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apl - a free APL interpreter
GNU APL is an interpreter for the programming language APL with support
for nested arrays as defined in ISO standard 13751, aka. "Programming
Language APL, Extended". This man page only describes the command line
options of GNU APL; for a complete documentation of GNU APL see the
info(1) file apl.info that is distributed with GNU APL.
Before explaining the command line options of GNU APL, it may be
worthwile to mention how to stop (i.e. exit) it. Neither ^C nor ^D will stop
GNU APL; these keys serve other purposes. Instead, you leave GNU APL with
the command )OFF (on a separate line) like this:
If APL is computing an expression (and possibly caught in an
endless loop), then you may have to press ^C (called ATTENTION in
APL) in order to return to APL's command mode and then give the )OFF
GNU APL accepts the following command line options:
- --cfg
- show ./configure options used and exit.
- --[no]Color
- start with ]COLOR ON [OFF].
- -d
- run the interpreter in the background (i.e. as daemon)
- --emacs
- run in (old) emacs mode.
- --emacs_arg arg
- run in (new) emacs mode with argument arg.
- -f file
- read input from file rather than from the keyboard. When the end of
the file is reached, input is switched back to the keyboard. If you want
to terminate the APL interpreter after executing the file, then use )OFF
as last line in the file.
- --gpl
- show GNU APL license (GPL) and exit.
- -h, --help
- print all command line options with a brief hint what they do.
- -L wsname
- )LOAD wsname on start-up.
- --LX expr
- execute expr first (like ⎕LX)
- --id proc
- use processor ID proc for this interpreter. If no ID is provided,
then the first unused ID > 1000 is taken by this interpreter and the ID
becomes used as long as the interpreter runs. Processor IDs are used by
shared variables to identify share partners.
- -l num
- turn logging facility num ON (if dynamic logging is configured). The
logging facility for startup messages can be turned on even when dynamic
logging is not configured.
- --echoCIN
- copy the input line (after editing) to stdout. For creating session
- --noCIN
- do not echo stdin to stdout. Almost a must for scripting (unless you
troubleshoot a script).
- --noCONT
- do not load a CONTINUE workspace on start-up.
- -p N
- use profile N in preference files
- --[no]SV
- do [not] start APserver (a shared variable server) on start-up. This
disables communication with other workspaces or auxiliary processors
through shared variables.
- --par pproc
- use processor parent ID pproc (default: no parent ID).
- -s, --script
- this option is an abbreviation for --silent --noCIN --noCONT -f -
(a typical combination of options for APL scripts).
- --show_bin_dir
- display the binary directory (where, according to ./configure,
- --show_doc_dir
- display the directory where, according to ./configure, documentation files
for GNU APL are intalled)
- --show_etc_dir
- display the system configuration directory where, according to
./configure, the preferences file for GNU APL is intalled
- --show_lib_dir
- display the system configuration directory where, according to
./configure, shared library files and the workspaces shipped with GNU APL
are intalled.
- --show_src_dir
- display the source directory where, according to ./configure, GNU APL was
compiled. This can be used, for example, by native functions that are
built outside the GNU APL source tree to find GNU APL header files needed
to compile.
- --show_all_dirs
- display all the directories above.
- -q, --silent
- suppress printing of the GNU APL welcome message. Useful for APL
- -T testcases ...
- run testcases. Testcases are text files that contain both input to the APL
interpreter and the expected response from the interpreter. The output
from the interpreter is compared with the expected output in the testcase
file(s) and differences are marked. In addition a summary file is created
that tells whether or not each of the testcases was successful.
- --TM mode
- test mode. This option how the interpreter shall behave when running a
number of testcases (as specified with the `-T' option)
- --TM 0 (default)
- run all testcases and exit after the last testcase.
- --TM 1
- like --TM 0 if no error was detected. However, if one of the
testcases has failed, then the interpreter does not exit so that the user
can investigate the state of APL (SI, variable values, etc.).
- --TM 2
- like --TM 1, but stay in the interpreter even if all testcases have
passed. This can be useful in order to quickly bring the interpreter into
a specific state and continue manual troubleshooting from that state.
- --TM 3
- like --TM 1, but stop testcase execution after the first failed
testcase (i.e. do not exit).
- --TM 4
- like `--TM 3', but exit after the first failed testcase. The is
useful for automatic regression tests, where no errors are expected.
- --TR
- execute test case files in random order.
- --TS
- Normally, when the interpreter is run with the `-T' option, then an
existing summary.log file is overridden without notice. This option causes
new test results to be appended to a possibly existing summary.log instead
of overriding it.
- -v, --version
- show version information and exit.
- -w milli
- wait milli milliseconds at start-up. Useful to give other programs
that are started together with this interpreter time to initialize
- --
- end of options for the interpreter. There can be more options following;
these options are ignored by the APL interpreter, but are visible in the
APL system variable ⎕ARG (which plays the role of arguments
argc/argv in main(int argc, char * argv[]) in C/C++).
Report bugs to bug-apl@gnu.org
This manual page was written by Jürgen Sauermann, the author and
maintainer of GNU APL.
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