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Params::ValidationCompiler::Exceptions(3) User Contributed Perl Documentation Params::ValidationCompiler::Exceptions(3)

Params::ValidationCompiler::Exceptions - Defines exceptions thrown by Params::ValidationCompiler

version 0.30

This module defines the following exceptions:

Exception thrown when @_ does not contain a hash or hashref.

Exception thrown when @_ contains unexpected extra named arguments.

Exception thrown when a required named parameter is not passed.

Exception thrown when @_ contains unexpected extra arguments.

Exception thrown when a required positional parameter is not passed.

Exception thrown when a Moose type constraint check fails. This class provides the following methods:


This returns a string describing the parameter, something like "The 'foo' parameter" or "Parameter #1".


This is the value that failed the type constraint check.


This is the type constraint object that did not accept the value.

Bugs may be submitted at <>.

I am also usually active on IRC as 'autarch' on "irc://".

The source code repository for Params-ValidationCompiler can be found at <>.

Dave Rolsky <>

This software is Copyright (c) 2016 - 2018 by Dave Rolsky.

This is free software, licensed under:

  The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible)

The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this distribution.

2018-07-31 perl v5.32.1

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