NAMEhwloc-diff - Compute differences between two XML topologiesSYNOPSIShwloc-diff [options] <input1.xml> <input2.xml>hwloc-diff [options] <input1.xml> <input2.xml> <output.xml> OPTIONS
DESCRIPTIONhwloc-diff computes the difference between two XML topologies and stores the result into <output.xml> if any, or dumps it to stdout otherwise.The output difference may later be applied to another topology with hwloc-patch. hwloc-compress-dir may be used for computing the diffs between all XML files in a directory. NOTE: If some application-specific userdata were been exported to the input XMLs, they will be ignored and discarded from the output because hwloc has no way to understand and compare them. NOTE: It is highly recommended that you read the hwloc(7) overview page before reading this man page. Most of the concepts described in hwloc(7) directly apply to the hwloc-diff utility. EXAMPLEShwloc-diff's operation is best described through several examples.Compute the difference between two XML topologies and output it to stdout: $ hwloc-diff fourmi023.xml fourmi024.xml Found 11 differences, exporting to stdout <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> ... Output the difference to file diff.xml instead: $ hwloc-diff fourmi023.xml fourmi024.xml diff.xml Found 11 differences, exporting to diff.xml When the difference is too complex to be represented: $ hwloc-diff fourmi023.xml avakas-frontend1.xml Found 1 differences, including 1 too complex ones. Cannot export differences to stdout Directly compute the difference between two topologies and apply it to another one: $ hwloc-diff fourmi023.xml fourmi024.xml | hwloc-patch fourmi025.xml - RETURN VALUEUpon successful execution, hwloc-diff outputs the difference. The return value is 0.If the difference is too complex to be represented, an error is returned and the output is not generated. hwloc-diff also returns nonzero if any kind of error occurs, such as (but not limited to) failure to parse the command line. SEE ALSOhwloc(7), lstopo(1), hwloc-patch(1), hwloc-compress-dir(1)
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