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NAMEacmeman - manages ACME certificatesSYNOPSISacmeman [-Fadns] [-D N] [-f FILE] [--alt-names] [--config-file=FILE] [--debug] [--dry-run] [--force] [--stage] [--time-delta=N] [DOMAIN...]acmeman --setup | -S [-Fdn] [--config-file=FILE] [--debug] [--dry-run] [--force] acmeman [-h] [--help] [--usage] DESCRIPTIONAcmeman is a tool for automatic management of ACME (LetsEncrypt) SSL certificates.Most existing ACME tools take a list of domain names for which to issue certificates from their command line or configuration file. Acmeman takes a completely different approach. It gathers domain names directly from the configuration of the http server that manages them. Thus, a domain name obtains its certificate automatically, once the administrator configures the http server to serve it via https. This version of acmeman is able to handle configuration files of Apache http server, and servers that are able to read the list of domain names from disk files, such as HAProxy. For trivial configurations, acmeman can be used without any additional configuration. For example, support for Apache is enabled by default, so all the administrator has to do is to run acmeman --setup which will set up additional macro definitions for the apache configuration file, then enable the mod_macro module and to use the provided definitions in httpd configuration. This is discussed in detail in the section APACHE below. In more complex configurations, acmeman should be instructed what to do using its configuration file. This file, normally named /usr/local/etc/acmeman.conf, supplies the definitions of domain sources, i.e. configuration files from which to obtain domain names to form the certificate CNs and other parameters. At a pinch, the list of domain names can be declared in it as well. Several domain sources can be used simultaneously. E.g. you can have acmeman look for domain names in Apache and HAProxy configurations and obtain an additional list of domains from its own configuration, all in the same time. In any case, acmeman should be run as a periodic cron job, in order to ensure that expiring certificates are updated in time. The usual crontab entry (for Vixie cron) is 0 4 * * * root /usr/bin/acmeman Exact interval configuration is entirely up to you. For Dillon cron, omit the user name field. When started this way, acmeman will scan the existing certificates and select those of them which will expire within a predefined amount of time (24h by default, configurable by the core.time-delta statement). Then it will scan the configured domain sources to see if any certificates are added an alternative CN and if any new certificates should be issued. Having created a list of the certificates, it will interact with the ACME server, issuing the new ones and updating the ones that need prolongation or modification. QUICK STARTThe following is a short introduction to the acmeman configuration. For a detailed discussion, see the CONFIGURATION section below. For detailed discussion of particular domain sources, refer to the section SOURCES.The configuration file, /usr/local/etc/acmeman.conf, consists of statements, which have the form KW=VAL, grouped into sections, declared as [NAME] (square brackets are part of the syntax). Empty lines and comments (introduced by a hash sign) are ignored. There are three main use cases APACHEIn most cases no special configuration file is needed. The following recipe describes each configuration step. Refer to the section SOURCE, subsection apache for a detailed discussion.
HAPROXYUse the file source. This domain source reads the list of domain names from a disk file. The first name in the list becomes the certificate CN, rest of names (if any) are used as alternative CNs. For a detailed discussion of the file source, refer to the section SOURCE, subsection file.
Direct configurationUse direct configuration if none of the provided source types can be used. In this case, you define each domain which needs a certificate in the /usr/local/etc/acmeman.conf file. First, instruct acmeman that no external source of domain names will be used:[core] source = null Then, for each domain name use the domain section, as shown in the example below: [domain example.com] alt = www.example.com files = default This section instructs acmeman that a certificate is needed for domain example.com, using www.example.com as its alternative name, The files statement identifies the name of a files section containing rules for creating certificate files for that domain. This section must be defined elsewhere in the configuration file. For example: [files default] type = split certificate-file = /etc/ssl/acme/$domain/cert.pem key-file = /etc/ssl/acme/$domain/privkey.pem ca-file = /etc/ssl/acme/$domain/ca.pem argument = $domain This definition tells acmeman that it should store certificate, certificate key, and certificate authority chain in three separate files. Names of these files will be created by replacing the $domain string in the corresponding definition with the domain name from the domain section. Several [domain] section can share the same [files] definition, or they can have their one, depending on your needs. CONFIGURATIONConfiguration file controls the operation of acmeman. By default, its name is /usr/local/etc/acmeman.conf. If it is absent, acmeman falls back to the legacy operation mode, scanning Apache configuration files for domains that use LetsEncrypt SSL certificates. See the APACHE section below for a detailed description.The configuration file has a traditional line-oriented syntax. Comments are introduced with a hash sign. Empty lines are ignored. Leading and trailing whitespace is removed prior to parsing. Long statements can be split over several physical lines by ending each line excepting the last one with a backslash immediately followed by a newline character. Configuration consists of settings grouped into sections. Syntactically, a setting is KEYWORD = VALUE where KEYWORD stands for a symbolic name consisting of alphanumeric characters, dashes and underscores, and VALUE stands for any sequence of characters. A section is identified by its name and optional arguments. It begins with the following construct: [NAME] or, if arguments are present: [NAME ARG1 ARG2 ...] The square brackets are part of the syntax. A section can contain one or more settings. The statements in the configuration file form a directed graph. Often in this document we will identify the statement by its path, i.e. a list of section name, its arguments, and the keyword, separated by dots. For example, the path files.apache.type corresponds to the following configuration file fragment: [files apache] type = single The following describes the available sections and keywords [core]This section defines the behavior of the program as a whole.
[account]Configures where to store ACME account credentials: account key ID and account private key. Both values are stored in separate files on disk. If the files do not exist acmeman will initiate creation of a new account and will save its credentials for further use.
[domain CN]Declares the domain for which a certificate should be maintained. CN is the canonical name for the domain. Alternative names can be specified using the alt setting within the section.
[files ID]The files section instructs acmeman how to create certificate files. It is applied to particular domains by placing the files=ID statement in the corresponding domain sections.The FILENAME arguments to the keywords below can contain references to a meta-variable, which will be replaced by the actual domain name when handling this section for a particular domain. By default, this meta-variable is $domain.
SOURCESnull[core] source = null Declares empty source. This means that acmeman will handle only domain names explicitly declared in the configuration file using the domain setting. apache[core] source = apache [--server-root=DIR] [LAYOUT] This is the default source. It assumes Apache httpd, version 2.4 or later (although only minor changes are necessary to make it work with version 2.2). The optional LAYOUT argument defines the layout of the apache configuration files. Allowed layout values are: debian, slackware, suse and rh (for Red Hat). If not supplied, the layout is determined automatically. Use the --server-root option to supply the name of the server root directory, if for some reason the module is unable to determine it automatically. A special directory should be configured for receiving ACME challenges. The package provides two Apache macros: for serving ACME challenges and declaring SSL virtual hosts. Upon startup the program scans Apache configuration for virtual hosts that use ACME certificates, checks their expiration times, and renews those of the certificates that are nearing their expiration times within a predefined number of seconds (24 hours by default). If any of the certificates were updated during the run, acmeman will restart the httpd server. Setup To set up the necessary infrastructure, run acmeman --setup. It will create the configuration file httpd-letsencrypt.conf, defining two macros for SSL-enabled sites (mod_macro is needed). Finally, it will create the directory /var/www/acme, which will be used for receiving and serving ACME challenges. If another directory is preferred, it can be specified as an argument to acmeman --setup. The tool will try to determine the layout of the Apache configuration files and place the created file accordingly, so that it will be included into the main configuration file. It will print the name of the created file at the end of the run. You are advised to ensure that the file is included and that the module mod_macro is loaded prior to it. You may also wish to revise httpd-letsencrypt.conf and edit the paths to SSL files configured there. By default, the directory /etc/acme/DOMAIN will be created for each domain name needing SSL, and two files will be placed there: cert.pem, containing the leaf and intermediate certificates for that domain, and privkey.pem, containing the private key for that domain. The program will refuse to overwrite existing files httpd-letsencrypt.conf, unless given the --force (-F) option. Configuring SSL To declare that a virtual host needs SSL certificate, add the following line to the Apache VirtualHost block serving plain HTTP for that host: Use LetsEncryptChallenge This will instruct acmeman to request a certificate for that virtual host. The hostname declared with the ServerName statement will be used as the CN for the certificate, and any names declared via ServerAlias statements will form the list of alternative names (obviously, wildcards are not allowed). If such a certificate doesn't exist, it will be requested and created when acmeman is run. To use the created certificate, create a new VirtualHost block that contains the following statement: Use LetsEncryptServer DOMAIN where DOMAIN is the name used in the ServerName statement of the plain HTTP configuration. Copy the ServerAlias statements (if any), and add the rest of configuration statements. Note, that you need not use the ServerName statement, as it will be included when the LetsEncryptServer macro is expanded. Example: <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName example.org ServerAlias www.example.com Use LetsEncryptChallenge ... </VirtualHost> <VirtualHost *:443> Use LetsEncryptServer example.org ServerAlias www.example.com ... </VirtualHost> Alternatively, you can use the LetsEncryptSSL macro, which differs from LetsEncryptServer in that it configures only SSL settings, without the ServerName statement, which therefore must be included explicitly: <VirtualHost *:443> ServerName example.org ServerAlias www.example.com Use LetsEncryptSSL example.org ... </VirtualHost> LetsEncrypt limits the number of certificates requested for a single registered domain per week (at the time of this writing - 20). To avoid hitting that limit, you may wish to use the same certificate for different virtual hosts. The special macro LetsEncryptReference is provided for that purpose. Suppose, for example, that you wish to configure server name git.example.org to use the same certificate as example.org (configured in the example above). You then declare the virtual host for the plain HTTP as follows: <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName git.example.org Use LetsEncryptReference example.org ... </VirtualHost> The argument to the LetsEncryptReference macro indicates the CN name of the certificate to which the current server name (and aliases, if any) are to be added as alternative names. The corresponding virtual host for SSL will use the LetsEncryptSSL macro to configure the correct certificate: <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName git.example.org Use LetsEncryptSSL example.org ... </VirtualHost> file[core] source = file PATTERN [--ignore=RX] [--host=HOST] Domain names will be read from files matching PATTERN. The argument can be a single file or directory name, or a valid globbing pattern. If PATTERN is a directory name, the module will read all files from that directory, except those matching the following perl regexp: "^\.|~$|\.bak$|^#.*#$". The default regexp can be overridden using the --ignore (-i) option. The input files must contain exactly one domain name per line. No empty lines or comments are allowed. The first domain name will become the CN of the issued certificate. The rest of domain names will form alternative names. If the --host (-h) option is used, only one certificate will be issued. The HOST will be used as its CN. All the domain names read from the input files will form the list of its alternative names. OPTIONS
The following options are informational:
AUTHORSergey Poznyakoff <gray@gnu.org>LICENSEGPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later, see <http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.