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G-STL(1) User Commands G-STL(1)

g-stl - Stereolithography Translator (BRL-CAD to STL)

g-stl [-o output_file] [-m output_directory] [-b] [-i] [-8] [-D calculation_tolerance] [-a absolute_tol] [-r relative_tol] [-n normal_tol] [-xX level] [-v] database.g object(s)...

g-stl converts the specified object(s) from a BRL-CAD database.g file to the stereolithography file format.

The following options are recognized.


Specify output file name (default is stdout).

-m DIR

Specify a directory for output files. Each region converted is written to a separate file. File names are constructed from the full path names of each region (the path from the specified object to the region). Any "/" characters in the path name are replaced by "@" characters and "." and white space are replaced by "_" characters. If the -m option is not specified, all regions are written to the same file. The -o and -m options are mutually exclusive.


Write output as a binary STL file. The default is ASCII. In the case of ASCII output, the region name is specified on the "solid" line of the STL file. In the case of binary output, all the regions are output as a single STL part.


Use inches as the output format (the default is mm).


Facetize using the marching cubes algorithm.


Specify a calculational distance tolerance (mm). Any two vertices that are less than this distance apart will be treated as the same vertex.


Specify the absolute tesselation tolerance.


Specify the relative tesselation tolerance.


Specify the surface-normal tesselation tolerance.


Specify an RT debug flag.


Specify an NMG debug flag.


Enable verbose output.

$ g-stl -o sample.stl sample.g sample_object

Error messages are intended to be self-explanatory.


This software is Copyright (c) 2003-2019 by the United States Government as represented by U.S. Army Research Laboratory.

Reports of bugs or problems should be submitted via electronic mail to
06/07/2022 BRL-CAD

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