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NAMEkenny.pl -- translate from and to KennySpeakSYNOPSISkenny.pl [ -h ] [ -u ] [ -k | -d ] [ file1 ] [ file2 ] ...OVERVIEWkenny.pl translates a given text from or to KennySpeak. KennySpeak looks like this:"Ppfmfp ppmffm mfmppfmpm, fmpmfpmppffm'fpmmpp pmpmffpmfpmfmppmpm Pmpmppppppppffm!" DESCRIPTIONkenny.pl will read the given filenames, translate them and print the results on stdout. If you don't give a filename, stdin is used. A - as a filename means stdin.Without any parameters, kenny.pl will look at the first line of input and guess which way you want to translate. If kenny.pl guesses wrong, you must select the translation mode using the -k or -d switch. Switches
VERSIONThis is $Revision: 1.7 $.BUGSThe -u switch might not work for charsets other than Latin-1. You might try to convert the kenny.pl script using recode to change it from Latin-1 to your preferred charset.CREDITSkenny.pl was written by Christian Garbs. Look on his homepage for newer versions of kenny.pl. Bug reports or comments about the program should be sent to him: Christian Garbs <mitch@cgarbs.de> http://www.cgarbs.de/weird.en.htmlKennySpeak was invented by Kohan Ikin. See his homepage for an online version of the original KennyTranslator: Kohan Ikin <syneryder@namesuppressed.com> http://www.namesuppressed.com/kenny/ Alan Eldridge <alane@geeksrus.net> patched in a signal handler to print an appropriate message when kenny.pl is killed. COPYRIGHTkenny.pl is licensed unter the Artistic License which can be found at http://www.perl.com/language/misc/Artistic.html. This license has been chosen for keeping compatibility with the original KennySpeak format.