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WebService::Redmine(3) User Contributed Perl Documentation WebService::Redmine(3)

WebService::Redmine - Wrapper for RedMine REST API (

        use WebService::Redmine;
        my $redminer = WebService::Redmine->new(
                host => '',
                key  => 'xxx',
        # password-based auth is also supported:
        #my $redminer = WebService::Redmine->new(
        #       host => '',
        #       user => 'redminer',
        #       pass => 'p@s$w0rD',

        my $project = $redminer->createProject({ project => {
                identifier  => 'my-project',
                name        => 'My Project',
                description => 'My project, created with *WebService::Redmine*',
        if (!$project) {
                say STDERR 'Error(s) creating project: ', join("\n", map { $_ } @{ $redminer->errorDetails->{errors} });
                exit 1;
        my $project_id = $project->{project}{id};

        $redminer->updateProject($project_id, { project => {
                parent_id       => 42, # Make a project with numeric ID 42  parent for $project_id
                inherit_members => 1,  # Inherit all members and their permissions from the parent
        my $issue = $redminer->createIssue({ issue => {
                project_id  => $project_id,
                subject     => 'Test issue for WebService::Redmine',
                description => 'Issue description',


This module is a client for RedMine REST API. Please note that although RedMine API is designed to support both JSON and XML, this module is JSON only.

All methods are dynamically converted to actual HTTP requests using following conventions.

        $redminer->projects;     # ->users,     ->issues,     ->timeEntries     ...
        $redminer->getProjects;  # ->getUsers,  ->getIssues,  ->getTimeEntries  ...
        $redminer->readProjects; # ->readUsers, ->readIssues, ->readTimeEntries ...
        # Second page when displaying 10 items per page:
        $redminer->projects({ offset => 9, limit => 10 });

        # Filtering issues:
        $redminer->issues({ project_id => 42, assigned_to_id => 'me' });

        $redminer->project(1);     # ->user(1),      ->issue(1),     ->timeEntry(1)     ...
        $redminer->getProject(1);  # ->getUser(1),   ->getIssue(1),  ->getTimeEntry(1)  ...
        $redminer->readProject(1); # ->readUsers(1), ->readIssue(1), ->readTimeEntry(1) ...
        # Showing an object with additional metadata:
        $redminer->issue(1, { include => 'relations,changesets' });

                # ...
        }); # ->createUser, ->createIssue, ->createTimeEntry ...

        $redminer->updateProject(1, {
                # ...
        }); # ->updateUser(...), ->updateIssue(...), ->updateTimeEntry(...) ...

        $redminer->deleteProject(1); # ->deleteUser(1), ->deleteIssue(1), ->deleteTimeEntry(1) ...

        # Example for project membership(s)
        my $project_id    = 42;
        my $membership_id = 42;

        # Listing *project* memberships and creating a membership within a *project*
        # require identifying a project and thus have to be spelled like this:
        $redminer->projectMemberships($project_id, { limit => 50 });
        $redminer->createProjectMembership($project_id, { ... });

        # Viewing/Updating/Deleting a membership is performed directly by its ID, thus:
        my $membership = $redminer->membership($membership_id);
        $redminer->updateMembership($membership_id, { ... });

Such complex names as "TimeEntry" which should be dispatched to "time_entries" are recognized and thus can be spelled in CamelCase (see examples above). If this is not the case, please report bugs.

All successfull calls return hash references. For "update*" and "delete*" calls hash references are empty.

If a call fails, "undef" is returned. In this case detailed error information can be retrieved using "errorDetails" method:

        if (!$redminer->deleteIssue(42)) {
                my $details = $redminer->errorDetails;
                # Process $details here...

        my $redminer = WebService::Redmine->new(%options);

Following options are recognized:

  • host: RedMine host. Beside host name, may include port, path and/or URL scheme ("http" is used by default).
  • key: API key. For details, please refer to
  • user, pass: User name and password for password-based authentication
  • work_as: User login for impersonation. For details, please refer to
  • no_wrapper_object: Automatically add/remove wrapper object for data. See below.


By default RedMine API requires you to wrap you object data:

        my $project = $redminer->createProject({
                project => {
                        identifier => 'some-id',
                        name       => 'Some Name',
        # $project contains something like
        # { project => { id => 42, identifier => 'some-id', name => 'Some Name' ... } }

By default this module follows this convention. However, if you turn on the "no_wrapper_object" flag

        my $redminer = WebService::Redmine->new(
                host => '',
                key => 'xxx',
                no_wrapper_object => 1,

you can skip "wrapping" object data, which results in simpler data structures:

        my $project = $redminer->createProject({
                identifier => 'some-id',
                name       => 'Some Name',
        # $project contains something like
        # { id => 42, identifier => 'some-id', name => 'Some Name' ... }

Please note that wrapping can be skipped only while operating on single objects, i.e. this flag is honored for "create*" and "update*" requests as well as for "get"ting individual objects. This flag is ignored for "delete*" calls and calls like "issues".

Error during the last call. This is an empty string for successfull calls, otherwise it contains an HTTP status line.

If the call failed before sending an actual request (e.g. method name could not be dispatched into an HTTP request), contains description of the client error.

Contains detailed error messages from the last call. This is an empty hash reference for successfull calls, otherwise please see

If the call failed before sending an actual request (e.g. method name could not be dispatched into an HTTP request), return value is

                client_error => 1

Redmine::API ( Major differences between this module and Redmine::API are:
  • Dependencies. Redmine::API depends on Moo and REST::Client which in turn depends on LWP::UserAgent, URI and possibly others. WebService::Redmine uses pure Perl OOP and depends directly on LWP::UserAgent and URI.
  • Call conventions. Although both modules use dynamic dispatching for building actual HTTP requests, they do it in a different manner. In particular, WebService::Redmine tries to dispatch a single method name without using chains of interrim objects as Redmine::API does.

Fork this project on GitHub:

Anton Soldatov, <>

Copyright (C) 2014 by Anton Soldatov

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.10.0 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.

2014-04-14 perl v5.32.1

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