pmd_grapher - display Module::Dependency info in a graphical manner
pmd_grapher.plx [-h] [-t]
[-f FORMAT] [-o <datafile>]
[-m REGEX] [-n REGEX] [-s START_AT [-r] [-b]]
-h Displays this help
-t Displays tracing messages
-f Choose an output format - default is 'png'
'text' - Output with the makeText method to emit a plaintext tree.
'html' - Output with the makeHtml method to emit an HTML fragment.
'gif'/'png' - Output an image.
'ps'/'eps' - Output (Encapsulated) PostScript (requires PostScript::Simple)
'svg' - Scalable Vector Graphic
-o the location of the datafile (default is $ENV{PERL_PMD_DB} or /var/tmp/dependence/unified.dat)
-m Optional regular expression - only show dependencies that match this expression
-n Optional regular expression - do not show dependencies that match this expression
-s Starts the dependency tree at this script/module
Default is to start with ALL scripts
Can be like 'foo,bar' to start with a list of items.
-r Reverse dependency, i.e. show the things that depend upon
a package, not the things a package depends upon.
The default is to show forward dependencies only.
-b Both ways dependency - show parents and children.
<filename> The file where you want to send the output.
Use - for STDOUT.
NB: If no -f option is supplied we guess the format by looking at the
filename. If we still can't guess then the default is used - PNG.
pmd_grapher.plx -t -s Module::Dependency::Info -o ./unified.dat foo.gif
The best way to show and understand dependency relations is using a tree
diagram. This program creates a visual dependency tree, going in both
directions if required to give parent and/or child relationships.
$Id: pmd_grapher.plx 6643 2006-07-12 20:23:31Z timbo $