NAMEdatamash - command-line calculationsSYNOPSISdatamash [OPTION] op [fld] [op fld ...]DESCRIPTIONPerforms numeric/string operations on input from stdin.'op' is the operation to perform. If a primary operation is used, it must be listed first, optionally followed by other operations. 'fld' is the input field to use. 'fld' can be a number (1=first field), or a field name when using the -H or --header-in options. Multiple fields can be listed with a comma (e.g. 1,6,8). A range of fields can be listed with a dash (e.g. 2-8). Use colons for operations which require a pair of fields (e.g. 'pcov 2:6'). Primary operations:
Line-Filtering operations:
Per-Line operations:
Numeric Grouping operations:
Textual/Numeric Grouping operations:
Statistical Grouping operations:
Grouping Options:
File Operation Options:
General Options:
OPTIONSAVAILABLE OPERATIONSPrimary OperationsPrimary operations affect the way the file is processed. If used, the primary operation must be listed first. Some operations require field numbers (groupby, crosstab) while others do not (reverse,check,transpose). If primary operation is not listed the entire file is processed - either line-by-line (for 'per-line' operations) or all lines as one group (for grouping operations). See Examples section below.
Line-Filtering operations
Per-Line operations
Numeric Grouping operations
Textual/Numeric Grouping operations
Statistical Grouping operationsA p/s prefix indicates the varient: population or sample. Typically, the sample variant is equivalent with GNU R's internal functions (e.g datamash's sstdev operation is equivalent to R's sd() function).
EXAMPLESBasic usagePrint the sum and the mean of values from field 1:$ seq 10 | datamash sum 1 mean 1 55 5.5 Group input based on field 1, and sum values (per group) on field 2: $ cat example.txt A 10 A 5 B 9 B 11 $ datamash -g 1 sum 2 < example.txt A 15 B 20 $ datamash groupby 1 sum 2 < example.txt A 15 B 20 Unsorted input must be sorted (with '-s'): $ cat example.txt A 10 C 4 B 9 C 1 A 5 B 11 $ datamash -s -g1 sum 2 < example.txt A 15 B 20 C 5 Which is equivalent to: $ cat example.txt | sort -k1,1 | datamash -g 1 sum 2 Header linesUse -h (--headers) if the input file has a header line:# Given a file with student name, field, test score... $ head -n5 scores_h.txt Name Major Score Shawn Engineering 47 Caleb Business 87 Christian Business 88 Derek Arts 60 # Calculate the mean and standard devian for each major $ datamash --sort --headers --group 2 mean 3 pstdev 3 < scores_h.txt (or use short form) $ datamash -sH -g2 mean 3 pstdev 3 < scores_h.txt (or use named fields) $ datamash -sH -g Major mean Score pstdev Score < scores_h.txt GroupBy(Major) mean(Score) pstdev(Score) Arts 68.9 10.1 Business 87.3 4.9 Engineering 66.5 19.1 Health-Medicine 90.6 8.8 Life-Sciences 55.3 19.7 Social-Sciences 60.2 16.6 Field names must be escaped with a backslash if they start with a digit or contain special characters (dash/minus, colons, commas). Note the interplay between escaping with backslash and shell quoting. The following equivalent command sum the values of a field named "FOO-BAR": $ datamash -H sum FOO\\-BAR < input.txt $ datamash -H sum 'FOO\-BAR' < input.txt $ datamash -H sum "FOO\\-BAR" < input.txt Skipping comment linesUse -C (--skip-comments) to skip lines starting with ´#´ or ´;´ characters (and optional whitespace before them):$ cat in.txt #foo 3 bar 5 ;baz 7 $ datamash sum 2 < in.txt 15 $ datamash -C sum 2 < in.txt 5 Multiple fieldsUse comma or dash to specify multiple fields. The following are equivalent:$ seq 9 | paste - - - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 $ seq 9 | paste - - - | datamash sum 1 sum 2 sum 3 12 15 18 $ seq 9 | paste - - - | datamash sum 1,2,3 12 15 18 $ seq 9 | paste - - - | datamash sum 1-3 12 15 18 RoundingThe following demonstrate the different rounding operations:$ ( echo X ; seq -1.25 0.25 1.25 ) \ | datamash --full -H round 1 ceil 1 floor 1 trunc 1 frac 1 X round(X) ceil(X) floor(X) trunc(X) frac(X) -1.25 -1 -1 -2 -1 -0.25 -1.00 -1 -1 -1 -1 0 -0.75 -1 0 -1 0 -0.75 -0.50 -1 0 -1 0 -0.5 -0.25 0 0 -1 0 -0.25 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0.25 0 1 0 0 0.25 0.50 1 1 0 0 0.5 0.75 1 1 0 0 0.75 1.00 1 1 1 1 0 1.25 1 2 1 1 0.25 Reversing fields$ seq 6 | paste - - | datamash reverse 2 1 4 3 6 5 Transposing a file$ seq 6 | paste - - | datamash transpose 1 3 5 2 4 6 Removing Duplicated linesRemove lines with duplicate key value from field 1 (Unlike first,last operations, rmdup is much faster and does not require sorting the file with -s):# Given a list of files and sample IDs: $ cat INPUT SampleID File 2 cc.txt 3 dd.txt 1 ab.txt 2 ee.txt 3 ff.txt # Remove lines with duplicated Sample-ID (field 1): $ datamash rmdup 1 < INPUT # or use named field: $ datamash -H rmdup SampleID < INPUT SampleID File 2 cc.txt 3 dd.txt 1 ab.txt ChecksumsCalculate the sha1 hash value of each TXT file, after calculating the sha1 value of each file's content:$ sha1sum *.txt | datamash -Wf sha1 2 Check file structureCheck the structure of the input file: ensure all lines have the same number of fields, or expected number of lines/fields:$ seq 10 | paste - - | datamash check && echo ok || echo fail 5 lines, 2 fields ok $ seq 13 | paste - - - | datamash check && echo ok || echo fail line 4 (3 fields): 10 11 12 line 5 (2 fields): 13 datamash: check failed: line 5 has 2 fields (previous line had 3) fail $ seq 10 | paste - - | datamash check 2 fields 5 lines 5 lines, 2 fields $ seq 10 | paste - - | datamash check 4 fields line 1 (2 fields): 1 2 datamash: check failed: line 1 has 2 fields (expecting 4) $ seq 10 | paste - - | datamash check 7 lines datamash: check failed: input had 5 lines (expecting 7) Cross-TabulationCross-tabulation compares the relationship between two fields. Given the following input file:$ cat input.txt a x 3 a y 7 b x 21 a x 40 Show cross-tabulation between the first field (a/b) and the second field (x/y) - counting how many times each pair appears (note: sorting is required): $ datamash -s crosstab 1,2 < input.txt x y a 2 1 b 1 N/A An optional grouping operation can be used instead of counting: $ datamash -s crosstab 1,2 sum 3 < input.txt x y a 43 7 b 21 N/A $ datamash -s crosstab 1,2 unique 3 < input.txt x y a 3,40 7 b 21 N/A Binning numeric valuesBin input values into buckets of size 5:$ ( echo X ; seq -10 2.5 10 ) \ | datamash -H --full bin:5 1 X bin(X) -10.0 -15 -7.5 -10 -5.0 -10 -2.5 -5 0.0 0 2.5 0 5.0 5 7.5 5 10.0 10 Binning string valuesHash any input value into a numeric integer. A typical usage would be to split an input file into N chunks, ensuring that all values of a certain key will be stored in the same chunk:$ cat input.txt PatientA 10 PatientB 11 PatientC 12 PatientA 14 PatientC 15 Each patient ID is hashed into a bin between 0 and 9 and printed in the last field: $ datamash --full strbin 1 < input.txt PatientA 10 5 PatientB 11 6 PatientC 12 7 PatientA 14 5 PatientC 15 7 Splitting the input into chunks can be done with awk: $ cat input.txt \ | datamash --full strbin 1 \ | awk '{print > $NF ".txt"}' Extracting numbers with getnumThe 'getnum' operation extracts a numeric value from the field:$ echo zoom-123.45xyz | datamash getnum 1 123.45 getnum accepts an optional single-letter TYPE option: Examples: $ echo zoom-123.45xyz | datamash getnum 1 123.45 $ echo zoom-123.45xyz | datamash getnum:n 1 123 $ echo zoom-123.45xyz | datamash getnum:i 1 -123 $ echo zoom-123.45xyz | datamash getnum:d 1 123.45 $ echo zoom-123.45xyz | datamash getnum:p 1 -123.45 # Hex 0x123 = 291 Decimal $ echo zoom-123.45xyz | datamash getnum:h 1 291 # Octal 0123 = 83 Decimal $ echo zoom-123.45xyz | datamash getnum:o 1 83 ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONSee GNU Datamash Website (https://www.gnu.org/software/datamash)AUTHORWritten by Assaf Gordon.COPYRIGHTCopyright © 2020 Assaf Gordon License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <https://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>.This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. SEE ALSOThe full documentation for datamash is maintained as a Texinfo manual. If the info and datamash programs are properly installed at your site, the command
should give you access to the complete manual.
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