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activitymail - CVS activity notification
# In commitinfo:
# In loginfo:
DEFAULT $CVSROOT/CVSROOT/activitymail -dacf '%{sVv}' -t admins@example.com
This program may be used for sending email messages for CVS repository activity.
There are a number of different modes supported. It can send messages for
every change to the repository (like
"syncmail"), or it can be used to send a
single message for each commit. In the latter case, a list of all the files
affected by the commit will be assembled and listed in the single message.
This is similar to how "commit_prep" and
"log_accum" work, but is more efficient.
An additional option allows for diffs to be calculated for the
recent changes, and either appended to the message (like
"syncmail" does) or added as an attachment
(neater). See the "-d" and
"-a" options below.
This script requires Getopt::Std and File::Basename. It also requires a CVS
server and the diff package. See "Known Issues" for more
This script works best with File::Spec installed. See "Known Issues"
for more information.
To use this program, you need to check out your CVSROOT repository from
CVS and edit some files. Here are the steps to follow:
- 1.
- Copy activitymail into your CVSROOT checkout.
- 2.
- Add activitymail to the CVSROOT repository.
- 3.
- Add activitymail to the checkoutlist file.
- 4.
- If you plan to use commit mode (see "Commit Mode" below), add a
call (or calls) to "activitymail" with
the "-l" options to the
commitinfo file. Read the CVS docs to determine the format for this
file, and to decide which repositories for which you want it run. Here's
an example:
- 5.
- Add a call (or calls) to activitymail to the loginfo file. Note
that the "-f" and
"-t" options are required here, and the
"-P" option is a good idea for CVS 1.12
and later. Use the "-c" option if you're
running commit mode (i.e., you've added a call with
"-l" to the commitinfo file --
see "Commit Mode" below). Here's an example:
DEFAULT $CVSROOT/CVSROOT/activitymail -cP %p -f '%{sVv}' -t admins@example.com
- 6.
- Commit your changes to CVSROOT.
- -l
- Directory logging mode. Use this mode in the commitinfo file to log
the current directory. Best if used with
"-c" in the loginfo file --
otherwise it's just a waste.
- -c
- Commit mode. This mode will aggregate all the actions on a single commit
and send a single message. Must have specified
"-l" in the commitinfo file.
- -f '%{sVv}'
- The file spec argument from CVS. It must be called as
"-f '%{sVv}'". Single quotes are
recommended, as some shells otherwise seem to have a hard time. Required
unless "-l". CVS 1.12 and later users
should also use "-P %p", as
"-f %1{SVv}" will generate deprecation
- -P
- The directory argument from CVS. This option is only useful for CVS 1.12
or later, where the command line format should be
"-P %p -f '%{sVv}'".
- -t <email>
- The email address or addresses to send notifications to. Required unless
- -e <cvs>
- Location of the CVS executable, e.g., /usr/bin/cvs. Defaults to
cvs, thus assuming that the cvs executable is in the path.
- -d
- Include the diffs for all the files processed. These will be appended to
the notification message unless the -a option has been specified.
- -j <diff>
- Location of the diff executable, e.g., /usr/bin/diff. Defaults to
diff, thus assuming that the cvs executable is in the path. Used
only for comparing added and deleted files to /dev/null.
- -N <file>
- Location of the null file. Defaults to /dev/null. This file will be
used to diff against deleted and added files. In most cases this option
can be left to the default, but Win32 systems, for example, will need to
change it to NUL or some such.
- -o <diff options>
- Options to pass to the "cvs diff"
command. Useful for changing the behavior of the diff command. Be sure to
include these options inside quotation marks so that they will be
distinguished from the options parsed by activitymail itself. See diff for
a list of available options. Defaults to "-u
--minimal" if not specified.
- -a
- Attach diffs to the notification message. The diffs for all the files
processed will be calculated, and then they will be added to the message
as an attachment.
- -r <email>
- An optional reply-to address. This address will be added to a Reply-To
header in the notification email.
- -n
- Ignore "New directory" commits. By default, activitymail sends
mail when a directory has been added. Use this option to ignore those
- -i
- Ignore imports. By default, activitymail sends mail when a files have been
imported. Use this option to ignore those actions.
- -m <message>
- An optional message to put at the beginning of the email subject.
- -p
- Option to add the name of the CVS module to the message subject.
- -S
- Optional attempt give the file name or lowest common directory name. Used
only in commit mode.
- -s <sendmail>
- Location of sendmail. If not specified, activitymail will search for
sendmail in the following locations:
"/usr/ucblib/sendmail". If activitymail
cannot find sendmail, it'll throw an exception.
- -u <user email>
- Email address to use in the From header of the commit email message.
Typical usage is to use the CVS $USER variable to
specify an address, e.g., "-u
${USER}@example.com". The default behavior is
to provide no From header and to let Sendmail do it.
- -g
- Groups the collection of CVS transactions in a single commit by the
$USER environment variable. This is most useful
when connecting to CVS via ":pserver:",
since the usual method of collecting transactions -- by relying on the
value returned by "pgrp", won't work.
Use in both the commitinfo and loginfo files, or else it won't work
at all!
- -M <size>
- Max length for email messages, in kilobytes. If an email greater than this
size would be sent then an error message is printed to the user's
terminal, instead. This option is useful if your repository contains large
binary files not prevented from be diffed by
"-B", or when adding many files at once.
In those cases, failing to use this option may result in broken mail
- -V
- Include the old and new revision numbers after each file listed in the
- -H
- Generate HTML emails. The Content-Type header will be set to
"text/html" and some basic HTML formatting tags used for the
display of the commit message.
- -C <charset>
- Character set to be used in the Content-Type header. Defaults to
"UTF-8". If much of the content in your repository is encoded in
a character set incompatible with UTF-8, then set this option for a more
appropriate character set.
- -w <url>
- Include links to specified ViewVC or CVSWeb URL for the diffs for each
file. Most useful with the "-H"
- -B <list>
- Binary file extension list.
"activitymail" does its best to prevent
binary files from being diffed by using the Perl
"-B" operator to check for binary files.
However, this approach doesn't catch all binary files. If you find that
"activitymail" is diffing binary files,
use this option to specify a quoted, space-delimited list of file name
extensions on the binary files that you want
"activitymail" to skip.
- -I <regexen>
- A quoted, space-delimited list of regular expressions identifying the
files to include in the processing of the commit message. Use
"\s" in place of literal spaces. The
file name checked by the regular expression will be relative to the CVS
module root. Cannot be used in combination with
- -E <regexen>
- A quoted, space-delimited list of regular expressions identifying the
files to exclude from the processing of the commit message. Use
"\s" in place of literal spaces. The
file name checked by the regular expression will be relative to the CVS
module root. Cannot be used in combination with
- -U
- Older versions of CVS had a bug that prevented them from properly
diffing when they were passed arguments to be passed to
"diff" with spaces in them. Since we use
the "-L" option to diff to pass
in the complete file name to be put into the diff headers, this can lead
to problems. So if you're using an older version of CVS that exhibits this
problem (prior to 1.12, if I recall correctly), use this option to replace
any spaces in file names with underscores before passing them off to
- -q
- Quiet mode. Status messages will be suppressed. Debug messages will still
be output if "-D" is enabled.
- -Q
- Very quiet mode. In addition to the status messages suppressed by
"-Q" will also suppress the message
output when an email won't be sent because of a size limitation set by
"-m". Debug messages will still be
output if "-D" is enabled.
- -h
- Print usage statement. It's a simplified version of this section of the
docs, intended to remind the user of all the options. Be sure to read the
detailed descriptions here, first.
- -D
- Enables debug mode. This will trigger lots of output. All activitymail
debug messages will start with the string "@@@@@@@@ activitymail
debug:" so that they can be spotted easily.
In this mode, a notification message will be sent for every directory affected
by a single commit to the repository. This could be a lot of messages if
you've made a lot of changes, and is thus highly redundant.
To use it, all you need to cimply add a call to
"activitymail" to your loginfo file
with (at minimum) the "-f",
"-P" (for CVS 1.12 and later), and
"-t" options:
DEFAULT $CVSROOT/CVSROOT/activitymail -P %p -f '%{sVv}' -t admins@example.com
To mimic the behavior of syncmail, add the -d option to append
DEFAULT $CVSROOT/CVSROOT/activitymail -dP %p -f '%{sVv}' -t admins@example.com
This mode takes a just a little more work to put in place, but manages your
email resources much more efficiently. In this mode,
"activitymail" tracks all the files changed
throughout a single commit and sends a single email when all the changes have
been made. This is especially useful in circumstances where many files have
been changed at once. In standard mode, many messages will be sent, but in
commit mode, only one will be sent.
An additional advantge of commit mode is that
"activitymail" will construct a custom
subject for the notification messages. In standard mode, the subject is
simply the contents of the "-P" and
"-f" options. In commit mode, however,
"activitymail" will use either the first
sentence of the log message, or the maximum number of words that take up
less than 72 characters (including the
"-m" and/or
"-p" options, if specified). This offers
an easy way to see what was done during the commit based on the context of
the beginning of the actual log message. CVS users thus might want to
consider making the first sentence of their messages (up to the first
period) be a brief summary, and the rest of the message can be a more
detailed description of the changes.
To use commit mode, you must place a call to
"activitymail" with the
"-l" option in your commitinfo file
for every repository package you want to manage in commit mode. Usually,
that's everything, so you can just use the line (as long as you have no
other lines -- see cvs for more information):
Then, you'll need to add a second call to
"activitymail" to your loginfo file
for the same repository packages as in the commitinfo file's call to
"activitymail". A convenient line for this
purpose (even if you have other log filters in place) is the ALL line:
ALL $CVSROOT/CVSROOT/activitymail -cf '%{sVv}' -t admins@example.com
The DEFAULT line will work equally well. Perhaps you want to have
mail sent to different addresses for different repository packages. see cvs
for more information on the loginfo file syntax.
If you'd like to see diffs for the changes for any particular
commit, add the "-d" option. All of the
changes to the repository will be recorded in diff format and appended to
the end of the message:
ALL $CVSROOT/CVSROOT/activitymail -cdf '%{sVv}' -t admins@example.com
Better still, have the diffs added to the message as attachments
by adding the -a option.
ALL $CVSROOT/CVSROOT/activitymail -cdaf '%{sVv}' -t admins@example.com
Finally, If you commit to CVS via
":pserver:", you should use the -g option
to get "activitymail" to properly group
all of the CVS activity for a commit. By default,
"activitymail" uses the value returned by
"pgrp" to determine what's part of a
single commit action and what's another action. However, in
":pserver:" mode,
"pgrp" always returns the same value. The
solution is to use the $USER environment variable to
group the CVS activity. The assumption is that a single user will not be
doing two separate commits at the same time, so this should work fine. Note
that if you use the -g option, you must use it in both the
commitinfo file:
And the loginfo file:
ALL $CVSROOT/CVSROOT/activitymail -cdagf '%{sVv}' -t admins@example.com
- This program depends on the presence of several modules that are
distributed standard with Perl. They are Getopt::Std, File::Basename, and
File::Spec. If either Getopt::Std or File::Basename isn't present,
"activitymail" won't run. If File::Spec
isn't installed (not uncommon, since it's a fairly recent addition to Perl
-- SourceForge, for example, doesn't have it as of this writing),
"activitymail" will assume very simple
Unix semantics for creating file names, and will assume that
"/tmp" is the temp directory.
- The default "diff" on SunOS 5.9 does not
like the "-L" option that
"activitymail" uses. The workaround is
to install GNU "diff".
- •
- Change the way diffs are aggregated for messages so that we're not loading
them all up into memory, but passing them directly to sendmail instead.
This should dramatically lower the amount of memory
"activitymail" takes up during a large
Please send bug reports to <bug-activitymail@rt.cpan.org> or report them
via the CPAN Request Tracker at
David Wheeler <david@justatheory.com>
- SVN::Notify
- This is a port of "activitymail" to
subversion. Only it's a lot better. Check it out!
- CVSspam
- Ruby-powered CVS notification. Includes colored HTML representations of
diffs right in the email.
- syncmail
- Python-powered CVS notification. Sends emails with diffs for every
directory in a single commit. Popular on SourceForge.
- commit_prep & log_accum
- The original Perl 4-powered CVS notification applications.
This module is stored in an open repository at the following address:
Patches against Widget::Meta are welcome. Please send bug reports
to <bug-activitymail@rt.cpan.org>.
Copyright (c) 2002-2009, David Wheeler. Some Rights Reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl.
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