NAMEbwhist - display a histogram of a black and white bw file on a framebufferSYNOPSISbwhist [-v] [file.bw] DESCRIPTIONbwhist displays a histogram of the pixel values in a bw(5) format file. If a file is not given, standard input is read. The output will be displayed on the frambuffer selected via the FB_FILE environment variable (see libfb(3)).The relative frequency is displayed on the x axis scaled so that the maximum is full screen. The value 0 is at the bottom of the screen, 255 is at the top. The output is overlaid on whatever is currently on the display. The -v flag will output the histogram values on the terminal. SEE ALSObrlcad(1), bwhisteq(1), bwstat(1), bw(5)BUGSThis program assumes it has at least 512 lines in y to work with.AUTHORBRL-CAD TeamCOPYRIGHTThis software is Copyright (c) 1989-2019 by the United States Government as represented by U.S. Army Research Laboratory.BUG REPORTSReports of bugs or problems should be submitted via electronic mail to devs@brlcad.org
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