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PSRESIZE(1) FreeBSD General Commands Manual PSRESIZE(1)

psresize - multiple pages per sheet

psresize [ -wwidth ] [ -hheight ] [ -ppaper ] [ -Wwidth ] [ -Hheight ] [ -Ppaper ] [ -q ] [ infile [ outfile ] ]

Psresize rescales and centres a document on a different size of paper. The input PostScript file should follow the Adobe Document Structuring Conventions.

The -w option gives the output paper width, and the -h option gives the output paper height, normally specified in cm or in to convert PostScript's points (1/72 of an inch) to centimeters or inches. The -p option can be used as an alternative, to set the output paper size to a3, a4, a5, b5, letter, legal, tabloid, statement, executive, folio, quarto or 10x14. The default output paper size is a4.

The -W option gives the input paper width, and the -H option gives the input paper height. The -P option can be used as an alternative, to set the input paper size. The default input paper size is a4.

Psresize normally prints the page numbers of the pages output; the -q option suppresses this.

The following command can be used to convert a document on A4 size paper to letter size paper:

psresize -PA4 -pletter

Copyright (C) Angus J. C. Duggan 1991-1995

psbook(1), psselect(1), pstops(1), epsffit(1), psnup(1), psresize(1), psmerge(1), fixscribeps(1), getafm(1), fixdlsrps(1), fixfmps(1), fixmacps(1), fixpsditps(1), fixpspps(1), fixtpps(1), fixwfwps(1), fixwpps(1), fixwwps(1), extractres(1), includeres(1)

PostScript is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated.

Psresize does not accept all DSC comments.
PSUtils Release 1 Patchlevel 17

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