NAMEminipro - programs various chips using the Minipro TL866XX series of programmers.SYNOPSISminipro -l | [-p device] [-c code|data|config] [-r|-w filename] [-e][-u][-P][-i|-I][-v][-s|-S][-y][-h]miniprohex [-p device] [-c code|data|config] [-r|-w filename] [-e][-u][-P][-i|-I] DESCRIPTIONminipro is an Open Source tool intended to become a complete cross-platform replacement for the proprietary utility from Autoelectric. Currently it supports more than 13000 of target devices - including AVRs, PICs as well as a huge number of other microcontrollers and various memory chips.OPTIONS
NOTESIf -c is omitted and -r is specified then the code, data (if applicable) and config (if applicable) will be written to filename.$ext, filename.eeprom.bin and filename.fuses.conf correspondingly. If -c is omitted and -w is specified, then -c code is assumed.The -i and -I options enable use of ICSP port for TL866A and TL866II+ models. The former enables the voltage supply on the Vcc pin of the ICSP port while the latter leaves it off. These options are of no use for the TL866CS. The Minipro TL866xx series of chip programmers is distributed by Autoelectric. Their website is http://www.autoelectric.cn. FUSESFuses can be read and written with the -c config option. Fuse data is exchanged in a text format. When writing fuses all fuses on your device must be assigned a value. To see what fuses are supported by your device use -r with -c config to get your current fuse values. This also shows you what the text format looks like.AUTHORminipro was written by Valentin Dudouyt and is copyright 2014. Many others have contributed code and bug reports. Development is currently coordinated by David Griffith.DISTRIBUTIONThe canonical repository for minipro is at Gitlab:https://gitlab.com/DavidGriffith/minipro/ It is distributed under the GNU General Public License version 3 or (at your option) any later version. https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html This software is offered as-is with no warranty or liability. If you find a bug or would like minipro to do something it doesn't currently do, please visit the above Gitlab website and report your concerns.
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