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PDF2DSC(1) Ghostscript Tools PDF2DSC(1)

pdf2dsc - generate a PostScript page list of a PDF document

pdf2dsc input.pdf [ output.dsc ]

pdf2dsc uses gs(1) to read an Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) document "input.pdf" and create a PostScript(tm) document "output.dsc" that conforms to Adobe's Document Structuring Conventions (DSC) requirements.

This new document simply tells Ghostscript to read the PDF file and to display pages one at a time. The generated document can then be viewed with any PostScript viewer based on Ghostscript, like ghostview(1) on Unix or GSview on Windows, with which the user can browse through the pages of the PDF document in any order.

If no output file is named on the command line, the name of the output file is that of the input file with any extension removed, followed by the extension ".dsc".

The DSC document uses Ghostscript-specific procedures. In addition, the original PDF document must be accessible when the DSC document is processed.

You need the file "" (originally by Russell Lang) supplied with Ghostscript since release 3.53.

gs(1), ghostview(1)

This document was last revised for Ghostscript version 9.06.

Yves Arrouye <> and Russell Lang gsview at
8 August 2012 9.06

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