cssed - A tiny GTK2 CSS editor and validator.
cssed [file] | [file] ...
cssed is a small but powerful CSS editor for web developing.
It features auto completion, CSS syntax validation, and other
utilities to help web developer to create and maintain CSS style sheets.
- [file] ....
- Anything passed to the command line will be taken as a regular text file
and opened in cssed's editor window.
- cssed-def-.xml
- It's the CSS definition file that stores the CSS valid values or
properties. cssed can use the system file installed by default or
any file named cssed-def.xml in the .cssed folder on the
user´s HOME directory.
- cssed-cfg.xml
- It's the user´s configuration file. It stores the default document
settings and the highlighting color scheme. The file is stored always on
close on the .cssed folder on the user's HOME directory.
cssed is a X graphical application so it´s used with it´s
menus and toolbar entries. To know more about how to use cssed visit
To run cssed with a Spanish interface on a non Spanish Mac system, just issue
the following command in an xterm or equivalent:
- Bash and zsh users
- export LANGUAGE=es_ES; cssed
- tcsh users
- set LANGUAGE es_ES; cssed
Same applies for other languages available in cssed, i.e. English
(en_US) and French (fr_FR) at the time being.
Iago Rubio <iago.rubio@hispalinux.es>