gif2fb - display GIF file on frame buffer
gif2fb [-H] [-v] [-F frame_buffer_name]
gif2fb displays on a frame buffer the images described by a CompuServe
GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) file. The -F option outputs to the
specified frame buffer instead of the one specified by the FB_FILE
environment variable (or the default frame buffer, if FB_FILE is not
set). The frame buffer size requested will be the same as the input GIF screen
size. The actual size obtained depends on details of the specific frame
buffer. The -H option prints the GIF screen size on stderr. The
-v option prints additional information about the GIF file on stderr.
The GIF_file_name specifies the GIF input file to be translated, rather
than reading the file from the standard input.
A Standard Defining a Mechanism for the Storage and Transmission of Raster-Based
Graphics Information, June 15, 1987 (CompuServe Incorporated).
libfb(3) , gif-fb(1)
Error messages are intended to be self-explanatory.
This software is Copyright (c) 1994-2019 by the United States Government as
represented by U.S. Army Research Laboratory.
Reports of bugs or problems should be submitted via electronic mail to