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NAMEpodboat - a podcast download manager for text terminalsSYNOPSISpodboat [-C configfile] [-q queuefile] [-a] [-h]DESCRIPTIONPodboat is a podcast manager for text terminals. It is a helper program to Newsboat which queues podcast downloads into a file. These queued downloads can then be download with Podboat.OPTIONS-h, --helpDisplay help
-C configfile, --config-file=configfile Use an alternative configuration file
-q queuefile, --queue-file=queuefile Use an alternative queue file
-a, --autodownload Start automatic download of all queued files on
-l loglevel, --log-level=loglevel Generate a logfile with a certain loglevel. Valid
loglevels are 1 to 6. An actual logfile will only be written when you provide
a logfile name.
-d logfile, --log-file=logfile Use this logfile as output when logging debug messages.
Please note that this only works when providing a loglevel.
PODCAST SUPPORTA podcast is a media file distributed over the internet using syndication feeds such as RSS, for later playback on portable players or computers. Newsboat supports downloading, saving and streaming podcasts, though an external media player is needed for playback. This support differs a bit from other podcast aggregators or "podcatchers" in how it is done.Podcast content is transported in RSS feeds via special tags called "enclosures". Newsboat recognizes these enclosures and stores the relevant information for every podcast item it finds in an RSS feed. Since version 2.0, it also recognizes and handles the Yahoo Media RSS extensions. Remote APIs don’t always list those "enclosures", so podcasts might be missing from Newsboat. Such APIs are marked in the relevant section of our docs. If a note is missing but you still don’t see enclosures in Newsboat, please file an issue and we’ll get to the bottom of it! MANAGING AUDIO FILES WITH PODBOATWhat the user can do is to add the podcast download URL to a download queue. Alternatively, Newsboat can be configured to automatically do that. This queue is stored in the queue file next to the cache.db file.The user can then use the download manager podboat to download these files to a directory on the local filesystem. Podboat comes with the Newsboat package, and features a look and feel very close to the one of Newsboat. It also shares the same configuration file. Podcasts that have been downloaded but haven’t been played yet remain in the queue but are marked as downloaded. You can remove them by purging them from the queue with the "P" key. After you’ve played a file and close Podboat, it will be removed from the queue. The downloaded file remains on the filesystem unless "delete-played-files" is enabled. A common "use case" is to configure Newsboat to automatically enqueue newly found podcast download URLs. Then, the user reloads the podcast RSS feeds in Newsboat, and after that, uses Podboat to view the current queue, and either selectively download certain files or automatically download them all together by pressing "a" within Podboat. CONFIGURATION COMMANDSdelete-played-files (parameters: [yes/no]; default value: no)If set to yes, Podboat will
delete files when their corresponding queue entry is removed (this includes
"finished" and "deleted" entries as well). (example:
delete-played-files yes)
download-path (parameters: <path>; default value: ~/) Specifies the directory where Podboat shall download the
files to. Optionally, placeholders can be used to place downloads in a
directory structure. See "Format Strings" section of Newsboat manual
for details on available formats. This setting is applied at enqueueing time;
changing it won’t affect download paths of the podcasts that were
already added to the queue. (example: download-path
download-filename-format (parameters: <string>; default value: "%?u?%u&%Y-%b-%d-%H%M%S.unknown?") Specifies how Podboat would name the files it downloads
(see also download-path). See "Format
Strings" section of Newsboat manual for details on available formats.
(example: download-filename-format "%F-%t.%e")
max-downloads (parameters: <number>; default value: 1) Specifies the maximum number of parallel downloads when
automatic download is enabled. (example: max-downloads 3)
player (parameters: <player command>; default value: "") Specifies the player that shall be used for playback of
downloaded files. (example: player "mp3blaster")
podlist-format (parameters: <format>; default value: "%4i [%6dMB/%6tMB] [%5p %%] [%12K] %-20S %u → %F") This variable defines the format of entries in
Podboat’s download list. See the respective section in the
documentation for more information on format strings. (example: podlist-format
"%i %u %-20S %F")
FILESBy default, Newsboat stores all the files in a traditional Unix fashion, i.e. in a "dotdir" located at ~/.newsboat. However, it also supports a modern way, XDG Base Directory Specification <https://standards.freedesktop.org/basedir-spec/basedir-spec-latest.html>, which splits the files between the following locations: 1.$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/newsboat/
(XDG_CONFIG_HOME defaults to ~/.config)
(XDG_DATA_HOME defaults to
If the newsboat directory exists under XDG_CONFIG_HOME, then Newsboat will use XDG directories (creating the data directory if necessary). Otherwise, Newsboat will default to ~/.newsboat. If you’re currently using ~/.newsboat/ but wish to migrate to XDG directories, you should move the files as follows: config, urls to $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/newsboat/
cache.db, history.search, history.cmdline, queue to $XDG_DATA_HOME/newsboat/
Newsboat and Podboat also create "lock files". These prevent you from starting two instances of the same program, and thus from corrupting your data. Newsboat and Podboat remove these files when you quit the program, so there is no need to copy them anywhere — just be aware of them in case you write scripts that work with cache.db or queue. By default, lock files are located as follows:
Newsboat places the lock file next to the cache file, so if you specify cache-file setting or pass --cache-file command-line argument, the path to the lock file will change too. Podboat, on the other hand, always places its lock file as shown above. dotfiles ~/.newsboat/config
~/.newsboat/queue XDG $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/newsboat/config
$XDG_DATA_HOME/newsboat/queue Note: if the XDG_CONFIG_HOME environment variable is not set, Podboat behaves as if it was set to ~/.config. Similarly, XDG_DATA_HOME defaults to ~/.local/share. ENVIRONMENTBROWSERTells Newsboat what browser to use if there is no
browser setting in the config file. If this variable
doesn’t exist, a default of lynx(1) will be
CURL_CA_BUNDLE Tells Newsboat to use the specified certificate file to
verify the peer. The file may contain multiple certificates. The
certificate(s) must be in PEM format.
This option is useful if your libcurl is built without useful certificate information, and you can’t rebuild the library yourself. EDITOR Tells Newsboat what fallback editor to use when editing
the urls file via the edit-urls operation and
no VISUAL environment variable is set. If this
variable doesn’t exist either, a default of
vi(1) will be used.
PAGER Tells Newsboat what pager to use if the
pager setting in the config file is explicitly set to
an empty string.
TMPDIR Tells Newsboat to use the specified directory for storing
temporary files. If this variable doesn’t exist, a default of
/tmp will be used.
VISUAL Tells Newsboat what editor to use when editing the
urls file via the edit-urls operation. If this
variable doesn’t exist, the EDITOR environment
variable will be used.
XDG_CONFIG_HOME Tells Newsboat which base directory to use for the
configuration files. See also the section on files for more information.
XDG_DATA_HOME Tells Newsboat which base directory to use for the data
files. See also the section on files for more information.
SEE ALSOnewsboat(1)AUTHORAlexander Batischev