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NAMEpt-upgrade - Verify that query results are identical on different servers.SYNOPSISUsage: pt-upgrade [OPTIONS] LOGS|RESULTS DSN [DSN]pt-upgrade executes queries in the given MySQL "LOGS" on each "DSN", compares the results, and reports any significant differences. The tool can also save the results for later analyses. "LOGS" can be slow, general, binary, tcpdump, and "raw". Compare host2 to host1 using queries in "slow.log": pt-upgrade h=host1 h=host2 slow.log Compare host2 to saved results from host1: pt-upgrade h=host1 --save-results host1_results/ slow.log pt-upgrade host1_results1/ h=host2 RISKSPercona Toolkit is mature, proven in the real world, and well tested, but all database tools can pose a risk to the system and the database server. Before using this tool, please:
DESCRIPTIONpt-upgrade helps determine if it is safe to upgrade (or downgrade) to a new version of MySQL. A safe and conservative upgrade plan has several steps, one of which is ensuring that queries will produce identical results on the new version of MySQL.pt-upgrade executes queries from slow, general, binary, tcpdump, and "raw" logs on two servers, compares many aspects of each query's exeuction and results, and reports any signficant differences. The two servers are typically development servers, one running the current production version of MySQL and the other running the new version of MySQL. USE CASESpt-upgrade has two use cases. The first, canonical case is running "host to host". A log file and two DSN are given on the command line, one for each MySQL server. See the first example in the "SYNOPSIS". Queries are executed and compared on each server as the tool runs. Queries with differences are printed as the tool runs, or when it finishes (see "WHEN QUERIES ARE REPORTED"). Nothing is saved to disk, so this use case requires less hard disk space, but the queries must be executed on both servers if the tool is ran again, even if one of the servers hasn't changed. If there are a lot of queries or executing them takes a long time, and one server doesn't change, you may want to use the second use case.The second use case is running "reference results to host". Reference results are the complete results from a single MySQL server, saved to disk. In this case, you must first generate the reference results with "--save-results", then run the tool a second time to compare another MySQL server to the results. See the second example in the "SYNOPSIS". Results are typically generated for the current version of MySQL which doesn't change. This use case can require a lot of disk space because the results (i.e. rows) for all queries must be saved, plus other data about the queries. If you plan to do many comparisons against a fixed version of MySQL, this use case is more efficient. Or if you don't have access to both servers at the same time, this use case allows you to "execute now, compare later". IMPORTANT CONSIDERATIONSCONSISTENCYConsistent environments and consistent data are crucial for obtaining an accurate report. pt-upgrade should never be ran on a production server or any active server because there is no easy way to ensure a synchronous read for each query. If data is changing on either server while pt-upgrade is running, the report could contain more false-positives than legitimate differences. pt-upgrade assumes that both MySQL servers are static, unchanging (except for any changes made by the tool if ran with "--no-read-only"). A read-only workload shouldn't affect the tool, except maybe query times, so read-only slaves could be used.COMPARED TOIn a host to host comparison, results from the first host establish the norm to which results from the second host are compared. In a reference results to host comparison, the reference results are the norm to which the host is compared. Comparative phrases like "smaller than", "better than", etc. mean compared to the norm.For example, if the query time for an event is 0.01 on the first host and 0.5 on the second host, that is a significant difference because 0.5 is worse than 0.1, and so the query will be reported. READ-ONLYBy default, pt-upgrade only executes "SELECT" and "SET" statements. (This does not include 'SELECT...INTO' statements, which do not return rows but dump output to a file or variable.) If you're using recreatable test or development servers and wish to compare write statements too (e.g. "INSERT", "UPDATE", "DELETE"), then specify "--no-read-only". If using a binary log, you must specify "--no-read-only" because binary logs don't contain "SELECT" statements. See "--[no]read-only".TRANSACTIONSThe tool does not create its own transactions, but any transactions in the "LOG" are executed as-is. Since logs are serial, transactions shouldn't normally be an issue. If, however, you need to compare queries that are somehow transactionally related (in which case you probably also need to disable "--[no]read-only"), then pt-upgrade probably won't do what you need because it's not designed for this purpose.pt-upgrade runs with "autocommit=1" by default. THROTTLINGpt-upgrade has no throttling options because the tool should only be ran on dedicated testing or development servers. Do not run pt-upgrade on production servers! Consequently, the tool is CPU, memory, disk, and network intensive. It executes queries as fast as possible.QUERY DIFFERENCESSignficant query differences are determined by comparing these aspects of each query from both hosts:
REPORTAs pt-upgrade runs, it prints queries with differences as soon as it can (see "WHEN QUERIES ARE REPORTED"). To prevent the report from becoming too long, queries are not reported individually but grouped by fingerprint into classes. A query fingerprint is the abstracted form of a query, created by removing literal values, normalizing whitespace, etc. So these queries belong to the same class:SELECT c FROM t WHERE id = 1 SELECT c FROM t WHERE id=5 select c from t where id = 9 The fingerprint for those queries is: select c from t where id=? Each query class can have up to "--max-class-size" unique queries (1,000 by default). Up to "--max-examples" are reported for each type of difference, per query class. By virtue of being in the same class, an example of one query's difference is usually representative of all queries with the same difference, so it's not necessary to report every example. The total number of queries in a class with a particular difference is indicated in the report. EXAMPLE#----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Logs #----------------------------------------------------------------------- File: /opt/mysql/slow.log Size: 59700 #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Hosts #----------------------------------------------------------------------- host1: DSN: h=127.1,P=12345 hostname: dev1 MySQL: MySQL 5.1.68 host2: DSN: h=127.1,P=12348 hostname: dev2 MySQL: MySQL 5.5.10 ######################################################################## # Query class AAD020567F8398EE ######################################################################## Reporting class because it has diffs, but hasn't been reported yet. Total queries 1 Unique queries 1 Discarded queries 0 insert into t (id, username) values(?+) ## ## Warning diffs: 1 ## -- 1. Code: 1265 Level: Warning Message: Data truncated for column 'username' at row 1 vs. No warning 1265 INSERT INTO t (id, username) VALUES (NULL, 'long_username') #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Stats #----------------------------------------------------------------------- failed_queries 0 not_select 0 queries_filtered 0 queries_no_diffs 0 queries_read 1 queries_with_diffs 1 queries_with_errors 0 The "Query class <ID>" sections are the most important because they list "QUERY DIFFERENCES". The first part of the section lists the reason why the query class was report, followed by counts of queries in the class, followed by the fingerprint which defines the class. The rest of the query class section lists the "QUERY DIFFERENCES" that caused the class to be reported. Each type of difference begins with a double hash mark header that lists the type and total number of queries in the class with the difference. Then up to "--max-examples" are listed, numbered "-- 1.", "--- 2.", etc. Each example lists the difference for the first and second hosts (respective to the "Hosts" section), followed by the first SQL statement that revealed the difference. WHEN QUERIES ARE REPORTEDA query class is reported as soon as any one of the "QUERY DIFFERENCES" or query errors has "--max-examples". Else, all queries with differences are reported when the tool finishes.For example, if two query time differences are found for a query class, it is not reported yet. Once a third query time diffence is found, the query class is reported, including any other differences that may have been found too. Queries for the class will continue to be executed, but the class will not be reported again. OUTPUTThe "REPORT" is printed to STDOUT as the tool runs. Internal warnings, errors, and "--progress" are printed to STDERR. To keep the two separate, run the tool like:pt-upgrade ... 1>report 2>err & Then "tail -f err" while the tool is running to track its "--progress". EXIT STATUSIn general, the tool exits zero if it finishes normally and there were no internal warnings or errors, and no "QUERY DIFFERENCES" were found. Else the tool exits non-zero with one or more of the following codes:
Other exit codes indicate that the tool crashed or died unexpectedly. The error that caused this should have printed to STDERR. To check for a particular exit code, logical "AND" ("&") the final exit status with the exit code. For example, exit status 5 implies codes 1 and 4 because "5 & 1" is true, and "5 & 4" is true. OPTIONSThis tool accepts additional command-line arguments. Refer to the "SYNOPSIS" and usage information for details.
DSN OPTIONSThese DSN options are used to create a DSN. Each option is given like "option=value". The options are case-sensitive, so P and p are not the same option. There cannot be whitespace before or after the "=", and if the value contains whitespace it must be quoted. DSN options are comma-separated. See the percona-toolkit manpage for full details.
ENVIRONMENTThe environment variable "PTDEBUG" enables verbose debugging output to STDERR. To enable debugging and capture all output to a file, run the tool like:PTDEBUG=1 pt-upgrade ... > FILE 2>&1 Be careful: debugging output is voluminous and can generate several megabytes of output. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTSYou need Perl, DBI, DBD::mysql, and some core packages that ought to be installed in any reasonably new version of Perl.BUGSFor a list of known bugs, see <http://www.percona.com/bugs/pt-upgrade>.Please report bugs at <https://jira.percona.com/projects/PT>. Include the following information in your bug report:
If possible, include debugging output by running the tool with "PTDEBUG"; see "ENVIRONMENT". DOWNLOADINGVisit <http://www.percona.com/software/percona-toolkit/> to download the latest release of Percona Toolkit. Or, get the latest release from the command line:wget percona.com/get/percona-toolkit.tar.gz wget percona.com/get/percona-toolkit.rpm wget percona.com/get/percona-toolkit.deb You can also get individual tools from the latest release: wget percona.com/get/TOOL Replace "TOOL" with the name of any tool. AUTHORSDaniel NichterABOUT PERCONA TOOLKITThis tool is part of Percona Toolkit, a collection of advanced command-line tools for MySQL developed by Percona. Percona Toolkit was forked from two projects in June, 2011: Maatkit and Aspersa. Those projects were created by Baron Schwartz and primarily developed by him and Daniel Nichter. Visit <http://www.percona.com/software/> to learn about other free, open-source software from Percona.COPYRIGHT, LICENSE, AND WARRANTYThis program is copyright 2009-2018 Percona LLC and/or its affiliates. Feedback and improvements are welcome.THIS PROGRAM IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2; OR the Perl Artistic License. On UNIX and similar systems, you can issue `man perlgpl' or `man perlartistic' to read these licenses. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. VERSIONpt-upgrade 3.3.1POD ERRORSHey! The above document had some coding errors, which are explained below: