proclet - foreman for perl
$ cat Procfile
memd: memcached -v -p 11211
plack: plackup -p 9022 -e 'sub { [200, [], ["OK"]] }'
$ proclet start
proclet is foreman for perl, manages Procfile-based applications.
proclet does not support EXPORT yet.
proclet start is used to run your application directly from the command
The following options control how the application is run:
- -h, --help
- Display help message
- -c, --concurrency: Str
- The number of each process type to run. The value passed in should be in
the format process=num,process=num
- -e, --env: Str
- An alternate environment file. You can specify more than one file by
using: --env file1,file2.
- -f, --procfile: Str
- An alternate Procfile to load, implies -d at the Procfile root
- --color
- Colored log
- -p, --port: Num
- Port number which used as the base for this application. Should be a
multiple of 1000
A Procfile should contain both a name for the process and the command used to
run it.
web: bundle exec thin start
job: bundle exec rake jobs:work
If a .env file exists in the current directory, the default environment
will be read from it. This file should contain key/value pairs, separated by
=, with one key/value pair per line.
If a .foreman file exists in the current directory, default options will
be read from it. This file should be in YAML format with the long option name
as keys. Example:
concurrency: alpha=0,bravo=1
color: 1
As same as foreman, proclet starts to assign from port 5000 by default. and
assigns them in blocks of 100 per service in the order used in your Procfile.
You can specify an alternate starting port number with the -p option.
Masahiro Nagano <kazeburo {at}>
Proclet, <>,
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as Perl itself.