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D82COPY(1) User Commands D82COPY(1)

d82copy - manual page for d82copy

d82copy [OPTION]... [SOURCE] [TARGET]

Copy .d82 and .d80 disk images to a CBM-8250 or compatible drive and vice versa

-h, --help
display this help and exit
-V, --version
display version information and exit
-@, --adapter=plugin:bus
tell OpenCBM which backend plugin and bus to use
-q, --quiet
quiet output
-v, --verbose
control verbosity (repeatedly, up to 3 times)
-n, --no-progress
do not display progress information
-s, --start-track=TRACK
set start track
-e, --end-track=TRACK
set end track (start <= end <= 77 / 154)
-t, --transfer=TRANSFER
set transfermode; valid modes: auto (default) original (slowest)
`auto' tries to determine the best option.
-i, --interleave=VALUE
set interleave value; ignored when reading with warp mode; default values are:
INTERLEAVE is ignored when reading with warp mode; if data transfer is very slow, increasing this value may help.
-w, --warp
enable warp mode; this is not possible if TRANSFER is set to `original' This is the default if transfer is not `original'.
disable warp mode; this is the default if TRANSFER is set to `original'.
-b, --bam-only
BAM-only copy; only allocated blocks are copied;
-B, --bam-save
save BAM-only copy; this is like the `-b' option but copies always the entire directory track.
-d, --drive-type=TYPE
specify drive type: 8050 8250 or 1001
-r, --retry-count=COUNT
set retry count
-E, --error-map=WHEN
control whether the error map is appended. possible values for WHEN are (abbreviations available):
always on_errors (default) never
-1, -one-sided
one-sided disk transfer (.d80) for CBM-8050 drive
-2, --two-sided
two-sided disk transfer (.d82): Requires CBM-8250 or SFD-1001 diskette drive.

The full documentation for d82copy is maintained as a Texinfo manual. If the info and d82copy programs are properly installed at your site, the command
info d82copy

should give you access to the complete manual.

April 2014 d82copy

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