dumpstr - Dump strings of characters on the command line
This document describes "dumpstr" version
dumpstr 'Xis! X' # hex mode by default
dumpstr -m hex 'Xis! X' # explicit hex mode
dumpstr --mode=hex 'Xis! X' # same thing, long-form
dumpstr -m names 'Xis! X' # Unicode names mode
dumpstr -m names Xis! X # or leave off the quotes
"dumpstr" is the command-line interface to
String::Dump. ItXs pronounced like dumpster. X
- -m, --mode
- Sets the mode, defaulting to "hex".
Valid modes are "hex",
"names", and
Nick Patch <patch@cpan.org>
X 2011X2012 Nick Patch
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.