NAMEgi-docgen - a documentation generator using gobject-introspectionSYNOPSISgi-docgen COMMAND [OPTION...] GIR_FILEDESCRIPTIONGI-DocGen is a document generator for GObject-based libraries. GObject is the base type system of the GNOME project. GI-DocGen uses the machine readable introspection data provided by GObject-based libraries in order to generate the API reference of these libraries, as well as other ancillary documentation.The main gi-docgen executable provides various subcommands to access all its functionality. Common optionsAll commands have the following options:
The generate commandThe generate command provides the main functionality of gi-docgen.gi-docgen generate [ OPTIONS ] [ GIR_FILE ] The generate command will parse the given GIR file, as well as its dependencies, and build an API reference for the namespace it finds in the introspection data. Projects can use a configuration file to control aspects of the output, as well as provide additional content that should be included in the documentation. options:
The gen-index commandThe gen-index command generates an index of symbols and terms that can be used to search inside the documentation generated by gi-docgen.gi-docgen gen-index [ OPTIONS ] [ GIR_FILE ] The generated index is a JSON formatted file is called index.json. options:
The help commandThe help command prints out the command line help. If you don't specify any command or option when invoking gi-docgen, the help command will be implied.gi-docgen help [ OPTIONS ] [ COMMAND ] If no command is specified, help will print out the list of commands. If a command is specified, help will print out the command line help for that program. options:
ENVIRONMENT VARIABLESThe gi-docgen executable uses the XDG_DATA_DIRS and XDG_DATA_HOME environment variables to search for introspection data included in the GIR file.If the GIDOCGEN_DEBUG environment variable is set, gi-docgen will print out additional messages, which can be helpful when debugging issues. SEE ALSOGI-DocGen: http://gnome.pages.gitlab.gnome.org/gi-docgen/GObject-Introspection: https://gi.readthedocs.org/ GObject: https://developer.gnome.org/gobject/
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