NAMEgubby - The procmail new email agent - v0.5.5SYNPOSISgubby [hvcowlVbsH] [BmMpC value] [procmail logfile]DESCRIPTIONGubby keeps track of when and where procmail delivers your email.LONGER DESCRIPTIONScans a procmail logfile and display a realtime-updated display of mailboxes and new email. Reads mailbox contents using a specified external mailreader (or MUA).Output is normally displayed in a curses environment, but can also be printed conveniently to the standard output from the command prompt. Gubby is a compact, efficient and powerful ``once-and-for-all'' rewrite of an old shell script. GUESSING THE LOGFILE LOCATIONIf called without arguments, gubby searches for a procmail configuration file in $HOME/.procmailrc, scans it for a line beginning with LOGFILE=, and finally tries to parse the procmail logfile.A complaint is filed to stderr if no files are found, and you'll have to supply the location of the file as a program argument. SETTING UP PROCMAILFor gubby to work, you must enable logging in your procmail configuration file. This is done by adding a line such as LOGFILE=~/.log-procmail near the top.OPTIONS
SIGNALSGubby catches SIGSEGV and SIGINT, both causing Gubby to gracefully shut down it's curses environment before exiting with status 1.FILES
SEE ALSOprocmail(1), procmailrc(5), procmailex(5), curses(3), ncurses(3), gpl(7)BUGSI've had trouble with gubby messing up the screen when going back from suspended mode. E.g., enter a folder by hitting enter (usually enters mutt), start composing a new mail (with e.g. vim) and then suspend everything with CTRL+Z. When you do an "fg" again, somehow the screen is totally messed up.Other than that, the new "write to logfile" (the 'd'-key in the program view) does not write correct procmail logfiles, so use this one with caution. It's there because it works on MY system, but I need feedback from users before I'll remove the "experimental" warning. Other issues: If gubby has trouble finding your Procmail logfile, be sure to specify it as the last argument. If you terminal is messed up, try setting the TERM variable to another value. On Cygwin, I've had to set TERM=xterm og TERM=xterm-color instead of TERM=cygwin to get curses to draw to the screen properly. If you don't get colors, try setting TERM=xterm-colors If Gubby for some reason can't find your mailboxes, try setting the full path for your maildirectory as MAILDIR=... in your Procmail rc file. If you experience any other bugs, let me know! ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThanks to Michael Hostbaek for maintaining the FreeBSD port of Gubby.Thanks to Jone Lima and Arne Kjetil Andersen for suggestions, feedback, testing and coffee. :) NO WARRANTIESThis program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.AUTHORChristian Stigen Larsen <csl@sublevel3.org>GUBBY HOMEPAGEhttp://gubby.sourceforge.netDATEDecember 15th, 2004
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