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NAMEakmos - sets of cryptography utilsSYNOPSISakmos {action} [options] DESCRIPTIONThe akmos utility is used for encryption/decryption files and streams, compute message digests and other.Here is the list of available actions: dgst calculate message digests
enc, dec symmetric ciphering
mac compute message authentication code
base64 binary to text encoding
help Print a short help
SYMMETRIC CIPHERINGakmos enc|dec [-a algo[:flag]] [-m mode] [-k keyfile] [-l keylen] [-p | -P passfile] [-y] [-V] [-h] {input} {output} Options-a algo[:flag]Crypto algorithm to use. By default is Twofish
Supported FLAGS :ede flag put cipher into Encrypt-Decrypt-Encrypt mode (like 3DES) :eee flag put cipher into Encrypt-Encrypt-Encrypt mode NOTE: TDEA not available with stream ciphers -m mode Crypto mode to use. By default is CBC for block
ciphers, and CTR for stream ciphers.
-k keyfile Specifies a file which contains the keyfile
NOTE: size of keyfile is limited by 1 MiB -p Use a passphrase as a component of the keyfile
-P passfile Read passphrase from a file
-l keylen Key length (in bits) to use with the given crypto
algorithm. By default is 128 bits
-y Overwrite output file without promt
-V Display akmos version
-h Print a short help
AlgorithmsSupported symmetric crypto algorithms: Anubis, Blowfish, Chacha, Camellia, CAST6, RC6, Rijndael, Salsa, SEED, Serpent, Twofish, Threefish-256, Threefish-512, Threefish-1024ModesSupported cipher modes:CBC - Cipher Block Chaining CFB - Cipher Feedback CTR - Counter ECB - Electronic Codebook OFB - Output Feedback Key lengthAnubis128, 192, 256, 320
Blowfish 128, 160, 192, 224,
256, 288, 320, 352, 384, 416,
Chacha 256
Camellia 128, 192, 256
CAST6 128, 192, 256
RC6 128, 192, 256
Rijndael 128, 192, 256
Salsa 128, 256
SEED 128
Serpent 128, 192, 256
Threefish-256 256
Threefish-512 512
Threefish-1024 1024
Twofish 128, 192, 256
HASHINGakmos dgst [-a algo] [-n threads] [-b] [-V] [-h] input... Options-a algoDigest algorithm to use. By default is
-n threads Number of the threads to process multiple inputs. By
default is 2
-b Output result in binary format. By default use
-V Display akmos version
-h Print a short help
AlgorithmsSupported digest algorithms: RIPEMD-160, RIPEMD-256, RIPEMD-320, SHA1, SHA2-224, SHA2-256, SHA2-384, SHA2-512, SHA3-224, SHA3-256, SHA3-384, SHA3-512, SKEIN-256, SKEIN-512, SKEIN-1024, TIGER, WHIRLPOOLMESSAGE AUTHENTICATION CODE (MAC)akmos mac [-a algo] [-m mode] [-k keyfile] [-l keylen] [-p] [-P passfile] [-b] [-V] [-h] input... Options-m modeMAC mode to use. By default is HMAC
-a algo Algorithm to use. By default is SHA2-256 for
HMAC mode
-k keyfile Specifies a file which contains the keyfile
NOTE: size of keyfile is limited by 1 MiB -p Use a passphrase as a component of the keyfile
-P passfile Read passphrase from a file
-l keylen Key length (in bits) to use with the given algorithm.
NOTE: used in CBC-MAC mode -b Output computed MAC in raw (binary) form.
-V Display akmos version
-h Print a short help
ModesSupported MAC modes:HMAC - keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code CBC-MAC - Cipher Block Chaining Message Authentication Code CMAC - Cipher-based Message Authentication Code BASE64 BINARY TO TEXT ENCODINGakmos base64 [-e | -d] [-u] [-V] [-h] {input} {output} Options-e | -dEncode or decode input data
-u Use base64url (safe for url and filename)
-V Display akmos version
-h Print a short help
EXIT STATUSThe akmos utility exits 0 on successful completion, and >0 otherwiseAUTHORAndrew Romanenko <melanhit@gmail.com>