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MojoMojo::Prefs(3) User Contributed Perl Documentation MojoMojo::Prefs(3)

MojoMojo::Prefs - info on MojoMojo configurable preferences

MojoMojo has a number of preferences that can be set in "Site settings" ("/.admin"). If values are not set in the database, they are read from mojomojo.conf, or default values are used.

Login names of users with admin privileges.

Default: 'admin'.

Site name.

Default: 'MojoMojo'.

Specify which formatter to use as the main text formatter. The two options so far ares Markdown and Textile, with Markdown being default thanks to its versatility. For a comparison between the two, see <>.

Controld whether user registration is available.

Default: false.

If set, users are allowed to post anonymously, and the edit will be shown with the username set in this option.

If set to a true value, normal users are restricted to editing pages inside their user space (the subpages of "/username"). Admin users can edit the entire site.

Default: false.

If set, users are forced to login before performing any action.

Default: false.

If set, permissions to view are checked on view and search.

Default: is false.

If true, anonymous users can create, delete, edit, view, and manipulate attachments, respectively.

Defaults: true.

Random string used to generate secret keys for mail verification and such.
If set, will use Google for site search. Currently highly recommended because KinoSearch consumes 100% CPU (see <>).

Control CAPTCHA for new user registration and anonymous edits.

Default: false.

Name of the active theme.

Default: 'default'.

If set, permissions are cached.

Default: true.

Set the default language used for:
  • roles and the 'admin' username when creating the database
  • whenever no language is set via the UI and one is needed to display site text and navigation links, configure CAPTCHA, output language-specific plugin text etc.

Currently supported values are:

  • "en" - English
  • "de" - German
  • "fr" - French
  • "ja" - Japanese
  • "no" - Norwegian
  • "ca" - Catalan
  • "es" - Spanish
  • "pl" - Polish
  • "ru" - Russian

Default: "en"

2016-12-07 perl v5.32.1

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