an underscore and turn into instance variables

Decodes to a vector, each one of whose components ranges between $min and $max. Returns that vector
  This file is released under the GPL. See the LICENSE file included in this distribution,
  or go to
2021-03-29 perl v5.32.1

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