ppl_lpsol - a PPL-based mixed integer programming problem solver
ppl_lpsol [OPTION]... [FILE]
Reads a file in MPS format and attempts solution using the optimization
algorithms provided by the PPL.
See the GNU Linear Programming Kit: Reference Manual (Version
4.31) for information on the MPS format.
- -c, --check[=THRESHOLD] checks the obtained results
using GLPK;
- optima are checked with a tolerance of THRESHOLD (default 1e-09); input
data are also perturbed the same way as GLPK does
- -i, --incremental
- solves the problem incrementally
- -m, --min
- minimizes the objective function
- -M, --max
- maximizes the objective function (default)
- -n, --no-optimization
- checks for satisfiability only
- -r, --no-mip
- consider integer variables as real variables
- -CSECS, --max-cpu=SECS
- limits CPU usage to SECS seconds
- -RMB, --max-memory=MB
- limits memory usage to MB megabytes
- -h, --help
- prints this help text to stdout
- -oPATH, --output=PATH
- appends output to PATH
- -e, --enumerate
- use the (expensive!) enumeration method
- -pM, --pricing=M
- use pricing method M for simplex (assumes -s); M is an int from 0
to 2, default 0: 0 --> steepest-edge using floating point 1
--> steepest-edge using exact arithmetic 2 -->
- -s, --simplex
- use the simplex method
- -t, --timings
- prints timings to stderr
- -v, --verbosity=LEVEL
- sets verbosity level (from 0 to 4, default 3): 0 --> quiet: no
output except for errors and
- explicitly required notifications
- 1 --> solver state only 2 --> state + optimal value 3
--> state + optimal value + optimum location 4 -->
lots of output
- -V, --version
- prints version information to stdout
The latest version of the Parma Polyhedra Library and all the documentation is
available at http://bugseng.com/products/ppl/ .
The options -CSECS (--max-cpu=SECS) and -t
(--timings) are not available on some platforms.
See the file CREDITS in the source distribution or use the command
ppl-config --credits for a list of contributors.
Copyright (C) 2001-2010 Roberto Bagnara <bagnara@cs.unipr.it> Copyright
(C) 2010-2016 BUGSENG srl (http://bugseng.com)
This is free software; see the file COPYING in the source distribution or
use the command ppl-config --copying to obtain the copying conditions.
There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
Andrew Makhorin. GNU Linear Programming Kit: Reference Manual
(Version 4.31).