- AnimateDeskChange
That setting requests nice animation to be drawn over the
desktop, during desktop switching.Comment it out to speed up desktop
- AppsBackingStore
Specifies that app windows should request backing store.
X-terminals and low memory systems should avoid this as redrawing will
be quicker than pulling the saved image from swap space. Backing store
will always be faster than redraw on machines that have enough memory.
This causes non-ICCCM compliance.
- AutoFocus
Do not use. Obsolete.
- AutoRaise delay
Specifies the delay in milliseconds of focus a window must
attain before being raised.
- AutoReverse 0|1|2
Specifies the window Warping (also called alt-tabbing) style.
0 (the default) causes switching among windows in one direction. 1
causes a closed loop switching - #1->#2->#3->#4 then
#4->#3->#2->#1. 2 causes an open loop switching -
#1->#2->#3->#4 then #4->#1->#2->#3 etc.
- AutoTabThroughDesks
In conjunction with AutoReverse, this will Warp (alt-tab)
through windows on all desks.
- BackingStore
Specifies that decorations should request backing store. Refer
to AppsBackingStore for further details.
- CenterOnCirculate
Specifies that when Warping (alt-tabbing), the desktop page
containing the window to which the pointer is moving will be
automatically selected and afterstep will attempt to center the target
window in the desktop viewport, rather than just flipping to the desktop
the window resides in.
- CirculateSkipIcons
Specifies that all icons should be skipped when Warping (alt-
tabbing) between windows.
- ClickTime
Specifies that afterstep should consider two mouse clicks made
within delay milliseconds to be a double mouse click, and not two single
mouse clicks. The default delay is 150 milliseconds.
- ClickToFocus
Specifies that the keyboard input (aka focus) stays with one
window until a new window's TitleBar is clicked on, or gains focus
through Warping or de-iconification.
AfterStep will not switch focus following mouse pointer, but
instead will switch it when window is explicitly clicked. This is the
same as before. The only difference is that AfterStep will not Raise
window automagically, unless some other settings are set. Possible way
to Raise window on focusing include:
- set AutoRaise 0 in feel file ( delay of 0 )
- bind mouse clicks to Raise or RaiseLower function in feel
- set ClickToRaise flag in feel file.
- ClickToRaise
Specifies that windows should be raised when a button is
clicked in the titlebar, handle (low bar), or application area. buttons
specifies the list of buttons which triggers this function. In AutoRaise
mode this will simply raise the window if the click is before the delay
specified in AutoRaise. In ClickToFocus mode, this will raise the window
and give it focus.
- CoverAnimationSteps steps count
CoverAnimationSteps is the number of animation steps to take
while removing blue-tinted cover window.
- CoverAnimationType type
CoverAnimationType determines what type of animation to use
while removing blue-tinted desktop cover - use values from 0 to 13.
- Cursor cursor_number cursor_type
Specifies the cursor_type for the given
cursor_number . Valid cursor_numbers are 0 though 10 and
listed in all the shipped feel.name files. The
cursor_types are listed in the /usr/include/X11/cursorfont.h
- CustomCursor path
Adds a custom cursor from the search paths. AfterStep searches
the following paths in addition to the system Xorg/Xfree paths:
~/.afterstep/desktop/cursors/ and
Note: under Xorg, this is probably depreciated. Current Xorg
uses the Xcursor library to load cursor data from a single file.
- DecorateTransients
Specifies that transient windows (pop-up dialog boxes), which
are normally not decorated, should be given the usual title and low
bars. Note: some pop-up windows and menus are not managed by the window
manager, so do not get these decorations.
- DefaultWindowBox "windowbox_name"
Window boxes are processed in order they were listed in
config. If suitable windowbox could not be found for the window in the
database file - then windowbox named in DefaultWindowBox will be
- DeskAnimationSteps steps
Specifies how many animation steps should be rendered while
switching desktops/removing blue cover. Reduce that number to speedup
- DeskAnimationType value
This requests particular type of animation to be rendered
while switching desktops. Available values are in range of 0 to 12.
- DontMoveOff
Specifies that windows should not be moved off or initially
placed off of the desktop. A few programs will not work cor- rectly if
you use this option. This only keeps windows from being completely lost
off the edge of the desktop. It insists on keeping 16 pixels on the
desktop, but does not attempt to keep the entire window on the desk.
- DontRestoreFocus
Will not restore focus to the recently focused application
wile switching desktops.
- EdgeResistance delay pixels
Specifies how hard it should be to change views within a
desktop by moving the mouse over the edge of the screen, and how hard it
hould be to move a window over the edge of a screen.
The delay in milliseconds, defines how long the pointer must
spend at the screen edge before that view becomes current. This is
useful in conjunction with EdgeScroll 100 100, so the views don't get
switched accidently.
The pixels defines how far over the edge a window must
"appear" to move before it actually moves partially off the
Note that with EdgeScroll 0 0, it is still possible to move or
resize windows across the edge of the current screen. By setting the
pixels parameter of EdgeResistance to 10000, this type of motion is
impossible. However, with EdgeResistances less than 10000, but greater
than 0, moving over pages becomes difficult but not impossible.
- EdgeScroll horizontal vertical
Specifies the percentage of a page to scroll when the cursor
hits the edge of a page. Setting EdgeScroll to 0 0 will disable
scrolling. Setting this option to 100 100 will scroll whole pages. Set
to 1000 1000, scrolling will wrap around at the edge of the desktop.
Both horizontal and vertical should be positive numbers.
- FollowTitleChanges
That will force AfterStep to reread and merge all the hints
and settings from the database files, whenever window changes either its
name or icon name.
- Function
Specifies a complex function definition and is covered in the
built-in command/function.
See Also: AS Function for further details.
- IconTitle
Specifies that a title should be displayed under an iconified
app. The colors used are the ForeColor and BackColor of the
ButtonTitleFocus in the look.name file. Note: less space is left for the
app's icon, so it will be resized acordingly. Only a portion of the icon
title will be displayed until the icon gains focus, and then the title
"box" will expand to reveal the window's entire name.
- KeepIconWindows
Specifies that applications should be allowed to specify their
own icon windows.
- Key keyname context modifier Command
Specifies a key-stroke binding definition, similar to
Mouse . keyname is the keyboard key name. Valid
keyname 's are found in the /usr/X11/include/X11/keysymdef.h file
and are specified here without the leading "XK_". The
context describes where the mouse is resting when the
keyname is pressed and can be any combination of the following: R
= Root window (main background) F = Window Frame (the BottomBar handle
corners) S = Window TitleBar or BottomBar I = Iconified Button
(minimized window icon) T = Window TitleBar W = Application Window A =
Any of the above except for TitleButtons 1-10 = TitleButton number of
the TitleBar [ not very useful here ]
modifier is the key-stroke combination associated with the
context entry, to issue the Command . Valid
modifier 's are:
N = No modifiers
C = Control
S = Shift
M = Meta
A = Any modifier
Command can be any afterstep Built-in command/
function, Popup or user defined Function .
See Also: AS Function for further details.
- MenusHigh
Specifies that any pop-up menu's submenu should appear at the
top of the parent menu instead of starting at the point in the parent
window where the submenu item lies.
- Mouse button context modifier Command
Specifies a mouse binding definition. button is the
mouse button number [0, 1, 2, or 3]. If button is zero, then any
mouse button invoked issues the Command . context
describes where the mouse click occurred and can be any combination of
the following:
R = Root window (main background)
F = Window Frame (the BottomBar handle corners)
S = Window TitleBar or BottomBar
I = Iconified Button (minimized window icon)
T = Window TitleBar
W = Application Window
A = Any of the above except for TitleButtons 1-10 = TitleButton number of
the TitleBar, corresponds to the
entry in the look.name file
The action to be taken by the defined TitleButton is defined in the
feel.name file. Defining a TitleButton without having a
corresponding entry in the feel.name file will cause the
TitleButton icon to be displayed, but not react when pressed.
modifier is the key-stroke combination associated with the
context entry, to issue the Command . Valid
modifier 's are:
N = No modifiers
C = Control
S = Shift
M = Meta
A = Any modifier
Command can be any afterstep Built-in command/
function, Popup or user defined Function .
See Also: AS Function for further details.
- NoPPosition
Species that afterstep should ignore the PPosition field when
placing new windows, in other words, windows can't choose where to place
themselves. Adherence to the PPosition field is required for some
- NoSnapKey key
AfterStep now has a feature that "snaps" windows to
different desktop features, such as edges of other windows and edge of
the screen. To disable it temorarily you can press and hold Shift key.
Use this setting to request different modifier key instead of Shift.
- OpaqueMove %
Specifies the maximum size window where opaque window movement
should be used. % is percent of the total screen area. Set to 0, all
windows will be moved using the traditional rubber-band outline. Set to
100, all windows will be move as solid windows. The default is 5 which
allows small windows to be moved in an opaque manner, but large windows
to be moved as rubber-bands. Using this option with large values can
slow down video response on slower systems.
- OpaqueResize %
Specifies the maximum size window where opaque resizing should
be used. % is percent of the total screen area. Set to 0, all windows
will be resized using the traditional rubber-band out- line. Set to 100,
all windows will be resized as solid windows. The default is 5 which
allows small windows to be resized in an opaque manner, but large
windows to be resized as rubber-bands. Using this option with large
values can slow down video response on slower systems.
- PagingDefault 0|1
Specifies if Paging should be enabled (1) or disabled (0).
Paging is set to enabled by default.
- PersistentMenus
Right now if you try to open a menu when its already opened -
that will cause menu to close. To disable this behaviour and instead
pop-up a menu again - use this setting.
- Popup
Specifies a menu popup definition and is covered in the
built-in command/function.
See Also: AS Function for further details.
- RandomPlacement
Specifies that windows which would normally require user
inter- vention for placement be automagically placed in ever-so-
slightly random locations.
- RecentSubmenuItems number_of_items
Defines maximum number of recently used submenu items to be
listed under menu item. Set to 0 to disable feature. Default is 4.
- SaveUnders
Specifies that afterstep frames should request saveunders.
This will cause afterstep to save those portions of windows that are not
visible to system memory. This can significantly improve the performance
during opaque moves, but it causes a significant increase in memory
usage. This can also cause garbled display with some applications.
- ScreenEdgeAttraction distance
Defines distance from which window will be attracted to the
screen edge, while being interactively moved/resized.
- ShadeAnimationSteps steps
Defines how many steps to use to render animation when window
gets shaded/unshaded.
- ShadeAnimationSteps steps
Defines how many steps to use to render animation when window
gets shaded/unshaded.
- SloppyFocus
Specifies that windows retain focus until the mouse moves to
another window, or Warping causes another window to gain focus.
SloppyFocus has no effect if ClickToFocus is also
- SmartPlacement
Specifies that windows be placed in areas that no other
windows occupy, otherwise user intervention becomes required for
placement. Have fun, try specifying both. :-)
- StickyIcons
Specifies that icons should stick to the screen's glass and
fol- low it from desk/view to desk/view.
- StubbornIconPlacement
Specifies that icons should avoid being hidden behind windows
placed over the IconBox by moving themselves around (dancing icons).
- StubbornIcons
Specifies that icons should uniconify to their original desk.
By default, icons uniconify to the current desk.
- StubbornPlacement
Specifies that new windows should avoid being placed over
- SuppressIcons
Specifies that no icon should be shown for any window being
iconified, similar to NoIcon.
- WinListHideIcons
When set, Icons in internal WindowList ( the window that pops
up if you right click on root window) will not be shown.
- WinListSortOrder 0/1/2/3
Arranges WinList entries based-on the following qualifiers: 0
- circulations order (default), 1 - Alpha order, 2 - Stacking order
(unimplemented), 3 - creation order (unimplemented).
- WindowBox "windowbox_name"
WindowBox defines an area on the screen/virtual desktop into
which a window will be placed on startup.
See Also: Feel WindowBox definition for further details.
- WindowEdgeAttraction distance
Defines distance from which window will be attracted to the
other window's edge, while being interactively moved/resized.
- XorValue value
Specifies the value with which bits are XOR'ed when
doing rubber-band window moving or resizing. Setting this value is a
trial-and-error process.
- Xzap number
Specifies the horizontal offset of the cursor when warping.
This offset is relative to the upper-left corner of the window being
warped to.
- Yzap number
Specifies the vertical offset of the cursor when warping. This
offset is relative to the upper-left corner of the window being warped