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RNAinverse - manual page for RNAinverse 2.5.0
RNAinverse 2.5.0
Find RNA sequences with given secondary structure
The program searches for sequences folding into a predefined
structure, thereby inverting the folding algorithm. Target structures (in
bracket notation) and starting sequences for the search are read alternately
from stdin. Characters in the start sequence other than "AUGC" (or
the alphabet specified with -a) will be treated as wild cards and
replaced by a random character. Any lower case characters in the start
sequence will be kept fixed during the search. If necessary, the sequence
will be elongated to the length of the structure. Thus a string of
"N"s as well as a blank line specify a random start sequence. For
each search the best sequence found and its Hamming distance to the start
sequence are printed to stdout. If the the search was unsuccessful, a
structure distance to the target is appended. The -Fp and -R
options can modify the output format, see commandline options below. The
program will continue to read new structures and sequences until a line
consisting of the single character "@" or an end of file condition
is encountered.
- -h, --help
- Print help and exit
- --detailed-help
- Print help, including all details and hidden options, and exit
- --full-help
- Print help, including hidden options, and exit
- -V, --version
- Print version and exit
- Below are command line options which alter the general behavior of this
- -R, --repeat[=INT]
- Search repeatedly for the same structure. If an argument is supplied to
this option it must follow the option flag immediately. E.g.:
- (default=`100')
- If repeats is negative search until --repeats exact solutions are
found, no output is done for unsuccessful searches. Be aware, that the
program will not terminate if the target structure can not be found. If no
value is supplied with this option, the default value is used.
- -a, --alphabet=ALPHABET
- Find sequences using only nucleotides from a given alphabet.
- -v, --verbose
- In conjunction with a negative value supplied to -R, print the last
subsequence and substructure for each unsuccessful search.
- (default=off)
- Select additional algorithms which should be included in the
- -F, --function=mp
- Use minimum energy (-Fm), partition function folding (-Fp)
or both (-Fmp).
- (default=`m')
- In partition function mode, the probability of the target structure
exp(-E(S)/kT)/Q is maximized. This probability is written in
brackets after the found sequence and Hamming distance. In most cases
you'll want to use the -f option in conjunction with -Fp,
see below.
- -f, --final=FLOAT
- In combination with -Fp stop search when sequence is found with
E(s)-F is smaller than final, where F=-kT*ln(Q).
- -T, --temp=DOUBLE
- Rescale energy parameters to a temperature of temp C. Default is 37C.
- -4, --noTetra
- Do not include special tabulated stabilizing energies for tri-, tetra- and
hexaloop hairpins. Mostly for testing.
- (default=off)
- -d, --dangles=INT
- How to treat "dangling end" energies for bases adjacent to
helices in free ends and multi-loops
- (default=`2')
- With -d1 only unpaired bases can participate in at most one
dangling end. With -d2 this check is ignored, dangling energies
will be added for the bases adjacent to a helix on both sides in any case;
this is the default for mfe and partition function folding (-p).
The option -d0 ignores dangling ends altogether (mostly for
debugging). With -d3 mfe folding will allow coaxial stacking of
adjacent helices in multi-loops. At the moment the implementation will not
allow coaxial stacking of the two interior pairs in a loop of degree 3 and
works only for mfe folding.
- Note that with -d1 and -d3 only the MFE computations will be
using this setting while partition function uses -d2 setting, i.e.
dangling ends will be treated differently.
- --noGU
- Do not allow GU pairs
- (default=off)
- --noClosingGU
- Do not allow GU pairs at the end of helices
- (default=off)
- -P, --paramFile=paramfile
- Read energy parameters from paramfile, instead of using the default
parameter set.
- Different sets of energy parameters for RNA and DNA should accompany your
distribution. See the RNAlib documentation for details on the file format.
When passing the placeholder file name "DNA", DNA parameters are
loaded without the need to actually specify any input file.
- --nsp=STRING
- Allow other pairs in addition to the usual AU,GC,and GU pairs.
- Its argument is a comma separated list of additionally allowed pairs. If
the first character is a "-" then AB will imply that AB and BA
are allowed pairs. e.g. RNAfold -nsp -GA will allow GA and
AG pairs. Nonstandard pairs are given 0 stacking energy.
- -e, --energyModel=INT
- Rarely used option to fold sequences from the artificial ABCD... alphabet,
where A pairs B, C-D etc. Use the energy parameters for GC (-e 1)
or AU (-e 2) pairs.
If you use this program in your work you might want to cite:
R. Lorenz, S.H. Bernhart, C. Hoener zu Siederdissen, H. Tafer, C.
Flamm, P.F. Stadler and I.L. Hofacker (2011), "ViennaRNA Package
2.0", Algorithms for Molecular Biology: 6:26
I.L. Hofacker, W. Fontana, P.F. Stadler, S. Bonhoeffer, M. Tacker,
P. Schuster (1994), "Fast Folding and Comparison of RNA Secondary
Structures", Monatshefte f. Chemie: 125, pp 167-188
R. Lorenz, I.L. Hofacker, P.F. Stadler (2016), "RNA folding
with hard and soft constraints", Algorithms for Molecular Biology 11:1
pp 1-13
D.H. Turner, N. Sugimoto, S.M. Freier (1988), "RNA structure
prediction", Ann Rev Biophys Biophys Chem: 17, pp 167-192
M. Zuker, P. Stiegler (1981), "Optimal computer folding of
large RNA sequences using thermodynamic and auxiliary information",
Nucl Acid Res: 9, pp 133-148
J.S. McCaskill (1990), "The equilibrium partition function
and base pair binding probabilities for RNA secondary structures",
Biopolymers: 29, pp 1105-1119
The energy parameters are taken from:
D.H. Mathews, M.D. Disney, D. Matthew, J.L. Childs, S.J.
Schroeder, J. Susan, M. Zuker, D.H. Turner (2004), "Incorporating
chemical modification constraints into a dynamic programming algorithm for
prediction of RNA secondary structure", Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA:
101, pp 7287-7292
D.H Turner, D.H. Mathews (2009), "NNDB: The nearest neighbor
parameter database for predicting stability of nucleic acid secondary
structure", Nucleic Acids Research: 38, pp 280-282
To search 5 times for sequences forming a simple hairpin structure interrupted
by one GA mismatch call
$ RNAinverse -R 5
and enter the lines
If in doubt our program is right, nature is at fault. Comments should be sent to
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