g-obj - BRL-CAD to Wavefront Object File converter
g-obj [-mviu] [-xX lvl]
[-e error_file] [-D calculation_tolerance]
[-a abs_tol] [-r rel_tol]
[-n norm_tol] [-P number_of_CPUs]
[-o output.obj] database.g object(s)
g-obj converts the specified object(s) from a BRL-CAD
database.g file to the Wavefront OBJ file format. The
-x option specifies an RT debug flag and the -X option specifies
an NMG debug flag. The -a , -r , and -n options specify
tessellation tolerances. The -P option specifies the number of CPUs.
The -D option specifies a calculational distance tolerance (mm). Any
two vertices that are less than this distance apart will be treated as the
same vertex. The -u option specifies that vertex normals are desired.
The -v option requests verbose output. The -i option requests
the output file units to be inches (the default is mm). The -o option
specifies the name of the file to receive the output (stdout is the default).
The -m option will result in 'usemtl' statements in the output file.
These statements are fictional (they do not refer to any material database).
The materials named provide information about the material codes assigned to
the objects in the BRL-CAD database. The material names will be of the form
'aircode_los_material', where aircode is the code number for the air
represented by that region, if it does represent air, otherwise this will be
zero. The los is the Line Of Sight thickness (0-100) assigned to the
region, and the material is the material code number assigned. The
-e option specifies a file for receiving the error messages.
$ g-obj -o sample.obj sample.g sample_object
Error messages are intended to be self-explanatory.
This software is Copyright (c) 1997-2019 by the United States Government as
represented by U.S. Army Research Laboratory.
Reports of bugs or problems should be submitted via electronic mail to