- Trees as strings [options] [file ...] --tree_width 100 --otu_spacing 4 --demo -i input.nex -o text_string_tree.out --tree_width 100 --otu_spacing 4
-d or --demo Prints out a default tree to the STDOUT
-h or --help Brief help message about the options
-m or --manual Full documentation
-i or --input <file_name> Specify input NEXUS file
-o or --output <file_name> Specify output file (default: STDOUT)
-w or --tree_width 30 Total width of the output tree string (default = 30) [Integer]
-s or --otu_spacing 4 Vertical spacing betweein OTUs (default value = 4) [Integer]
-V or --version Print version information and quit
--verbose The parameters are also printed along with the tree.
-c or --cladogram normal The parameters are also printed along with the tree. (options: 'normal' or 'accelarated')
B<> prgram will read the given input NEXUS file and converts the newick tree in the TreesBlock
as string.
Vivek Gopalan (