eclat-lsimg, eclat-describe-images - describe available Amazon images
eclat lsimg [-a] [-u ID] [-x ID]
[--owner=ID] [--executable-by=ID]
[FILTER...] [AMI...]
eclat lsimg --help
This command lists available Amazon images.
The list of returned images can be abridged using command line
options, filters and arguments.
Filters are any arguments that have the key=value
structure. When filters are supplied, only those images that match them are
returned. Multiple filters are joined using logical AND. Multiple
values separated by commas can be specified for a given key, in which
case a logical OR is implied. See the section FILTERS below
for a list of available filters.
Any command line argument that is not an option or filter is
treated as image ID (or image name, if ID mapping is enabled) to return. Any
number of IDs can be specified. If ID mapping is enabled (see the section
MAPS in eclat(1)), this command uses the ImageId map to
translate image names to the corresponding identifiers.
Image IDs, filters and options can be used in conjunction.
- -u, --owner ID
- Filters the images owned by the specified owner. The argument is either
the ID of the owner, or one of the following reserved words:
- self
- Returns the images you own.
- amazon
- Returns the public Amazon images.
- all
- Returns all available images.
- aws-marketplace
- Returns images from the AWS marketplace.
- -x, --executable-by=ID
- Returns AMIs for which the specified user ID has explicit launch
permissions. The ID is either an AWS user ID or one of the
following reserved words:
- self
- Returns the images which you can launch.
- all
- Returns all images.
- architecture=i386 | x86_64
- Selects images by architecture.
- block-device-mapping.delete-on-termination=BOOL
- Selects images based on whether their Amazon EBS volume is deleted on
instance termination.
- block-device-mapping.device-name=NAME
- The device name for the volume.
- block-device-mapping.snapshot-id=ID
- The ID of the snapshot used for the volume.
- block-device-mapping.volume-size=NUMBER
- The volume size in GB.
- block-device-mapping.volume-type=standard | io1
- The type of the volume.
- description=STRING
- The textual description of the AMI.
- image-id=ID
- The ID of the image.
- image-type=machine | kernel | ramdisk
- The type of the image.
- is-public=BOOL
- Whether the image is public.
- kernel-id=STRING
- The kernel ID.
- manifest-location=STRING
- The location of the AMI manifest.
- name=STRING
- The name of the AMI.
- owner-alias=STRING
- The account alias.
- owner-id=STRING
- The ID of the image owner.
- platform=windows
- Selects Windows-based AMIs.
- product-code=STRING
- product-code.type=devpay | marketplace
- ramdisk-id=STRING
- The RAM disk ID.
- root-device-name=STRING
- The name of the root volume.
- root-device-type=ebs | instance-store
- The name of the root device volume.
- state=available | pending | failed
- State of the AMI.
- state-reason-code=STRING
- The reason code of the latest state change.
- state-reason-message=STRING
- Message describing the reason of the latest state change.
- tag-key=STRING
- The key of a tag assigned to the resource, regardless of its value. Note,
that this filter works independently of the tag-value filter, i.e.
tag-key=foo tag-value=bar will return all images that have the tag
foo defined and all images that have bar as a value of any
of their tags. To request the image that has the tag foo set to the
value bar see the tag:KEY filter below.
- tag-value=STRING
- The value of a tag assigned to the resource, regardless of the tag's key.
See the comment above.
- tag:KEY=VAL
- Selects images having the specified tag KEY set to the value
VAL. For example:
tag:Name="db server"
- virtualization-type=paravirtual | hvm
- hypervisor=ovm | xen
eclat(1), eclat-mkimg(1), eclat-deimg(1).
Report bugs to <>.
Copyright © 2012-2018 Sergey Poznyakoff
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO
WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.