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| Introduction
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Most operating systems (UNIX, NT, Windows 95) are shipped with a
built-in FTP
Client that is accessed from a "console window".
Many people don't use a console FTP client partly because they don't
know one exists and partly because console FTP clients have a steeper
learning curve. One you use, learn, and master a console FTP client
you will very likely never use a graphical FTP client again. (It
sounds crazy, but it's true for many people).
Getting Started
Open a Console Window
To use a console FTP client you will first need access to a "command
prompt". This can be gained by opening a console window.
Windows 95/98/NT
Look in the "Start->Program" menu for "MS-DOS
prompt" or "Command Prompt". You can also open a console
window by selecting "Start->Run" and entering the
executable path "c:/windows/command/command.com" or "c:/winnt/system32/cmd.exe",
depending on your version of Windows.
Most UNIX environments use console windows and command prompts quite
extensively and UNIX users are already comfortable using them (or should
be). When you Telnet or SSH to your Virtual Private Servers you are effectively
open a command prompt remotely on your Virtual Private Servers. So you can, in
effect, use FTP from a command prompt on your Virtual Private Servers to download
a file from another remote host directly to your Virtual Private Servers.
For example, you may want to download
software from XYZ, Inc. (ftp.xyz.com) and install the software on your
Virtual Private Servers. Instead of downloading the software from XYZ, Inc. to
your office computer and then uploading it from your office computer to
your Virtual Private Servers (which can be quite slow on a 28.8), you can telnet
to your Virtual Private Servers and FTP the software from XYZ, Inc. directly to
your Virtual Private Servers (using high speed DS3's).
Connect to a Remote FTP Site
To open an FTP session with a remote FTP site at a command prompt simply
type "ftp [remote host]", where [remote host] is the site
you are attempting to contact (i.e. ftp.xyz.com). This is where is gets fun
because you know can see what's going on "behind the scenes" when
you were using a graphical FTP client. When you open an FTP session with a
remote host, you will more than likely be prompted for a username and
password pair (sounds logical enough).
After you have successfully logged into the remote ftp site, you can
navigate around using the "cd" command to change your current
working directory on the remote site. Type "ls" or "dir"
to list the files in your current working directory on the remote site.
Upload Files
To upload from your local machine (or the machine from which you initiated
the FTP session) to the remote host, you use the command "put".
For example, to upload a file in your local working directory named "index.html"
to your current working directory on the remote site, you would type "put
index.html test.html". This will transfer the file "index.html"
to the remote host and store it under the name "test.html". If you
would like to store the local file as the same name on the remote host
simply type something like "put index.html index.html" or simply
"put index.html". To upload multiple files, use the command "mput"
using wildcards such as "mput *.html". You may want to turn
off the confirm prompt by typing the command "prompt"
before you upload multiple files.
Download Files
To download content from a remote host (or the machine to which you opened
the FTP session) to your local machine, you use the command "get".
For example, to download a file to your local working directory named "test.html"
from your current working directory on the remote site, you would type
"get test.html index.html". This will transfer the file
"test.html" from the remote host and store it under the name
"index.html" on your local computer. To download multiple files,
use the command "mget" using wildcards such as "mget
*.html". You may want to turn off the confirm prompt by typing the
command "prompt" before you download multiple files.
NOTE: Be sure you transfer all
text files, such as HTML and CGI script source code, in ASCII
format! All image files (.gif, .jpg, etc.) must be
transferred in BINARY format.
Other important FTP commands are summarized in the table below. Arguments for
commands are indicated using brackets [ ]:
ascii |
Set the file transfer
type to network ASCII. |
binary |
Set the file transfer
type to support binary image transfer. |
quit |
Terminate the FTP
session with the remote server and exit ftp. An end of file will also
terminate the session and exit. |
cd |
Change the working directory on the remote machine to remote-directory. |
delete |
Delete the file remote-file on the remote machine. |
ls |
Print a listing of the directory contents in the directory, remote-directory.
If no remote directory is specified, a listing of the current working
directory on the remote machine is shown. |
get |
Retrieve the remote-file and store it on the local machine. If
the local file name is not specified, it is given the same name it has
on the remote machine. |
help |
Print an informative message about the meaning of command. If no
argument is given, ftp prints a list of the known commands. |
lcd |
Change the working directory on the local machine. If no directory is
specified, the user's current local working directory is displayed. |
mdelete |
Delete the remote-files on the remote machine. |
mget |
Expand the remote-files on the remote machine and do a get
for each file name thus produced. |
mkdir |
Make a directory on the remote machine. |
mput |
Expand wild cards in the list of local files given as argu- ments and do
a put for each file in the resulting list. |
prompt |
Toggle interactive
prompting. Interactive prompting occurs during multiple file transfers
to allow the user to selec- tively retrieve or store files. If prompting
is turned off (default is on), any mget or mput will
transfer all files, and any mdelete will delete all files. |
put |
Store a local file on the remote machine. If remote-file is left
unspecified, the local file name is used. |
rename |
[from] [to]
Rename the file from on the remote machine, to the file to. |
rmdir |
Delete a directory on the remote machine. |
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