hashdb - Create and manage block hash databases.
hashdb provides commands for creating and managing hash databases. For
usage, please type "hashdb -h".
hashdb was released into the public domain by Bruce Allen in 2013.
Bruce Allen bdallen nps edu.
hashdb code is provided with the following notice: The software provided
here is released by the Naval Postgraduate School, an agency of the U.S.
Department of Navy. The software bears no warranty, either expressed or
implied. NPS does not assume legal liability nor responsibility for a User's
use of the software or the results of such use.
Please note that within the United States, copyright protection,
under Section 105 of the United States Code, Title 17, is not available for
any work of the United States Government and/or for any works created by
United States Government employees.
hashdb wiki at https://github.com/NPS-DEEP/hashdb/wiki.