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pt-table-sync - Synchronize MySQL table data efficiently.
Usage: pt-table-sync [OPTIONS] DSN [DSN]
pt-table-sync synchronizes data efficiently between MySQL
This tool changes data, so for maximum safety, you should back up
your data before using it. When synchronizing a server that is a replication
slave with the "--replicate" or "--sync-to-master"
methods, it always makes the changes on the replication master,
never the replication slave directly. This is in general the only
safe way to bring a replica back in sync with its master; changes to the
replica are usually the source of the problems in the first place. However,
the changes it makes on the master should be no-op changes that set the data
to their current values, and actually affect only the replica.
Sync db.tbl on host1 to host2:
pt-table-sync --execute h=host1,D=db,t=tbl h=host2
Sync all tables on host1 to host2 and host3:
pt-table-sync --execute host1 host2 host3
Make slave1 have the same data as its replication master:
pt-table-sync --execute --sync-to-master slave1
Resolve differences that pt-table-checksum found on all slaves of
pt-table-sync --execute --replicate test.checksum master1
Same as above but only resolve differences on slave1:
pt-table-sync --execute --replicate test.checksum \
--sync-to-master slave1
Sync master2 in a master-master replication configuration, where
master2's copy of db.tbl is known or suspected to be incorrect:
pt-table-sync --execute --sync-to-master h=master2,D=db,t=tbl
Note that in the master-master configuration, the following will
NOT do what you want, because it will make changes directly on master2,
which will then flow through replication and change master1's data:
# Don't do this in a master-master setup!
pt-table-sync --execute h=master1,D=db,t=tbl master2
WARNING: pt-table-sync changes data! Before using this tool, please:
- Read the tool's documentation
- Review the tool's known "BUGS"
- Test the tool on a non-production server
- Backup your production server and verify the backups
pt-table-sync is mature, proven in the real world, and well
tested, but if used improperly it can have adverse consequences. Always
test syncing first with "--dry-run" and
pt-table-sync does one-way and bidirectional synchronization of table data. It
does not synchronize table structures, indexes, or any other schema
objects. The following describes one-way synchronization. "BIDIRECTIONAL
SYNCING" is described later.
This tool is complex and functions in several different ways. To
use it safely and effectively, you should understand three things: the
purpose of "--replicate", finding differences, and specifying
hosts. These three concepts are closely related and determine how the tool
will run. The following is the abbreviated logic:
if DSN has a t part, sync only that table:
if 1 DSN:
if --sync-to-master:
The DSN is a slave. Connect to its master and sync.
if more than 1 DSN:
The first DSN is the source. Sync each DSN in turn.
else if --replicate:
if --sync-to-master:
The DSN is a slave. Connect to its master, find records
of differences, and fix.
The DSN is the master. Find slaves and connect to each,
find records of differences, and fix.
if only 1 DSN and --sync-to-master:
The DSN is a slave. Connect to its master, find tables and
filter with --databases etc, and sync each table to the master.
find tables, filtering with --databases etc, and sync each
DSN to the first.
pt-table-sync can run in one of two ways: with
"--replicate" or without. The default is to run without
"--replicate" which causes pt-table-sync to automatically find
differences efficiently with one of several algorithms (see
"ALGORITHMS"). Alternatively, the value of
"--replicate", if specified, causes pt-table-sync to use the
differences already found by having previously ran pt-table-checksum with
its own "--replicate" option. Strictly
speaking, you don't need to use "--replicate" because
pt-table-sync can find differences, but many people use
"--replicate" if, for example, they checksum regularly using
pt-table-checksum then fix differences as needed with pt-table-sync. If
you're unsure, read each tool's documentation carefully and decide for
yourself, or consult with an expert.
Regardless of whether "--replicate" is used or not, you
need to specify which hosts to sync. There are two ways: with
"--sync-to-master" or without. Specifying
"--sync-to-master" makes pt-table-sync expect one and only slave
DSN on the command line. The tool will automatically discover the slave's
master and sync it so that its data is the same as its master. This is
accomplished by making changes on the master which then flow through
replication and update the slave to resolve its differences. Be careful
though: although this option specifies and syncs a single slave, if
there are other slaves on the same master, they will receive via replication
the changes intended for the slave that you're trying to sync.
Alternatively, if you do not specify "--sync-to-master",
the first DSN given on the command line is the source host. There is only
ever one source host. If you do not also specify "--replicate",
then you must specify at least one other DSN as the destination host. There
can be one or more destination hosts. Source and destination hosts must be
independent; they cannot be in the same replication topology. pt-table-sync
will die with an error if it detects that a destination host is a slave
because changes are written directly to destination hosts (and it's not safe
to write directly to slaves). Or, if you specify "--replicate"
(but not "--sync-to-master") then pt-table-sync expects one and
only one master DSN on the command line. The tool will automatically
discover all the master's slaves and sync them to the master. This is the
only way to sync several (all) slaves at once (because
"--sync-to-master" only specifies one slave).
Each host on the command line is specified as a DSN. The first DSN
(or only DSN for cases like "--sync-to-master") provides default
values for other DSNs, whether those other DSNs are specified on the command
line or auto-discovered by the tool. So in this example,
pt-table-sync --execute h=host1,u=msandbox,p=msandbox h=host2
the host2 DSN inherits the "u"
and "p" DSN parts from the host1 DSN. Use
the "--explain-hosts" option to see how pt-table-sync will
interpret the DSNs given on the command line.
- Replicas using row-based replication
- pt-table-sync requires statement-based replication when used with the
"--sync-to-master" or "--replicate" option. Therefore
it will set "binlog_format=STATEMENT" on
the master for its session if required. To do this user must have
"SUPER" privilege.
If you specify the "--verbose" option, you'll see information about
the differences between the tables. There is one row per table. Each server is
printed separately. For example,
# Syncing h=host1,D=test,t=test1
# 0 0 3 0 Chunk 13:00:00 13:00:17 2 test.test1
Table test.test1 on host1 required 3
"INSERT" statements to synchronize and it
used the Chunk algorithm (see "ALGORITHMS"). The sync operation
for this table started at 13:00:00 and ended 17 seconds later (times taken
from "NOW()" on the source host). Because
differences were found, its "EXIT STATUS" was 2.
If you specify the "--print" option, you'll see the
actual SQL statements that the script uses to synchronize the table if
"--execute" is also specified.
If you want to see the SQL statements that pt-table-sync is using
to select chunks, nibbles, rows, etc., then specify "--print" once
and "--verbose" twice. Be careful though: this can print a lot of
SQL statements.
There are cases where no combination of
"DELETE" statements can resolve
differences without violating some unique key. For example, suppose there's
a primary key on column a and a unique key on column b. Then there is no way
to sync these two tables with straightforward UPDATE statements:
+---+---+ +---+---+
| a | b | | a | b |
+---+---+ +---+---+
| 1 | 2 | | 1 | 1 |
| 2 | 1 | | 2 | 2 |
+---+---+ +---+---+
The tool rewrites queries to
"DELETE" and
"REPLACE" in this case. This is
automatically handled after the first index violation, so you don't have to
worry about it.
Be careful when using pt-table-sync in any master-master setup.
Master-master replication is inherently tricky, and it's easy to make
mistakes. You need to be sure you're using the tool correctly for
master-master replication. See the "SYNOPSIS" for the overview of
the correct usage.
Also be careful with tables that have foreign key constraints with
UPDATE" definitions because these might cause unintended changes
on the child tables. See "--[no]check-child-tables".
In general, this tool is best suited when your tables have a
primary key or unique index. Although it can synchronize data in tables
lacking a primary key or unique index, it might be best to synchronize that
data by another means.
Synchronizing a replication master and slave safely is a non-trivial problem, in
general. There are all sorts of issues to think about, such as other processes
changing data, trying to change data on the slave, whether the destination and
source are a master-master pair, and much more.
In general, the safe way to do it is to change the data on the
master, and let the changes flow through replication to the slave like any
other changes. However, this works only if it's possible to REPLACE into the
table on the master. REPLACE works only if there's a unique index on the
table (otherwise it just acts like an ordinary INSERT).
If your table has unique keys, you should use the
"--sync-to-master" and/or "--replicate" options to sync
a slave to its master. This will generally do the right thing. When there is
no unique key on the table, there is no choice but to change the data on the
slave, and pt-table-sync will detect that you're trying to do so. It will
complain and die unless you specify
"--no-check-slave" (see
If you're syncing a table without a primary or unique key on a
master-master pair, you must change the data on the destination server.
Therefore, you need to specify
"--no-bin-log" for safety (see
"--[no]bin-log"). If you don't, the changes you make on the
destination server will replicate back to the source server and change the
data there!
The generally safe thing to do on a master-master pair is to use
the "--sync-to-master" option so you don't change the data on the
destination server. You will also need to specify
"--no-check-slave" to keep pt-table-sync
from complaining that it is changing data on a slave.
pt-table-sync has a generic data-syncing framework which uses different
algorithms to find differences. The tool automatically chooses the best
algorithm for each table based on indexes, column types, and the algorithm
preferences specified by "--algorithms". The following algorithms
are available, listed in their default order of preference:
- Chunk
- Finds an index whose first column is numeric (including date and time
types), and divides the column's range of values into chunks of
approximately "--chunk-size" rows. Syncs a chunk at a time by
checksumming the entire chunk. If the chunk differs on the source and
destination, checksums each chunk's rows individually to find the rows
that differ.
It is efficient when the column has sufficient cardinality to
make the chunks end up about the right size.
The initial per-chunk checksum is quite small and results in
minimal network traffic and memory consumption. If a chunk's rows must
be examined, only the primary key columns and a checksum are sent over
the network, not the entire row. If a row is found to be different, the
entire row will be fetched, but not before.
Note that this algorithm will not work if chunking a char
column where all the values start with the same character. In that case,
the tool will exit and suggest picking a different algorithm.
- Nibble
- Finds an index and ascends the index in fixed-size nibbles of
"--chunk-size" rows, using a non-backtracking algorithm (see
pt-archiver for more on this algorithm). It is very similar to
"Chunk", but instead of pre-calculating the boundaries of each
piece of the table based on index cardinality, it uses
"LIMIT" to define each nibble's upper
limit, and the previous nibble's upper limit to define the lower limit.
It works in steps: one query finds the row that will define
the next nibble's upper boundary, and the next query checksums the
entire nibble. If the nibble differs between the source and destination,
it examines the nibble row-by-row, just as "Chunk" does.
- GroupBy
- Selects the entire table grouped by all columns, with a COUNT(*) column
added. Compares all columns, and if they're the same, compares the
COUNT(*) column's value to determine how many rows to insert or delete
into the destination. Works on tables with no primary key or unique
- Stream
- Selects the entire table in one big stream and compares all columns.
Selects all columns. Much less efficient than the other algorithms, but
works when there is no suitable index for them to use.
- Future Plans
- Possibilities for future algorithms are TempTable (what I originally
called bottom-up in earlier versions of this tool), DrillDown (what I
originally called top-down), and GroupByPrefix (similar to how SqlYOG Job
Agent works). Each algorithm has strengths and weaknesses. If you'd like
to implement your favorite technique for finding differences between two
sources of data on possibly different servers, I'm willing to help. The
algorithms adhere to a simple interface that makes it pretty easy to write
your own.
Bidirectional syncing is a new, experimental feature. To make it work reliably
there are a number of strict limitations:
* only works when syncing one server to other independent servers
* does not work in any way with replication
* requires that the table(s) are chunkable with the Chunk algorithm
* is not N-way, only bidirectional between two servers at a time
* does not handle DELETE changes
For example, suppose we have three servers: c1, r1, r2. c1 is the
central server, a pseudo-master to the other servers (viz. r1 and r2 are not
slaves to c1). r1 and r2 are remote servers. Rows in table foo are updated
and inserted on all three servers and we want to synchronize all the changes
between all the servers. Table foo has columns:
ts timestamp auto updated
name varchar
Auto-increment offsets are used so that new rows from any server
do not create conflicting primary key (id) values. In general, newer rows,
as determined by the ts column, take precedence when a same but differing
row is found during the bidirectional sync. "Same but differing"
means that two rows have the same primary key (id) value but different
values for some other column, like the name column in this example. Same but
differing conflicts are resolved by a "conflict". A conflict
compares some column of the competing rows to determine a
"winner". The winning row becomes the source and its values are
used to update the other row.
There are subtle differences between three columns used to achieve
bidirectional syncing that you should be familiar with: chunk column
("--chunk-column"), comparison column(s) ("--columns"),
and conflict column ("--conflict-column"). The chunk column is
only used to chunk the table; e.g. "WHERE id >= 5 AND id <
10". Chunks are checksummed and when chunk checksums reveal a
difference, the tool selects the rows in that chunk and checksums the
"--columns" for each row. If a column checksum differs, the rows
have one or more conflicting column values. In a traditional unidirectional
sync, the conflict is a moot point because it can be resolved simply by
updating the entire destination row with the source row's values. In a
bidirectional sync, however, the "--conflict-column" (in
accordance with other "--conflict-*"
options list below) is compared to determine which row is
"correct" or "authoritative"; this row becomes the
To sync all three servers completely, two runs of pt-table-sync
are required. The first run syncs c1 and r1, then syncs c1 and r2 including
any changes from r1. At this point c1 and r2 are completely in sync, but r1
is missing any changes from r2 because c1 didn't have these changes when it
and r1 were synced. So a second run is needed which syncs the servers in the
same order, but this time when c1 and r1 are synced r1 gets r2's
The tool does not sync N-ways, only bidirectionally between the
first DSN given on the command line and each subsequent DSN in turn. So the
tool in this example would be ran twice like:
pt-table-sync --bidirectional h=c1 h=r1 h=r2
The "--bidirectional" option enables this feature and
causes various sanity checks to be performed. You must specify other options
that tell pt-table-sync how to resolve conflicts for same but differing
rows. These options are:
* --conflict-column
* --conflict-comparison
* --conflict-value
* --conflict-threshold
* --conflict-error"> (optional)
Use "--print" to test this option before
"--execute". The printed SQL statements will have comments saying
on which host the statement would be executed if you used
Technical side note: the first DSN is always the "left"
server and the other DSNs are always the "right" server. Since
either server can become the source or destination it's confusing to think
of them as "src" and "dst". Therefore, they're
generically referred to as left and right. It's easy to remember this
because the first DSN is always to the left of the other server DSNs on the
command line.
The following are the exit statuses (also called return values, or return codes)
when pt-table-sync finishes and exits.
====== =======================================================
0 Success.
1 Internal error.
2 At least one table differed on the destination.
3 Combination of 1 and 2.
Specify at least one of "--print", "--execute", or
"--where" and "--replicate" are mutually
This tool accepts additional command-line arguments. Refer to the
"SYNOPSIS" and usage information for details.
- --algorithms
- type: string; default: Chunk,Nibble,GroupBy,Stream
Algorithm to use when comparing the tables, in order of
For each table, pt-table-sync will check if the table can be
synced with the given algorithms in the order that they're given. The
first algorithm that can sync the table is used. See
- --ask-pass
- Prompt for a password when connecting to MySQL.
- --bidirectional
- Enable bidirectional sync between first and subsequent hosts.
- --[no]bin-log
- default: yes
Log to the binary log ("SET
Specifying "--no-bin-log"
will "SET SQL_LOG_BIN=0".
- --buffer-in-mysql
- Instruct MySQL to buffer queries in its memory.
This option adds the
"SQL_BUFFER_RESULT" option to the
comparison queries. This causes MySQL to execute the queries and place
them in a temporary table internally before sending the results back to
pt-table-sync. The advantage of this strategy is that pt-table-sync can
fetch rows as desired without using a lot of memory inside the Perl
process, while releasing locks on the MySQL table (to reduce contention
with other queries). The disadvantage is that it uses more memory on the
MySQL server instead.
You probably want to leave "--[no]buffer-to-client"
enabled too, because buffering into a temp table and then fetching it
all into Perl's memory is probably a silly thing to do. This option is
most useful for the GroupBy and Stream algorithms, which may fetch a lot
of data from the server.
- --[no]buffer-to-client
- default: yes
Fetch rows one-by-one from MySQL while comparing.
This option enables
"mysql_use_result" which causes MySQL
to hold the selected rows on the server until the tool fetches them.
This allows the tool to use less memory but may keep the rows locked on
the server longer.
If this option is disabled by specifying
"--no-buffer-to-client" then
"mysql_store_result" is used which
causes MySQL to send all selected rows to the tool at once. This may
result in the results "cursor" being held open for a shorter
time on the server, but if the tables are large, it could take a long
time anyway, and use all your memory.
For most non-trivial data sizes, you want to leave this option
This option is disabled when "--bidirectional" is
- --channel
- type: string
Channel name used when connected to a server using replication
channels. Suppose you have two masters, master_a at port 12345, master_b
at port 1236 and a slave connected to both masters using channels
chan_master_a and chan_master_b. If you want to run pt-table-sync to
syncronize the slave against master_a, pt-table-sync won't be able to
determine what's the correct master since SHOW SLAVE STATUS will return
2 rows. In this case, you can use --channel=chan_master_a to specify the
channel name to use in the SHOW SLAVE STATUS command.
- --charset
- short form: -A; type: string
Default character set. If the value is utf8, sets Perl's
binmode on STDOUT to utf8, passes the mysql_enable_utf8 option to
DBD::mysql, and runs SET NAMES UTF8 after connecting to MySQL. Any other
value sets binmode on STDOUT without the utf8 layer, and runs SET NAMES
after connecting to MySQL.
- --[no]check-child-tables
- default: yes
Check if "--execute" will adversely affect child
tables. When "--replace", "--replicate", or
"--sync-to-master" is specified, the tool may sync tables
using "REPLACE" statements. If a table
being synced has child tables with "ON DELETE
NULL", the tool prints an error and skips the table because
"REPLACE" becomes
"DELETE" then
"INSERT", so the
"DELETE" will cascade to the child
table and delete its rows. In the worst case, this can delete all rows
in child tables!
"--no-check-child-tables" to disable
this check. To completely avoid affecting child tables, also specify
"--no-foreign-key-checks" so MySQL
will not cascade any operations from the parent to child tables.
This check is only preformed if "--execute" and one
of "--replace", "--replicate", or
"--sync-to-master" is specified. "--print" does not
check child tables.
The error message only prints the first child table found with
"ON UPDATE SET NULL" foreign key
constraint. There could be other affected child tables.
- --[no]check-master
- default: yes
With "--sync-to-master", try to verify that the
detected master is the real master.
- --[no]check-slave
- default: yes
Check whether the destination server is a slave.
If the destination server is a slave, it's generally unsafe to
make changes on it. However, sometimes you have to;
"--replace" won't work unless there's a unique index, for
example, so you can't make changes on the master in that scenario. By
default pt-table-sync will complain if you try to change data on a
slave. Specify "--no-check-slave" to
disable this check. Use it at your own risk.
- --[no]check-triggers
- default: yes
Check that no triggers are defined on the destination
Triggers were introduced in MySQL v5.0.2, so for older
versions this option has no effect because triggers will not be
- --chunk-column
- type: string
Chunk the table on this column.
- --chunk-index
- type: string
Chunk the table using this index.
- --chunk-size
- type: string; default: 1000
Number of rows or data size per chunk.
The size of each chunk of rows for the "Chunk" and
"Nibble" algorithms. The size can be either a number of rows,
or a data size. Data sizes are specified with a suffix of k=kibibytes,
M=mebibytes, G=gibibytes. Data sizes are converted to a number of rows
by dividing by the average row length.
- --columns
- short form: -c; type: array
Compare this comma-separated list of columns.
- --config
- type: Array
Read this comma-separated list of config files; if specified,
this must be the first option on the command line.
- --conflict-column
- type: string
Compare this column when rows conflict during a
"--bidirectional" sync.
When a same but differing row is found the value of this
column from each row is compared according to
"--conflict-comparison", "--conflict-value" and
"--conflict-threshold" to determine which row has the correct
data and becomes the source. The column can be any type for which there
is an appropriate "--conflict-comparison" (this is almost all
types except, for example, blobs).
This option only works with "--bidirectional". See
"BIDIRECTIONAL SYNCING" for more information.
- --conflict-comparison
- type: string
Choose the "--conflict-column" with this property as
the source.
The option affects how the "--conflict-column"
values from the conflicting rows are compared. Possible comparisons are
one of these MAGIC_comparisons:
========== =========================================================
newest Newest temporal --conflict-column value
oldest Oldest temporal --conflict-column value
greatest Greatest numerical "--conflict-column value
least Least numerical --conflict-column value
equals --conflict-column value equal to --conflict-value
matches --conflict-column value matching Perl regex pattern
This option only works with "--bidirectional". See
"BIDIRECTIONAL SYNCING" for more information.
- --conflict-error
- type: string; default: warn
How to report unresolvable conflicts and conflict errors
This option changes how the user is notified when a conflict
cannot be resolved or causes some kind of error. Possible values
* warn: Print a warning to STDERR about the unresolvable conflict
* die: Die, stop syncing, and print a warning to STDERR
This option only works with "--bidirectional". See
"BIDIRECTIONAL SYNCING" for more information.
- --conflict-threshold
- type: string
Amount by which one "--conflict-column" must exceed
the other.
The "--conflict-threshold" prevents a conflict from
being resolved if the absolute difference between the two
"--conflict-column" values is less than this amount. For
example, if two "--conflict-column" have timestamp values
"2009-12-01 12:00:00" and "2009-12-01 12:05:00" the
difference is 5 minutes. If "--conflict-threshold" is set to
"5m" the conflict will be resolved, but if
"--conflict-threshold" is set to "6m" the conflict
will fail to resolve because the difference is not greater than or equal
to 6 minutes. In this latter case, "--conflict-error" will
report the failure.
This option only works with "--bidirectional". See
"BIDIRECTIONAL SYNCING" for more information.
- --conflict-value
- type: string
Use this value for certain
This option gives the value for
"equals" and
This option only works with "--bidirectional". See
"BIDIRECTIONAL SYNCING" for more information.
- --databases
- short form: -d; type: hash
Sync only this comma-separated list of databases.
A common request is to sync tables from one database with
tables from another database on the same or different server. This is
not yet possible. "--databases" will not do it, and you can't
do it with the D part of the DSN either because in the absence of a
table name it assumes the whole server should be synced and the D part
controls only the connection's default database.
- --defaults-file
- short form: -F; type: string
Only read mysql options from the given file. You must give an
absolute pathname.
- --dry-run
- Analyze, decide the sync algorithm to use, print and exit.
Implies "--verbose" so you can see the results. The
results are in the same output format that you'll see from actually
running the tool, but there will be zeros for rows affected. This is
because the tool actually executes, but stops before it compares any
data and just returns zeros. The zeros do not mean there are no changes
to be made.
- --engines
- short form: -e; type: hash
Sync only this comma-separated list of storage engines.
- --execute
- Execute queries to make the tables have identical data.
This option makes pt-table-sync actually sync table data by
executing all the queries that it created to resolve table differences.
Therefore, the tables will be changed! And unless you also
specify "--verbose", the changes will be made silently. If
this is not what you want, see "--print" or
- --explain-hosts
- Print connection information and exit.
Print out a list of hosts to which pt-table-sync will connect,
with all the various connection options, and exit.
- --float-precision
- type: int
Precision for "FLOAT" and
"DOUBLE" number-to-string conversion.
Causes FLOAT and DOUBLE values to be rounded to the specified number of
digits after the decimal point, with the ROUND() function in
MySQL. This can help avoid checksum mismatches due to different
floating-point representations of the same values on different MySQL
versions and hardware. The default is no rounding; the values are
converted to strings by the CONCAT() function, and MySQL chooses
the string representation. If you specify a value of 2, for example,
then the values 1.008 and 1.009 will be rounded to 1.01, and will
checksum as equal.
- --[no]foreign-key-checks
- default: yes
Enable foreign key checks ("SET
"--no-foreign-key-checks" will
- --function
- type: string
Which hash function you'd like to use for checksums.
The default is "CRC32".
Other good choices include "MD5" and
"SHA1". If you have installed the
"FNV_64" user-defined function,
"pt-table-sync" will detect it and
prefer to use it, because it is much faster than the built-ins. You can
also use MURMUR_HASH if you've installed that user-defined function.
Both of these are distributed with Percona Server. See pt-table-checksum
for more information and benchmarks.
- --help
- Show help and exit.
- --[no]hex-blob
- default: yes
"TEXT" and
"BINARY" columns.
When row data from the source is fetched to create queries to
sync the data (i.e. the queries seen with "--print" and
executed by "--execute"), binary columns are wrapped in
HEX() so the binary data does not produce an invalid SQL
statement. You can disable this option but you probably shouldn't.
- --host
- short form: -h; type: string
Connect to host.
- --ignore-columns
- type: Hash
Ignore this comma-separated list of column names in
This option causes columns not to be compared. However, if a
row is determined to differ between tables, all columns in that row will
be synced, regardless. (It is not currently possible to exclude columns
from the sync process itself, only from the comparison.)
- --ignore-databases
- type: Hash
Ignore this comma-separated list of databases.
(system databases such as information_schema and
performance_schema are ignored by default)
- --ignore-engines
- type: Hash; default: FEDERATED,MRG_MyISAM
Ignore this comma-separated list of storage engines.
- --ignore-tables
- type: Hash
Ignore this comma-separated list of tables.
Table names may be qualified with the database name.
- --ignore-tables-regex
- type: string; group: Filter
Ignore tables whose names match the Perl regex.
- --[no]index-hint
- default: yes
Add FORCE/USE INDEX hints to the chunk and row queries.
By default "pt-table-sync"
adds a FORCE/USE INDEX hint to each SQL statement to coerce MySQL into
using the index chosen by the sync algorithm or specified by
"--chunk-index". This is usually a good thing, but in rare
cases the index may not be the best for the query so you can suppress
the index hint by specifying
"--no-index-hint" and let MySQL choose
the index.
This does not affect the queries printed by
"--print"; it only affects the chunk and row queries that
"pt-table-sync" uses to select and
compare rows.
- --lock
- type: int
Lock tables: 0=none, 1=per sync cycle, 2=per table, or
This uses "LOCK TABLES".
This can help prevent tables being changed while you're examining them.
The possible values are as follows:
===== =======================================================
0 Never lock tables.
1 Lock and unlock one time per sync cycle (as implemented
by the syncing algorithm). This is the most granular
level of locking available. For example, the Chunk
algorithm will lock each chunk of C<N> rows, and then
unlock them if they are the same on the source and the
destination, before moving on to the next chunk.
2 Lock and unlock before and after each table.
3 Lock and unlock once for every server (DSN) synced, with
A replication slave is never locked if "--replicate"
or "--sync-to-master" is specified, since in theory locking
the table on the master should prevent any changes from taking place.
(You are not changing data on your slave, right?) If "--wait"
is given, the master (source) is locked and then the tool waits for the
slave to catch up to the master before continuing.
If "--transaction" is
specified, "LOCK TABLES" is not used.
Instead, lock and unlock are implemented by beginning and committing
transactions. The exception is if "--lock" is 3.
If "--no-transaction" is
specified, then "LOCK TABLES" is used
for any value of "--lock". See
- --lock-and-rename
- Lock the source and destination table, sync, then swap names. This is
useful as a less-blocking ALTER TABLE, once the tables are reasonably in
sync with each other (which you may choose to accomplish via any number of
means, including dump and reload or even something like pt-archiver). It
requires exactly two DSNs and assumes they are on the same server, so it
does no waiting for replication or the like. Tables are locked with LOCK
- --password
- short form: -p; type: string
Password to use when connecting. If password contains commas
they must be escaped with a backslash: "exam\,ple"
- --pid
- type: string
Create the given PID file. The tool won't start if the PID
file already exists and the PID it contains is different than the
current PID. However, if the PID file exists and the PID it contains is
no longer running, the tool will overwrite the PID file with the current
PID. The PID file is removed automatically when the tool exits.
- --port
- short form: -P; type: int
Port number to use for connection.
- --print
- Print queries that will resolve differences.
If you don't trust
"pt-table-sync", or just want to see
what it will do, this is a good way to be safe. These queries are valid
SQL and you can run them yourself if you want to sync the tables
- --recursion-method
- type: array; default: processlist,hosts
Preferred recursion method used to find slaves.
Possible methods are:
=========== ==================
none Do not find slaves
The processlist method is preferred because SHOW SLAVE HOSTS
is not reliable. However, the hosts method is required if the server
uses a non-standard port (not 3306). Usually pt-table-sync does the
right thing and finds the slaves, but you may give a preferred method
and it will be used first. If it doesn't find any slaves, the other
methods will be tried.
- --replace
- Write all "INSERT" and
"UPDATE" statements as
This is automatically switched on as needed when there are
unique index violations.
- --replicate
- type: string
Sync tables listed as different in this table.
Specifies that
"pt-table-sync" should examine the
specified table to find data that differs. The table is exactly the same
as the argument of the same name to pt-table-checksum. That is, it
contains records of which tables (and ranges of values) differ between
the master and slave.
For each table and range of values that shows differences
between the master and slave,
"pt-table-checksum" will sync that
table, with the appropriate "WHERE"
clause, to its master.
This automatically sets "--wait" to 60 and causes
changes to be made on the master instead of the slave.
If "--sync-to-master" is specified, the tool will
assume the server you specified is the slave, and connect to the master
as usual to sync.
Otherwise, it will try to use "SHOW
PROCESSLIST" to find slaves of the server you specified. If
it is unable to find any slaves via "SHOW
PROCESSLIST", it will inspect "SHOW
SLAVE HOSTS" instead. You must configure each slave's
"report-port" and other options for
this to work right. After finding slaves, it will inspect the specified
table on each slave to find data that needs to be synced, and sync
The tool examines the master's copy of the table first,
assuming that the master is potentially a slave as well. Any table that
shows differences there will NOT be synced on the slave(s). For
example, suppose your replication is set up as A->B, B->C,
B->D. Suppose you use this argument and specify server B. The tool
will examine server B's copy of the table. If it looks like server B's
data in table "test.tbl1" is different
from server A's copy, the tool will not sync that table on servers C and
- --slave-user
- type: string
Sets the user to be used to connect to the slaves. This
parameter allows you to have a different user with less privileges on
the slaves but that user must exist on all slaves.
- --slave-password
- type: string
Sets the password to be used to connect to the slaves. It can
be used with --slave-user and the password for the user must be the same
on all slaves.
- --set-vars
- type: Array
Set the MySQL variables in this comma-separated list of
"variable=value" pairs.
By default, the tool sets:
Variables specified on the command line override these
defaults. For example, specifying "--set-vars
wait_timeout=500" overrides the defaultvalue of
The tool prints a warning and continues if a variable cannot
be set.
- --socket
- short form: -S; type: string
Socket file to use for connection.
- --sync-to-master
- Treat the DSN as a slave and sync it to its master.
Treat the server you specified as a slave. Inspect
"SHOW SLAVE STATUS", connect to the
server's master, and treat the master as the source and the slave as the
destination. Causes changes to be made on the master. Sets
"--wait" to 60 by default, sets "--lock" to 1 by
default, and disables "--[no]transaction" by default. See also
"--replicate", which changes this option's behavior.
- --tables
- short form: -t; type: hash
Sync only this comma-separated list of tables.
Table names may be qualified with the database name.
- --timeout-ok
- Keep going if "--wait" fails.
If you specify "--wait" and the slave doesn't catch
up to the master's position before the wait times out, the default
behavior is to abort. This option makes the tool keep going anyway.
Warning: if you are trying to get a consistent comparison between
the two servers, you probably don't want to keep going after a
- --[no]transaction
- Use transactions instead of "LOCK
The granularity of beginning and committing transactions is
controlled by "--lock". This is enabled by default, but since
"--lock" is disabled by default, it has no effect.
Most options that enable locking also disable transactions by
default, so if you want to use transactional locking (via
you must specify "--transaction"
If you don't specify
"--transaction" explicitly
"pt-table-sync" will decide on a
per-table basis whether to use transactions or table locks. It currently
uses transactions on InnoDB tables, and table locks on all others.
If "--no-transaction" is
specified, then "pt-table-sync" will
not use transactions at all (not even for InnoDB tables) and locking is
controlled by "--lock".
When enabled, either explicitly or implicitly, the transaction
isolation level is set "REPEATABLE
READ" and transactions are started
- --trim
- "TRIM()"
"VARCHAR" columns in
"BIT_XOR" and
"ACCUM" modes. Helps when comparing
MySQL 4.1 to >= 5.0.
This is useful when you don't care about the trailing space
differences between MySQL versions which vary in their handling of
trailing spaces. MySQL 5.0 and later all retain trailing spaces in
"VARCHAR", while previous versions
would remove them.
- --[no]unique-checks
- default: yes
Enable unique key checks ("SET
"--no-unique-checks" will
- --user
- short form: -u; type: string
User for login if not current user.
- --verbose
- short form: -v; cumulative: yes
Print results of sync operations.
See "OUTPUT" for more details about the output.
- --version
- Show version and exit.
- --[no]version-check
- default: yes
Check for the latest version of Percona Toolkit, MySQL, and
other programs.
This is a standard "check for updates automatically"
feature, with two additional features. First, the tool checks its own
version and also the versions of the following software: operating
system, Percona Monitoring and Management (PMM), MySQL, Perl, MySQL
driver for Perl (DBD::mysql), and Percona Toolkit. Second, it checks for
and warns about versions with known problems. For example, MySQL 5.5.25
had a critical bug and was re-released as 5.5.25a.
A secure connection to Percona’s Version Check database
server is done to perform these checks. Each request is logged by the
server, including software version numbers and unique ID of the checked
system. The ID is generated by the Percona Toolkit installation script
or when the Version Check database call is done for the first time.
Any updates or known problems are printed to STDOUT before the
tool's normal output. This feature should never interfere with the
normal operation of the tool.
For more information, visit
- --wait
- short form: -w; type: time
How long to wait for slaves to catch up to their master.
Make the master wait for the slave to catch up in replication
before comparing the tables. The value is the number of seconds to wait
before timing out (see also "--timeout-ok"). Sets
"--lock" to 1 and "--[no]transaction" to 0 by
default. If you see an error such as the following,
MASTER_POS_WAIT returned -1
It means the timeout was exceeded and you need to increase
The default value of this option is influenced by other
options. To see what value is in effect, run with
To disable waiting entirely (except for locks), specify
"--wait" 0. This helps when the slave is lagging on tables
that are not being synced.
- --where
- type: string
"WHERE" clause to restrict
syncing to part of the table.
- --[no]zero-chunk
- default: yes
Add a chunk for rows with zero or zero-equivalent values. The
only has an effect when "--chunk-size" is specified. The
purpose of the zero chunk is to capture a potentially large number of
zero values that would imbalance the size of the first chunk. For
example, if a lot of negative numbers were inserted into an unsigned
integer column causing them to be stored as zeros, then these zero
values are captured by the zero chunk instead of the first chunk and all
its non-zero values.
These DSN options are used to create a DSN. Each option is given like
"option=value". The options are
case-sensitive, so P and p are not the same option. There cannot be whitespace
before or after the "=" and if the value
contains whitespace it must be quoted. DSN options are comma-separated. See
the percona-toolkit manpage for full details.
- A
dsn: charset; copy: yes
Default character set.
- D
dsn: database; copy: yes
Database containing the table to be synced.
- F
dsn: mysql_read_default_file; copy: yes
Only read default options from the given file
- h
dsn: host; copy: yes
Connect to host.
- p
dsn: password; copy: yes
Password to use when connecting. If password contains commas
they must be escaped with a backslash: "exam\,ple"
- P
dsn: port; copy: yes
Port number to use for connection.
- S
dsn: mysql_socket; copy: yes
Socket file to use for connection.
- t
copy: yes
Table to be synced.
- u
dsn: user; copy: yes
User for login if not current user.
The environment variable "PTDEBUG" enables
verbose debugging output to STDERR. To enable debugging and capture all output
to a file, run the tool like:
PTDEBUG=1 pt-table-sync ... > FILE 2>&1
Be careful: debugging output is voluminous and can generate
several megabytes of output.
You need Perl, DBI, DBD::mysql, and some core packages that ought to be
installed in any reasonably new version of Perl.
For a list of known bugs, see <http://www.percona.com/bugs/pt-table-sync>.
Please report bugs at
<https://jira.percona.com/projects/PT>. Include the following
information in your bug report:
- Complete command-line used to run the tool
- Tool "--version"
- MySQL version of all servers involved
- Output from the tool including STDERR
- Input files (log/dump/config files, etc.)
If possible, include debugging output by running the tool with
"PTDEBUG"; see
Visit <http://www.percona.com/software/percona-toolkit/> to download the
latest release of Percona Toolkit. Or, get the latest release from the command
wget percona.com/get/percona-toolkit.tar.gz
wget percona.com/get/percona-toolkit.rpm
wget percona.com/get/percona-toolkit.deb
You can also get individual tools from the latest release:
wget percona.com/get/TOOL
Replace "TOOL" with the name of
any tool.
My work is based in part on Giuseppe Maxia's work on distributed databases,
<http://www.sysadminmag.com/articles/2004/0408/> and code derived from
that article. There is more explanation, and a link to the code, at
Another programmer extended Maxia's work even further. Fabien
Coelho changed and generalized Maxia's technique, introducing symmetry and
avoiding some problems that might have caused too-frequent checksum
collisions. This work grew into pg_comparator,
<http://www.coelho.net/pg_comparator/>. Coelho also explained the
technique further in a paper titled "Remote Comparison of Database
Tables" (<http://cri.ensmp.fr/classement/doc/A-375.pdf>).
This existing literature mostly addressed how to find the
differences between the tables, not how to resolve them once found. I needed
a tool that would not only find them efficiently, but would then resolve
them. I first began thinking about how to improve the technique further with
my article <http://tinyurl.com/mysql-data-diff-algorithm>, where I
discussed a number of problems with the Maxia/Coelho "bottom-up"
algorithm. After writing that article, I began to write this tool. I wanted
to actually implement their algorithm with some improvements so I was sure I
understood it completely. I discovered it is not what I thought it was, and
is considerably more complex than it appeared to me at first. Fabien Coelho
was kind enough to address some questions over email.
The first versions of this tool implemented a version of the
Coelho/Maxia algorithm, which I called "bottom-up", and my own,
which I called "top-down." Those algorithms are considerably more
complex than the current algorithms and I have removed them from this tool,
and may add them back later. The improvements to the bottom-up algorithm are
my original work, as is the top-down algorithm. The techniques to actually
resolve the differences are also my own work.
Another tool that can synchronize tables is the SQLyog Job Agent
from webyog. Thanks to Rohit Nadhani, SJA's author, for the conversations
about the general techniques. There is a comparison of pt-table-sync and SJA
at <http://tinyurl.com/maatkit-vs-sqlyog>
Thanks to the following people and organizations for helping in
many ways:
The Rimm-Kaufman Group <http://www.rimmkaufman.com/>, MySQL
AB <http://www.mysql.com/>, Blue Ridge InternetWorks
<http://www.briworks.com/>, Percona <http://www.percona.com/>,
Fabien Coelho, Giuseppe Maxia and others at MySQL AB, Kristian Koehntopp
(MySQL AB), Rohit Nadhani (WebYog), The helpful monks at Perlmonks, And
others too numerous to mention.
This tool is part of Percona Toolkit, a collection of advanced command-line
tools for MySQL developed by Percona. Percona Toolkit was forked from two
projects in June, 2011: Maatkit and Aspersa. Those projects were created by
Baron Schwartz and primarily developed by him and Daniel Nichter. Visit
<http://www.percona.com/software/> to learn about other free,
open-source software from Percona.
This program is copyright 2011-2018 Percona LLC and/or its affiliates, 2007-2011
Baron Schwartz.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, version 2; OR the Perl Artistic License. On
UNIX and similar systems, you can issue `man perlgpl' or `man perlartistic'
to read these licenses.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
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