::clig::Commandline - declare variable to store concatenated argv
package require clig
namespace import ::clig::*
setSpec db
Commandline varname
The command Commandline records in the database db specified in
the most recent call to setSpec the name varname of a variable
to be set the concatenated elements of the command line by a clig-parser.
With a declaration like
Commandline tool
a C-program calling
Cmdline *cmd = parseCmdline(argc, argv);
will find in cmd->tool all elements of argv joined into
one string with intervening blanks.
This even works with the command line parser for Tcl,
::clig::parseCmdline, although in contrast to C it is rather useless in
clig_Rest(n), clig_Flag(n), clig_Double(n), clig_Float(n), clig_Version(n),
clig_Usage(n), clig_Name(n), clig_Int(n), clig_parseCmdline(n), clig_Long(n),
clig_String(n), clig(1), clig_Description(n)