migrate_schema - Utility to migrate a schema from one version to another
migrate_schema [options]
--user The user who has access to the schema table
--pass The user's password
--dsn The perl dsn. For example:
* DBI:Oracle:orcl
* DBI:mysql:test
--ddl_dir The directory containing the migration scripts
--version The version to migrate to. If one is not provided,
the schema will be migrated to the version specified
by the maximum upgrade script.
--man The full documentation
--help Brief help message
This script invokes DBIx::VersionedDDL. For more information on
this module type
perldoc DBIx::VersionedDDL
Dan Horne, "<dhorne at cpan.org>"
Copyright 2009-2010 Dan Horne.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.