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Weather(3) User Contributed Perl Documentation Weather(3)

Geo::Weather - Weather retrieval module

  use Geo::Weather;

  my $weather = new Geo::Weather;


  print $weather->report();


  use Geo::Weather;

  my $weather = new Geo::Weather;
  $weather->{timeout} = 5; # set timeout to 5 seconds instead of the default of 10

  my $current = $weather->get_weather('95630');

  print "The current temperature is $current->{temp} degrees\n";

The Geo::Weather module retrieves the current weather from when given city and state or a US zip code. Geo::Weather relies on LWP::UserAgent to work. In order for the timeout code to work correctly, you must be using a recent version of libwww-perl and IO::Socket. Geo::Weather was developed with libwww-perl 5.53 and IO::Socket 1.26.

  • new

    Create and return a new object.

  • get_weather

    Gets the current weather from


            city - US city or zip code
            state - US state, not needed if using zip code

    Sample Code

            my $current = $weather->get_weather('Folsom','CA');
            if (!ref $current) {
                    die "Unable to get weather information\n";


            On sucess, get_weather returns a hashref  containing the following keys
            city            - City
            state           - State
            zip             - Zipcode of US city
            pic             - URL to the current weather image
            url             - URL to the weather results
            cond            - Current condition
            temp            - Current temperature (degees F)
            wind            - Current wind speed
            dewp            - Current dew point (degrees F)
            humi            - Current rel. humidity
            visb            - Current visibility
            baro            - Current barometric pressure
            heat            - Current heat index (Feels Like string)
            On error, it returns the following exported error variables


            $ERROR_QUERY            - Invalid data supplied
            $ERROR_PAGE_INVALID     - No URL, or incorrectly formatted URL for retrieving the information
            $ERROR_CONNECT          - Error connecting to
            $ERROR_NOT_FOUND        - Weather for the specified city/state or zip could not be found
            $ERROR_TIMEOUT          - Timed out while trying to connect or get data from
  • report

    Returns an HTML table containing the current weather. Must call get_weather first.

    Sample Code

            print $weather->report();
  • report_raw

    Returns pipe delimited string containing the current weather. Must call get_weather first.

     Fields are: city|state|pic|cond|temp|wind|dewp|humi|visb|baro|uv

    Sample Code

            my $current = $weather->report_raw();
  • report_forecast

    Returns an HTML table containing the ten day forecast. Must call get_weather first.


            table_width - Optional (integer) table width for the report. Default is '80'.

    Sample Code

            my $forecast = $weather->report_forecast();
  • set_report_colors

    Set the HTML color values for the weather report. Must call before report or report_forecast to be effective. (DUH!)


            report_hdr_color - Report header color. Default is '#000000'.
            report_cond_color - Report conditions color. Default is '#000080'.
            report_result_color - Report reults color. Default is '#0000a0'.

    Sample Code

            my $status = $weather->set_report_colors('#ff0000', '#00ff00', '#0000ff');


            0 if passed a bad value.
            1 if successful.
  • data_check

    Returns a boolean value indicating if valid weather data appears to have been retrieved. Must call get_weather first.

    Sample Code

            my $valid = $weather->data_check();
            unless ($valid) {
                    die "The weather data retrieved appears to be bad or missing.\n";
  • get_city

    Returns string containing the current weather city. This is useful when looking up weather by zip code. Must call get_weather first.

    Sample Code

            my $city = $weather->get_city();
  • get_state

    Returns string containing the current weather state. This is useful when looking up weather by zip code. Must call get_weather first.

    Sample Code

            my $state = $weather->get_state();
  • lookup

    Gets current weather given a full URL

    Sample Code

            my $current = $weather->lookup('');


            On sucess, lookup returns a hashref with the same keys as the get_weather function.
            On error, lookup returns the same errors defined for get_weather.
  • lookup_forecast

    Gets the ten day forecast page given a full URL. Not intended to be called directly, but used by report_forecast.

    Sample Code

            my $raw_forecast = $weather->lookup_forecast('');


            On sucess, lookup_forecast returns an array containing the ten day forecast page data.
            On error, lookup_forecast returns the same errors defined for get_weather.

There are several object hash keys that can be set to manipulate how Geo::Weather works. The hash keys should be set directly following "new".

Below is a list of each key and what it does:

  • debug

    Enable debug output of the connection attempts to Valid values are 0 to 4, increasing debugging respectivley.

  • timeout

    Controls the timeout, in seconds, when trying to connect to or get data from Default timeout is 10 seconds. Set to 0 to disable timeouts.

  • proxy

    Use HTTP proxy for the request. Format is http://proxy.server:port/. Default is no proxy.

  • proxy_user

    Sets the username to use for proxying. Defaults to the HTTP_PROXY_USER environment variable, if set, or don't use authentication if blank.

  • proxy_pass

    Sets the password to use for proxying. Defaults to the HTTP_PROXY_PASS environment variable, if set.

  • *agent_string

    HTTP User-Agent header for request. Default is Geo::Weather/$VERSION.

 Geo::Weather was wrtten by Mike Machado I<E<lt>mike@innercite.comE<gt>>

Hey! The above document had some coding errors, which are explained below:
Around line 888:
'=item' outside of any '=over'
Around line 909:
Expected '=item *'
Around line 913:
You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'
2003-08-27 perl v5.32.1

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