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git-standup - Recall the commit history

git-standup [-a author] [-m depth] [-d days ago] [-D date format] [-g] [-L] [-f] [-B] [-n number of commits]
git-standup -h

Recall what you did on the last working day ..or be nosy and find what someone else did.

-a author

The author of commits. Use "all" means specifying "all authors". Defaults to $(git config

-m depth

The depth of recursive directory search. Defaults to 1.


Enable the inclusion of symbolic links in recursive directory search.

-d 1

The start of commit history. Defaults to 1, means "1 days ago".

-D relative

The date format displayed in commit history. Defaults to "relative".


Display help message.


Display if commit is GPG signed (G) or not (N) in commit message.


Fetch the latest commits before showing commit history.

The former version of git standup accepted <author> <since> <until> as options. This interface is deprecated now, and please avoid to use it!


Display the commits in branch groups.

-n number-of-commits

Limit the number of commits displayed per group. By default, the limitation is applied in the repository level. For example, if you have 3 repositories under the current directory, git standup ... -n 1 will show you 3 commits at most. When -B is specific, the limitation is applied in the branch level. For instance, if each of your 3 repositories have 2 branches, git standup ... -B -n 1 will display 6 commits at most.

This shows your commits since yesterday:
$ git standup
a26d1f9 - add profile hook (69 minutes ago) <spacewander>

This shows the author´s commits since last week:

$ git standup -a spacewander -d 7
a26d1f9 - add profile hook (70 minutes ago) <spacewander>
4e19859 - fix getTotalSize return value error (6 days ago) <spacewander>
36da84e - fix rename over bound (7 days ago) <spacewander>
8e4182a - add watermark.png (7 days ago) <spacewander>
46fef1d - use tinyXML to configure (7 days ago) <spacewander>

If current directory is not a git repo, git-standup will fetch data from all top-level git repos under it:

$ cd ..
$ git standup -a spacewander -d 7
4e19859 - fix getTotalSize return value error (6 days ago) <spacewander>
36da84e - fix rename over bound (7 days ago) <spacewander>
8e4182a - add watermark.png (7 days ago) <spacewander>
46fef1d - use tinyXML to configure (7 days ago) <spacewander>

By specifying the -B option, git-standuo will group the commits in branches:

$ git standup -B -a spacewander -d 7
f788c78 - git-summary: clean up other shellcheck warnings (23 hours ago) <spacewander>
3e8c3ab - git-summary: fix incorrect active days when commits range is given (23 hours ago) <spacewander>
ff991ac - git-summary: remove useless result function. (23 hours ago) <spacewander>
203f5b4 - git-summary: add --dedup-by-email to remove duplicate users (5 days ago) <spacewander>
203f5b4 - git-summary: add --dedup-by-email to remove duplicate users (5 days ago) <spacewander>

Note that the same commit can be seen in different branches.

Originally from


August 2021

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