NAMEJellyfish is a software to count k-mers in DNA sequences.SYNOPSISjellyfish count [-oprefix] [-mmerlength] [-tthreads] [-shashsize] [--both-strands] fasta [fasta ... ]jellyfish merge hash1 hash2 ... jellyfish dump hash jellyfish stats hash jellyfish histo [-hhigh] [-llow] [-iincrement] hash jellyfish query hash jellyfish cite Plus equivalent version for Quake mode: qhisto, qdump and qmerge. DESCRIPTIONJellyfish is a k-mer counter based on a multi-threaded hash table implementation.COUNTING AND MERGINGTo count k-mers, use a command like:jellyfish count -m 22 -o output -c 3 -s 10000000 -t 32 input.fasta This will count the the 22-mers in input.fasta with 32 threads. The counter field in the hash uses only 3 bits and the hash has at least 10 million entries. The output files will be named output_0, output_1, etc. (the prefix is specified with the -o switch). If the hash is large enough (has specified by the -s switch) to fit all the k-mers, there will be only one output file named output_0. If the hash filled up before all the mers were read, the hash is dumped to disk, zeroed out and reading in mers resumes. Multiple intermediary files will be present on the disks, named output_0, output_1, etc. To obtain correct results from the other sub-commands (such as histo, stats, etc.), the multiple output files, if any, need to be merged into one with the merge command. For example with the following command: jellyfish merge -o output.jf output\_* Should you get many intermediary output files (say hundreds), the size of the hash table is too small. Rerunning Jellyfish with a larger size (option -s) is probably faster than merging all the intermediary files. ORIENTATIONWhen the orientation of the sequences in the input fasta file is not known, e.g. in sequencing reads, using --both-strands (-C) makes the most sense.For any k-mer m, its canonical representation is m itself or its reverse-complement, whichever comes first lexicographically. With the option -C, only the canonical representation of the mers are stored in the hash and the count value is the number of occurrences of both the mer and its reverse-complement. CHOOSING THE HASH SIZETo achieve the best performance, a minimum number of intermediary files should be written to disk. So the parameter -s should be chosen to fit as many k-mers as possible (ideally all of them) while still fitting in memory.We consider to examples: counting mers in sequencing reads and in a finished genome. First, suppose we count k-mers in short sequencing reads: there are n reads and there is an average of 1 error per reads where each error generates k unique mers. If the genome size is G, the size of the hash (option -s) to fit all k-mers at once is estimated to: $(G + k*n)/0.8$. The division by 0.8 compensates for the maximum usage of approximately $80%$ of the hash table. On the other hand, when counting k-mers in an assembled sequence of length G, setting -s to G is appropriate. As a matter of convenience, Jellyfish understands ISO suffixes for the size of the hash. Hence '-s 10M' stands 10 million entries while '-s 50G' stands for 50 billion entries. The actual memory usage of the hash table can be computed as follow. The actual size of the hash will be rounded up to the next power of 2: s=2^l. The parameter r is such that the maximum reprobe value (-p) plus one is less than 2^r. Then the memory usage per entry in the hash is (in bits, not bytes) 2k-l+r+1. The total memory usage of the hash table in bytes is: 2^l*(2k-l+r+1)/8. CHOOSING THE COUNTING FIELD SIZETo save space, the hash table supports variable length counter, i.e. a k-mer occurring only a few times will use a small counter, a k-mer occurring many times will used multiple entries in the hash.Important: the size of the couting field does NOT change the result, it only impacts the amount of memory used. In particular, there is no maximum value in the hash. Even if the counting field uses 5 bits, a k-mer occuring 2 million times will have a value reported of 2 million (i.e., it is not capped at 2^5). The -c specify the length (in bits) of the counting field. The trade off is as follows: a low value will save space per entry in the hash but can potentially increase the number of entries used, hence maybe requiring a larger hash. In practice, use a value for -c so that most of you k-mers require only 1 entry. For example, to count k-mers in a genome, where most of the sequence is unique, use -c1 or -c2. For sequencing reads, use a value for -c large enough to counts up to twice the coverage. For example, if the coverage is 10X, choose a counter length of 5 (-c5) as $2^5 > 20$. SUBCOMMANDS AND OPTIONSCOUNTUsage: jellyfish count [options] file:path+Count k-mers or qmers in fasta or fastq files Options (default value in (), *required):
STATSUsage: jellyfish stats [options] db:pathStatistics Display some statistics about the k-mers in the hash: Unique: Number of k-mers which occur only once. Distinct: Number of k-mers, not counting multiplicity. Total: Number of k-mers, including multiplicity. Max_count: Maximum number of occurrence of a k-mer. Options (default value in (), *required):
HISTOUsage: jellyfish histo [options] db:pathCreate an histogram of k-mer occurrences Create an histogram with the number of k-mers having a given count. In bucket 'i' are tallied the k-mers which have a count 'c' satisfying 'low+i*inc <= c < low+(i+1)*inc'. Buckets in the output are labeled by the low end point (low+i*inc). The last bucket in the output behaves as a catchall: it tallies all k-mers with a count greater or equal to the low end point of this bucket. Options (default value in (), *required):
DUMPUsage: jellyfish dump [options] db:pathDump k-mer counts By default, dump in a fasta format where the header is the count and the sequence is the sequence of the k-mer. The column format is a 2 column output: k-mer count. Options (default value in (), *required):
MERGEUsage: jellyfish merge [options] input:string+Merge jellyfish databases Options (default value in (), *required):
QUERYUsage: jellyfish query [options] db:pathQuery from a compacted database Query a hash. It reads k-mers from the standard input and write the counts on the standard output. Options (default value in (), *required):
QHISTOUsage: jellyfish qhisto [options] db:stringCreate an histogram of k-mer occurences Options (default value in (), *required):
QDUMPUsage: jellyfish qdump [options] db:pathDump k-mer from a qmer database By default, dump in a fasta format where the header is the count and the sequence is the sequence of the k-mer. The column format is a 2 column output: k-mer count. Options (default value in (), *required):
QMERGEUsage: jellyfish merge [options] db:string+Merge quake databases Options (default value in (), *required):
CITEUsage: jellyfish cite [options]How to cite Jellyfish's paper Citation of paper Options (default value in (), *required):
VERSIONVersion: 1.1.4 of 2010/10/1BUGS
AUTHORSGuillaume MarcaisUniversity of Maryland gmarcais@umd.edu Carl Kingsford
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