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irdisp - combines the two programs showtherm and ir-sgi or ir-X
irdisp is an interactive program that combines the two programs
showtherm and ir-sgi or ir-X . Ultimately it can read a
temperature output file and display the image on the screen without having the
user call two different programs.
The following is an example from an interactive session.
$ irdisp
This takes a BRL-CAD mged model with a PRISM
temperature output file and raytraces and/or
displays it. Make your selection.
0 - raytrace & store file
1 - raytrace, store, & showtherm file
2 - showtherm file
Enter .g file to be raytraced (15 char max).
Enter the number of groups to be raytraced.
Enter group 0 (25 char max).
The program showtherm is now being run.
Type of output file to be read 0=>PRISM, 1=>generic.
Enter name of the PRISM output file to be read (26 char max).
Enter the number of regions in the PRISM file, must be more
than eight (not including the background).
Enter name of region # & name file to be read (26 char max).
Enter name of output file (26 char max).
Enter the elapsed time to create graphical representation of.
Number of regions (including the background): 19
7/19/1984 7.000000:0.000000
Prism out file read.
Region # & name file opened.
The number of regions read from the output file and the region # & name
file was the same, 18 (does not include background in number).
Building directory.
File: test.veh.g
Database Title: test vehicle for use with irprep programs
vehicle loaded
The number of regions read from the output
file, the region # & name file, and the .g
file are all equal. The number of regions
read, including the background is 19
Preparation started.
Minimum & maximum X: -3001.000000 - 3714.000000
Minimum & maximum Y: -1350.000000 - 1350.000000
Minimum & maximum Z: 0.000000 - 2500.000000
Center of bounding sphere: 356.500000, 0.000000, 1250.000000
Radius of bounding sphere: 3829.551456
Enter multiplication factor for radius.
Enter grid size.
Enter azimuth & elevation.
35 25
gridsize: 512 x 512
azimuth: 35.000000 degrees
elevation: 25.000000 degrees
Select display ('X' or 'sgi') ->sgi
The program ir-sgi is now being run. If option
0 or 1 was used when the name of a file is asked
for enter the name of the file that was just
Enter name of file to be read (26 char max)
Indicate color scale to be used.
0 - gray
1 - black-blue-cyan-green-yellow-white
2 - black-blue-magenta-red-yellow-white
Print scan line number (0-yes, 1-no)?
Do you wish to create a pix file (0-no, 1-yes)?
Setting color scale - gray scale - set.
Reading file - file read.
Width: 512
Height: 512
Finding min & max.
Minimum: 22.590000
Maximum: 46.830000
Finding pixel bins - pixel bins found.
Setting color for each pixel - colors found.
Press 'z' return to end. z
firpass(1), secpass(1), shapefact(1), all_sf(1),
showtherm(1), ir-X(1), ir-sgi(1), pictx(1), User's
Manual for IRPREP (BRL-SP-96), Computer Programs for Generating an Input File
for PRISM and Displaying PRISM Results (BRL report in progress)
This software is Copyright (c) 1994-2019 by the United States Government as
represented by U.S. Army Research Laboratory.
Reports of bugs or problems should be submitted via electronic mail to
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