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COLORIZE(1) colorize Users Manual COLORIZE(1)

colorize - A robust log colorizer

colorize [options]<logfile

This manual page documents briefly the colorize utility.

colorize is a short (no, it's not short anymore :) perl script to colorize your logs. You can even use syslog-ng to redirect all logs to the script and colorize them on the fly!

These programs follow the usual GNU command line syntax, with long options starting with two dashes (`-'). A summary of options is included below.
-f, --file output
Print output to output instead of standard output.
-F, --rcfile rcfile
Specify an initialization file to read instead of /etc/colorizerc and ~/.colorizerc
-h, --html
Generate output in HTML format.
Don't use cascanding style sheets for HTML output. This can be used when the program you want to use to view the output doesn't support cascading stylesheets (like some mailers).
-b, --bgcolor color
Set the color color as the background color for HTML output. The given value should be a valid HTML color reference, like "#ff0000" or "red".
-C, --convert-date
Convert unix timestamp to readable date format (in oops and squid log example).
-r, --remove-facility
syslog-ng paste the facility level before log messages, with this switch you can cut these strings off.
Show summary of options and exit.
-V, --version
Show version of program.

This manual page was written by Gergely Nagy <>, for the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by others). Modified by Istvan Karaszi <>.
June 25, 2002 colorize

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