odf2pod - POD generation from an OpenDocument file
Usage : odf2pod <filename>
This demo script exports the content of a given OpenDocument file to POD on the
standard output. In the present form, it's quite limited and not flexible, in
order to remain easily readable. It should be considered as an example of text
extraction using OpenOffice::OODoc and not as the 'definitive' odf2pod filter,
knowing that complex document structures are not properly rendered.
Before extraction, some transformations are done in the document
in order to make it more convenient for a POD presentation. Some pieces of
metadata (title, subject, description), if defined, are reported in the
beginning of the POD. The footnotes are removed from the content and
reported in a special section at the end.
This script needs Text::Wrapper (that is not necessarily required
by the OpenOffice::OODoc installation). To implement more sophisicated
presentation rules, you could use Text::Format instead.