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Dpkg::Changelog::Entry::Debian(3perl) libdpkg-perl Dpkg::Changelog::Entry::Debian(3perl)

Dpkg::Changelog::Entry::Debian - represents a Debian changelog entry

This object represents a Debian changelog entry. It implements the generic interface Dpkg::Changelog::Entry. Only functions specific to this implementation are described below.

@items = $entry->get_change_items()
Return a list of change items. Each item contains at least one line. A change line starting with an asterisk denotes the start of a new item. Any change line like ""[ Raphaël Hertzog ]"" is treated like an item of its own even if it starts a set of items attributed to this person (the following line necessarily starts a new item).
@errors = $entry->parse_header()
@errors = $entry->parse_trailer()
Return a list of errors. Each item in the list is an error message describing the problem. If the empty list is returned, no errors have been found.
Obsolete method. Use parse_header() instead.
Obsolete method. Use parse_trailer() instead.
Normalize the content. Strip whitespaces at end of lines, use a single empty line to separate each part.
$src = $entry->get_source()
Return the name of the source package associated to the changelog entry.
$ver = $entry->get_version()
Return the version associated to the changelog entry.
@dists = $entry->get_distributions()
Return a list of target distributions for this version.
$fields = $entry->get_optional_fields()
Return a set of optional fields exposed by the changelog entry. It always returns a Dpkg::Control object (possibly empty though).
$urgency = $entry->get_urgency()
Return the urgency of the associated upload.
$maint = $entry->get_maintainer()
Return the string identifying the person who signed this changelog entry.
$time = $entry->get_timestamp()
Return the timestamp of the changelog entry.
$time = $entry->get_timepiece()
Return the timestamp of the changelog entry as a Time::Piece object.

This function might return undef if there was no timestamp.

$bool = match_header($line)
Checks if the line matches a valid changelog header line.
$bool = match_trailer($line)
Checks if the line matches a valid changelog trailing line.
@closed_bugs = find_closes($changes)
Takes one string as argument and finds "Closes: #123456, #654321" statements as supported by the Debian Archive software in it. Returns all closed bug numbers in an array.

New methods: $entry->get_timepiece().

New methods: $entry->parse_header(), $entry->parse_trailer().

Deprecated methods: $entry->check_header(), $entry->check_trailer().

New functions: match_header(), match_trailer()

Deprecated variables: $regex_header, $regex_trailer

Mark the module as public.
2019-06-03 1.19.7

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