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NAMEsavvycan - SavvyCAN DocumentationContents: MAIN / START UP SCREEN[image]This screen embodies the core of the program. Here you will find the master list of all frames. Also, here you can navigate to the other aspects of the program. You can have multiple sub-windows open at once - in fact, quite often this is very beneficial. THE MAIN FRAME LISTThe main frame list takes up the majority of the main screen. This list consists of the following sections:
THE BOTTOM STATUSBARAt the very bottom of the main screen is a status bar with two sections.
THE REST OF THE MAIN WINDOWTo the right of the main frames list is an area that shows the total number of captured frames and the frames per second. Total frames might not match the number of shown frames. If you've deselected any IDs in the filter list then fewer frames will be shown. Frames per second is calculated as an average and so will wind up or down when there is a sudden change.Suspend Capturing / Resume Capturing is a button that will temporarily disable frame capture or re-enable it. This can be used to keep everything connected without capturing traffic for a short time. This can help to not capture traffic in between tests. The "Normalize Frame Timing" button is used to reset the lowest timestamp to "0" and offset all other timestamps accordingly. This is useful to remove the starting offset when you start up the GVRET board long before actual traffic starts. SavvyCAN is designed such that this doesn't really matter most of the time but normalizing the timing might be useful to help correlate the timing between two different captures. The "Clear Frames" button will erase all captured messages. They will be irreversibly erased and all memory will be freed. The "Auto Scroll Window" checkbox will cause the main frame list to hunt toward the bottom of the list as frames come in. It will normally not be quite at the very bottom as, for performance reasons, the program runs at quarter second updates to things like the auto scroll. Thus, the main list will be scrolled to the bottom four times per second. The "Interpret Frames" checkbox is used to specify whether the loaded DBC file should be used to interpret all available messages and signals. One might want this off for performance reasons (interpreting takes some extra processor power and RAM) or to declutter the main frame list. The "Overwrite Mode" checkbox is used to ensure that only the newest frame for each message ID is shown. That is, if 100 messages with ID 0x105 come in you will see only the newest one. This is generally used alongside "Interpret Frames" to interpret frames and always see the up-to-date information. "Frame Filtering" provides a list of all the frame IDs seen so far. Any ID which is checked will be shown in the main list. Any ID which is unchecked will not. This can be used to hone in on frames of importance while hiding frames that are currently of no interest. The filtered list can be saved as well. LOADING AND SAVING FRAMESWhat CANBus analysis tool would be complete without an easy way to load and save frames?
There are many other formats supported. Some are only supported for writing, some only for reading. The list of supported formats is expanded every so often. FILTERSYou might notice that there are three entries in the file menu that mention filters. SavvyCAN can filter messages so that you only see some of the messages coming in on the bus. It still saves all incoming messages but you are able to filter which you will view at any given time. SavvyCAN allows for loading and saving the list of frames you'd like to view so that you can easily switch "sets" of frames to view. Also, when saving you can optionally save just the frames that you have filtered instead of every captured frame. Filters are set in the lower right-hand of the this screen. All IDs are selected by default. To deselect an ID click on the checkbox next to it. You can also deselect all IDs or select all IDs. These are useful if you only want to view a couple of IDs (click None then the few you need) or you just want to remove a couple (click All and then deselect the ones you don't care about).WHAT IS DBC AND WHY WOULD I CARE?!I'm glad you asked. DBC is a file format used to specify how "signals" are stored in "messages." A message is essentially a unique packet of data sent on the CAN bus. Ordinarily this message is differentiated by frame ID. Each ID is a different message (usually). A signal is a piece of data stored in a message. For instance, ID 0x105 might be a message from the vehicle control unit to the motor inverter. Within that message bytes 0 and 1 might encode the desired torque. That would be a signal. A DBC file allows these relationships to be specified and named. It also allows for scaling of values stored in a signal. Additionally, a signal can have values associated with textual output. For instance, if a signal encodes the current gear then a DBC file can define that a value of 0 means "Park" and a value of 1 means "Drive". This makes analysis a lot easier since you do not need to remember the mapping yourself. In this way data can be better understood by users of the program. Also, other windows can use the DBC file for such things as being able to graph a signal without having to figure out the actual details of that signal.HOW DBC INTERACTS WITH THE MAIN SCREEN?First of all, one can load and save DBC files from the "DBC File Manager" found in the File menu. Also in the File menu it is possible to save the currently loaded frames but with DBC decoding. This is somewhat like the normal saving functionality with a two differences: there is only one output format and that format has all signals contained in each message listed and decoded.CONNECTION WINDOW. [image]The connection window is used to add, remove, and modify connections. At the moment it is possible to use any QT SerialBus compatible device and any GVRET compatible device in any of the supported operating systems. SerialBus supports socketcan on linux, passthrough on Linux and Windows 32 bit, and Vector, PeakCAN, and TinyCAN on supported OS's. At this time GVRET compatible devices are: EVTVDue, EVTV CANDue (1.3/2/2.1/2.2), Teensy 3.1-3.6, Macchina M2, EVTV ESP32 Due. CONNECTING TO A DONGLESavvyCAN is able to connect to GVRET compatible devices to capture new traffic. These devices will present as serial ports on the connected PC. To connect to a dongle select the proper serial port and click "Create New Connection". If a valid device is found on that serial port the first statusbar section will update and the currently set canbus speeds will show in the table at the left of the window. These speeds can then be changed by clicking on the speed (or otherwise selecting the cell in the table) and typing in a new value. Leaving the cell will update the speed to the new value. GVRET devices also support setting "listen only" on each bus. This mode causes the device to not acknowledge any traffic or try to modify the bus at all. It is as it says, a mode where you can only listen to whatever traffic is found on the bus. Some older GVRET devices supported a mode where you could change the second bus between single wire CAN and normal CAN. This is deprecated. However, newer GVRET devices have dedicated single wire CAN buses and the relevant bus will show the checkbox.SavvyCAN can also connect to a wide variety of CAN hardware through the built-in QT SerialBus drivers. These drivers vary by operating system but support socketcan on LINUX and Vector tools on both LINUX and Windows. When you select "QT SerialBus Devices" you will get a list of device types supported. Select a device type and for most devices you should see the Port list fill out with all registered and valid ports for that driver. Socketcan devices, for instance, are automatically detected now. Then push "Create New Connection" and you should see the new connection in the table on the left of the window. Note that SocketCAN devices don't support changing the baud rate within a program. You must do this when you set up the connection via console commands. This is outside the scope of this documentation. Consult the SocketCAN documentation for details on configuring such devices. The last connection option is "Remote Host." If you select this option then Port will change to a textbox. Enter the IP address of the remote (but still local to your LAN) IP address. Currently this works with EVTV ESP32 boards and M2 boards. DEBUGGING CONNECTION PROBLEMSGVRET devices present as serial ports and have significant configuration options. However, the ability to configure so many things and the ability to compile the firmware yourself both come as a double edged sword. They present many opportunities for things to go wrong. Because of this there is a debugging console present on the connection window. Click a bus in the table then click "Enable Console" to cause it to start logging serial traffic. From this console you can see what is going on. It shows what SavvyCAN is sending and what it is getting back. It has extended status messages that might help to narrow down what is going wrong. Additionally, if you're feeling adventurous you can send traffic to the serial device from the Send line. "Send Hex" accepts a set of hex values separated by spaces. "Send Text" will send the raw text you type on the line. GVRET traffic is ordinarily binary so "Send Text" won't work very well for that. But, there is also a text console possible on GVRET devices. If you connect to them with a serial program you can configure things via a text console. Type ? and follow it up with some form of line ending (Cr, Lf, CrLf, any will work).PREFERENCE WINDOW. [image]SETTING PREFERENCESThere are a variety of preferences that can be set in the program and persisted for future sessions."Save/Restore window positions and sizes": If this is set then the size and placement of the various windows in this application will be saved when the program is closed and loaded when each window is brought back up in the future. This can be used to create your own preferred layout. If you'd rather things come up in their default state every time then you can uncheck this box. "Display values as hexadecimal": A lot of the time people who are doing CAN reverse engineering like to see values in hexadecimal (base 16) instead of the more familiar decimal (base 10) system. Checking this box will cause most of the values in the application to show up in hex. This applies to CAN ids and data bytes. Unchecking this causes values to default to decimal instead. The reason for using hex is that each hex digit is 4 bits. Integers on a computer tend to be in multiples of 8 - 8, 16, 32, 64. So, hex digits have a direct mapping to the underlying binary. Decimal does not have this correspondence AT ALL. But, the choice is yours. "Require validation of GVRET connection": GVRET style devices run over a serial connection. Serial connections can be finicky sometimes and so the connection can be validated to prove that everything is really still operating and talking. There probably isn't any reason to turn this off except while debugging to see if it changes anything. Mostly just don't touch this. "Time Keeping": There are a variety of ways one could timestamp CAN frames as they come into the program. Selecting "Seconds" will cause the timestamp to be expressed as seconds since the frame list was last cleared. This tends to be an easy choice to work with. "Microseconds" will express the timestamp as millionths of a second since the last time the frame list was cleared. This is exactly like "Seconds" mode but without any decimal point. You might find this to be a bit hard to conceptualize. The last option is "System Clock" this will timestamp frames with the current system time when the frame came in. This is still very precise but now you'll get an absolute time stamp with the full date and time. The display of this mode can be changed by editing the "Time Format String" value. It defaults to an output that looks like "JAN-10 12:34:53.234" But you can set it to other values. Look here to find a reference for how you can create new format strings: http://doc.qt.io/qt-4.8/qdatetime.html#toString "Use filtered frames in sub-windows": The main window has a filtering interface where you can uncheck IDs to hide them. Ordinarily when you bring up one of the other windows it will still use the main unfiltered list. Sometimes you really do want to deal with the filtered list of frames even in the other windows. If this is checked then the other windows will see the filtered list and not the unfiltered actual list of frames that have been captured. "OpenGL Accelerated AntiAliased Graphing": A personal favorite of mine. Checking this will cause all of the graphs to use OpenGL 3D acceleration. Most modern machines have some form of 3D acceleration so this option should be OK to use. If you check this your graphs will look a lot better and on good hardware should also be faster. In the future other options are likely to be added to the graphing screen that will likely only be enabled if OpenGL mode is also enabled. Try enabling this and see if performance is still good. It's safe to leave it off if in doubt. "Autoscroll main frame window by default": If checked it will automatically check the relevant checkbox on the main screen when the program starts. This will cause the view to automatically scroll to the bottom by default. This is merely a convenience option if you'd prefer it to be the default. "Use timestamp mode by default": This is another convenience option. With this checked the Flow view will default to using time stamps on the graphing area instead of frame numbers. "Set Auto Reference by default": The Flow view can either use static referencing or dynamic referencing (see the Flow view documentation for more info). If you'd like to use dynamic referencing and automatically set the reference by default then check this option. "Loop by default": Set the playback window to default to looping infinitely by default. "Default playback speed (ms)": Set the default timing for playback "Default Sending Bus": Set a default for which bus to send frames on. "Auto expand all nodes": Both of the referenced windows have tree views that potentially have a large number of nodes. It's more neat not to expand them all by default but it also then requires more clicks if you have to expand them to view the information. So, you can set whether you'd like to expand them all by default or not. After changing preferences it is the best practice to close and reopen the application to ensure that all settings have taken effect. DBC FILE MANAGER. [image]WORKING WITH DBC FILESThis screen allows you to load and save DBC files. SavvyCAN supports loading more than one DBC file at a time. It can even use more than one DBC file per bus. But, "Associated Bus" can be used to associate a given DBC file to only one bus. If you don't need to associate to any specific bus then set this value to -1 which means "any bus." The J1939 button causes SavvyCAN to mask out J1939 message IDs to conform to J1939 signaling. You can create a brand new DBC file by clicking "Create new DBC" button. It will be automatically named a unique name for you. You probably don't want that name though. Any time you save a DBC file its name will automatically update in the list. The "Load", "Save", "Remove", "Edit" buttons are all straight forward. You can also edit a DBC file by double clicking it in the list.DBC FILE ORDERINGThe "Move Up" and "Move Down" buttons can be used to change the order of DBC files. Why would you care? DBC files are accessed in the order they are in the list. When a frame is interpreted the system goes through the DBC files in order. It selects the first DBC file that is associated to the bus the message came in on and that implements the correct message ID. So, if you have multiple DBC files it is possible that the order might matter.DBC MESSAGE EDITOR. [image]WORKING WITH NODESIn DBC files a node is a device on the CAN bus. For instance, the engine control unit (ECU) would be a node as would a motor controller, a battery charger, or any other device that is connected to the CAN bus. DBC files let you define nodes that are set as either the sender or receiver of a message. This allows messages to be organized for more easy retrieval. To add a new node click on the empty row beneath the last defined node and type a new name and optionally a comment. The comment is not used by SavvyCAN but can be filled out for your own reference. When a node is selected in the top list you will then see in the bottom a listing of every message it sends.WORKING WITH MESSAGESThe bottom list is all of the messages that are sent by the selected node. A message is defined based on its message ID. The message ID is the CAN id used for this message. For normal DBC files this creates a one to one correspondence of ID to a given CAN ID. For J1939 messages special masking is done and so more than one actual CAN id will map to the given message ID but still only one specific J1939 PGN will come through. Once a message ID is entered in for a new message it will attempt to auto populate the Data Len column with the number of data bytes that message has. This is only for your information, it is not used by SavvyCAN. You can give the DBC message a meaningful name. The "Fg" and "Bg" columns can be clicked on to set a color. This will set the foreground and background color to use for this message. These colors will be used in the main frame view on the main screen when you click "Interpret Frames." Clicking on the "Signals" column will bring up the signals editor for that message so that you can edit, add, or remove signals from the message. The "Comments" column is once again not used by SavvyCAN and only for your viewing reference.DBC SIGNAL EDITOR. [image]DEFINING AND EDITING SIGNALSIf you're starting from scratch or otherwise adding a signal then you will need to right click in the list box in the upper left of the window. From there select "Add a New Signal." This will create a randomly named signal that you can then edit.Otherwise, select a signal to edit. The details of it will fill out the rest of the window. On the right side you can rename the signal and you'll see that it is renamed in the list as well. "Bit Length" - This sets how many bits the signal uses. Once you do this you'll see that that many bits are now highlighted in the 8x8 data grid above. The black bit is the "start" bit, green bits are the other bits in the signal. Gray bits are already used by another signal. You can still use them for the current signal too but doing so would be quite unusual. "Byte Order" - The way that the green bits are filled out is changed by this checkbox. Checking it selects little endian mode whereas deselecting chooses big endian mode. This will have an effect on any signal that crosses byte boundaries. "Type" can be: 1. UNSIGNED INTEGER - No sign bit, only positive numbers 2. SIGNED INTEGER - The top bit is used as a sign bit 3. SINGLE PRECISION - Floating point number (should be a 16 bit signal) 4. DOUBLE PRECISION - Floating point number (should be a 32 bit signal) 5. STRING - Directly turn the CAN bytes into a string "Scale" is used to multiply the signal by the value to scale it appropriately "Bias" is added to each value generated by the signal to set it at a different bias point "Min Value" is purely informational. It is just a reference to anyone else viewing the DBC information as to what you expect the lowest value to be. "Max Value" is likely informational. "Units Name" is displayed after the value when you interpret a signal on the main frames list. For instance, you could set the units name to V so that a voltage value reads something like "12.34V" when it is displayed. "Receiving Node" This is informational at the moment. You can set which node (out of all your defined nodes) is the one that receives this signal. "Multiplexing" This is a somewhat involved topic. DBC signals can be multiplexed which means that a given frame might have a range of data that is not always found in every frame. There is a key of sorts that specifies which piece of data this particular frame is sending. This leads to the concept of multiplexed signals and multiplexors. Multiplexors are the key. They provide a value that specifies which multiplexed data item is being sent. A multiplexed signal is then connected to a specific value of the multiplexor. Thus, a multiplexed signal requires that a multiplexor also exists. You would normally set all of this to "Not multiplexed" and skip all this complication. But, multiplexed signals do exist. In that case the message would have one multiplexor and one or more multiplexed signals. So, you'd set up a multiplexor for the message and then create additional multiplexed signals that are marked as "Multiplexed" and have filled out the "Multiplex Value" with something unique. "Comment" is purely informational. Signals that use either "UNSIGNED INTEGER" or "SIGNED INTEGER" as their type can define a Value Table. This table allows text strings to be substituted in place of integer values. For instance, if you know that a value of 0x10 means PARK then you can go to the next empty entry in the list, type 0x10 for the value and PARK for the Text. This will make the interpreted value read PARK any time the signal has a value of 0x10. This is used to make a more human friendly presentation. It should be noted that if the signal has a value not in the list then it will still be shown as it's integer value. But, known good values can be entered in the Value Table to make them easier to work with. GRAPHING WINDOW. [image]CREATING A NEW GRAPHRight click in the graph window to bring up a popup menu. The last entry in the first section is "Add new graph". This brings up the Graph Setup Window. From there you can create a new graph.SELECTING A GRAPHYou can select a graph either by clicking on it or by clicking its name in the list of graphs up that the top right.EDITING A GRAPHYou can either double click its name in the list of graphs at the top right or select the graph, right click, and select "Edit Selected Graph"DELETING GRAPHSThere are two options. You can select a graph, right click, and select "Remove selected graph" or you can right click and select "Remove All Graphs"MOVING AROUNDLeft clicking and dragging in the graphing area will allow you to pan around. The mouse wheel (if you have one) will let you zoom in and out. If you select the numbers on either the X or Y axis then you'll be able to pan and zoom on just that axis leaving the other alone. This is useful in order to expand or shrink the time axis or to rescale the vertical axis to better fit the data in view. The "+" key will zoom in, the "-" key zooms out. You can also zoom in and out from the pop up window that appears when you right click. If you've messed up your view and can't figure out how to fix it then right click and select "Reset View" to get a nice view of all the data again.LOADING AND SAVING GRAPHSIt can be beneficial to create a set of graphs that can be used over and over. You can save the currently setup graphs to a file and then load it later. Right click on the graphing window and use "Save graph definitions to file" and "Load graph definitions from file" to do this. You can also save a picture of the graphing window. PDF, PNG, and JPG are supported. Lastly, you can save a spreadsheet of all the graphed points.REAL TIME GRAPHINGSometimes it is useful to graph while data are still being captured. When this is done it is additionally handy if the view follows the new data. In the right click pop up menu you will find "Follow end of graph". It is a checkbox. When it is on the current view will follow the end of the data captured. The "window" you've set up will scroll. That is, the zoom and vertical calibration will stay the same and only the "Time Axis" will scroll such that the end of the capture is always at the right hand side of the graphing window.HIDDEN TRICKSIf you double click on a graphed line the main window will scroll and the frame that produced the nearest data point to where you clicked will be selected. Additionally, if you selected "Synchronize Windows" in Flow view then the graphing view will synchronize to Flow view as well.GRAPH SETUP. [image]SETTING UP A GRAPHThis same screen is used whether you are creating a new graph or editing an existing graph. If you are creating a new graph then you have two options.GRAPHING A DBC SIGNALIf you want to graph a signal from a DBC file that you have loaded then pick the Message from the combo box. Picking a message will then allow you to pick a signal within that message. After selecting both the message and the signal then click the "Copy Signal Parameters" button. This will fill out the left hand side with the proper values for you automatically.MANUAL SIGNAL GRAPHING (OR EDITING)If you want to manually create a signal or edit an existing signal then you will find the relevant fields on the left hand size of the window."Name" is for your reference and will be shown on the Graphing Window. "ID" is the frame ID to use for this graph. You can enter in either decimal or hex. Hex values are preceded by 0x "Data Len" is used to specify how many bits are in the signal to graph. You can graph odd bit lengths such as 9, 11, or 15 bits. These are not as uncommon as you might think. "Little Endian" switches between little and big endian mode. This will change how the signal grabs bits from the frame. Once you've set both Data Len and Little Endian you can set the bits to use. The 8x8 grid above is used for this. Click on the start bit and the rest of the bits will automatically be selected for you based on Data Len and Little Endian. "Signed" can be used to select between signed and unsigned mode. "Mask" will apply a mask to the value before using it. "Bias" allows for setting an offset to the values to bring them to a different resting point "Scale" is used as a multiplier to change the scaling of the values "Stride" is not often used but will cause only every "x" values to actually be graphed. This can be used to graph a very dense set of data with less points to speed things up. "Color" changes the color of the graphed line. It is automatically randomly set for new graphs but if you don't like the random color you can click the color and select a better one. FLOW VIEW WINDOW. [image]THE PURPOSE OF FLOW VIEWFlow view is meant to show a view of what "happens to" the data for a given ID as time goes on. The flow is a flow of time or messages going by. The goal is to visualize what is going on as time passes. The screen is very busy but everything has the same goal - to show the data bytes across the list of all frames with that ID.SELECTING AN ID TO FLOWAlong the left most side of the window is a list of every frame ID captured so far. You can select any of these IDs. Once you select an ID you'll see the number of frames with that ID just to the right of the IDs list (in the bottom of the Playback Control box).VIEWING THE FLOWThere are a variety of ways that the data bytes for the current frame are displayed. Toward the middle of the window there are 8 text boxes that show the current value of each data byte. At the right of the window are two visualizations. On the top there is an 8x8 grid that visualizes every possible bit in a CAN message. Bits which are white are currently 0 or off. Bits which are black are 1 or on. Bits that are green are newly on in this frame. They were 0/off in the reference. Bits which are red are newly off in this frame. Those bits were 1/on in the reference.Below the 8x8 grid view is a graph based view. The "+" in the center marks the "current" time. You can thus see both into the future and the past (relative to the current frame) in this view. All 8 data bytes are graphed according to their value. You can thus see in the graph what the value is doing as time ticks by. Between these three views you should have a very good idea of how the data bytes change over time. CONTROLLING THE FLOWThe screen has many ways to control the flow. The "Playback Control" box has 6 icons in a 3x2 grid. The upper icons mean (from left to right): Go back one frame, Stop, Go forward one frame. The bottom icons mean: Play backward, pause, Play forward. Playback speed is used to control how quickly the flow happens. You can raise and lower this value even as the flow is playing back and it will change the flow speed in realtime. You can select "Loop Playback" to keep looping over and over. It is possible to select "0" as the frame interval. This will make the program progress as quickly as it can. This probably will not be much faster than a frame interval of 1 but it will be a bit faster.ADDITIONAL CONTROL OPTIONSBelow the "Playback Control" box is a set of three check boxes. "Live Mode" will cause the flow view to keep the current frame at the latest received frame from the capture hardware. This is thus a "real time" option where the flow will happen in real time as frames come in. "Synchronize windows" causes the flowing in this window to update the position in the main window so that the main window is always at the current position in flow playback. "Graph by timestamp" causes the "Time Axis" at the bottom of the graph view to be in seconds or microseconds. Deselecting this will cause that axis to instead be in frame number.REFERENCE VALUESPreviously it was mentioned that bits in the 8x8 grid are colored based on whether they are newly on/off or steady state compared to the reference. What is the reference? Well, look to the left of the 8x8 grid. The reference values here are used for reference with the 8x8 grid. You can set these values to something static and then see how bits compare to that static reference. Or, above the reference values is a checkbox called "Auto Reference" if this is clicked then the last frame is used as a reference for the current one. There are advantages to both options. A static reference can be used to see how things change compared to, say, the very first frame. Auto reference shows how the data changed from frame to frame. Either might yield interesting findings. The default values for static reference are taken from the values that the first frame has. You are free to change them to any value 0 through 0xFF.SEEKING TO SPECIFIC VALUESLastly, it is possible to seek to specific values. "Data Seek Values" normally default to -1. But, if a value other than -1 is found in one of these boxes then it will be used as a seek value. Any time the flow is playing back (either forward or backward) it will compare to the seek values. If there is a match then playback will automatically stop. This can be used to quickly play things back until you get to a specific value. One use would be to seek to a known value that precedes an important section you want to analyze in more depth. Also, in this same vein, if you click in the 8x8 grid of bits you will see that the cell you clicked on has the text turn blue and become bold. Any bit that you've selected this way will also act as a way to stop playback. If that bit changes, either being set or unset, then playback will stop. Click the cell again to deselect it.BISECTOR WINDOW. [image]USING THE BISECTOR WINDOWThe purpose of this window is obviously to split the list of frames into two pieces. You have many options for how to do this. You can split by:ID Range - Grab a set of frames between two values. Note that you cannot pick and choose frame IDs here but rather just use a list. If you want to pick and choose then use the filter interface on the main form and then save the filtered list from the File menu. Frame Number - You can split right at a given frame number. All frames up to that number will be on one side with all the rest on the other. Percentage - Pretty much just like the Frame Number option but in percentage instead in case that is more convenient. In all cases, you have the option of which side of the split you want to save. Click "Calculate Split" to process the split. You will see above the buttons a reference of how many frames there were in total and how many you would be saving after the split. From here you should be able to do one of two things: "Save split frames to a new file" - Save the new list of frames (after the split) to a file. You can save to any file format that SavvyCAN supports elsewhere. "Replace main list with split frames" - Were this to work it would replace the frames loaded in the rest of the application with the split list. I'm sure this would be a really nice thing to be able to do. Well, you can't right now. It's not implemented yet. So, just imagine you can do this. In the mean time you can save to a file then load that file. Sorry... SNIFFER WINDOW. [image]USING THE SNIFFER WINDOWThis window is essentially a turbo charged graphical version of the linux can_utils program "cansniffer". The general idea here is to display a list of frames such that you only see frames that are actively updating. If a given ID has not been seen in 5 seconds the ID portion will turn RED and then disappear from the list. In this way only frames that are updating are in the list. They are ordered by ID. Bytes that have decremented will be red and bytes that have incremented will be green. You can use the "Filters" area to mask away some IDs so that they never show up. This can help to declutter the list.This window updates with a 200ms interval. NOTCHING AND UNNOTCHINGWhile the window is running it keeps a running list each 200ms cycle of all the bits that changed in that timespan. Each 200ms this list is backed up and reset. If you push the notch button the system will remember all the bits that were set in the last 200ms window and will not color the output if those bits are toggled in the future. They will thus somewhat be ignored except that you can visually still see them updating. If you click the Notch button repeatedly it will add any new changed bits to the old changed bits. In this way you can build up a set of bits to ignore. Un-notching causes all notched (ignored) bits to be reset and thus all changes will be colored once again.ADVANCED OPTIONSAll of the above was valid if you do not check any of the four checkboxes. With the checkboxes unchecked this window is very close to cansniffer on the command line. But, what fun is that? These checkboxes modify the way the window works in a variety of ways.NEVER EXPIRE IDSThis checkbox will do exactly what it says on the tin. Instead of frame ID's expiring after 5 seconds of inactivity they will stick around forever. This can be useful so that the ID you are watching doesn't jump up and down as IDs expire and potentially come back later on or new IDs are seen. With no expiration you will get a more consistent view of the IDs. You are still free to filter away IDs you are not interested in.MUTE NOTCHED BITSThis checkbox might sound a bit strange. With this checked any bytes that you have notched will ignore any notched bits and not even change the display to update if only notched bits were changed. This completely hides all notched data. The view of the frames will then NOT perfectly or correctly represent the actual most up to date data for each ID. So, use this option with caution. But, it is handy when you are looking for a needle in a haystack and you don't want things changing if you've already told the program to notch them away.FADE INACTIVE BYTESThis can be used with mute or without but has a similar purpose. When this is checked any bytes that haven't updated recently will begin to fade away to white. They never quite get all the way to disappearing but will fade to be very light. In this way only data which is actively changing will be very visible. This drastically aids in helping you to ignore any bytes that are not changing.VIEW BITSThis option changes the view very starkly. This is the view shown in the picture associated with this topic. When View Bits is selected the display will change to show each bit within the bytes as separate blocks that each can separately be black when set and unchanged, white when unset and unchanged, red when freshly unset, and green when freshly set. This allows for a very fine grained view. Fade inactive, and never expire still work as usual. This mode might be a bit "busy" and lowers the number of IDs you can see at once. But, the choice is yours. You give up some density in exchange for verbosity.FRAME DETAILS WINDOW. [image]THE PURPOSE OF FRAME DETAILS WINDOWThis window is used to get detailed statistics about frames.It provides information about a given frame ID across all frames with that ID. You can get such information as the number of frames, the number of data bytes that frame ID has, the average interval between frames with that ID, and the minimum and maximum interval. Also listed are detailed statistics for each data byte in that frame. Each byte has listed which bits changed, the range of values found, and a histogram both graphically (at the right-hand side of the window) and textually. The textual representation shows the number of times a specific value occurred. The top right graph is a histogram of all the bits and the number of times each bit was set. This can be used to quickly visually see where data has changed. The bottom right graph is of each individual byte as its value varies over time. All textual information can be saved to a text file for later analysis. FILE COMPARISON WINDOW. [image]THE PURPOSE OF THE FILE COMPARATORThis screen can be used to figure out what is different between a set of files. On one side you have a single file. This is called the "File of interest". On the other side you have any list of files. They're not listed any longer as actual files. The program can load frames from any number of files and dump them all into the same "bucket" of frames. You can thus load up a batch of files and compare them against the one "File of interest." The purpose of this is to figure out what is different. Are there IDs found only on one side? For IDs found on both sides are there bits set only on one side and not the other? This can be used to find stubborn data that you are having trouble locating. One use is to capture a large amount of traffic to use as "background noise" of sorts. Perhaps drive around for a long time or let the vehicle idle for some time but never do the thing you need to find. Then do another capture and do the thing you're missing a few times. Perhaps you're looking for a gear shift signal. You could capture a large batch of frames while idling. Then, in a second capture shift several times. Now, compare the two. Somewhere in the differences should be the gear selection you couldn't find. The list ought to be much more narrow than just "shooting in the dark" so to speak.THE LAYOUT OF THE DIFFERENCES LISTIn the differences list you'll find three main tree nodes:
FUZZING WINDOW. [image]THE PURPOSE OF FUZZINGSome people are big fans of fuzzing, some people have no use for it. There usually isn't much in between. So, what is fuzzing and why would you want to do it? Fuzzing is intentionally sending random information to see what happens. It's pretty much the "shotgun" solution - you fire birdshot into the air and see if it hits anything. Does that sound a bit dangerous? It kind of is. So, why do it? It might help you to find frame IDs that control things. It might help you to find a data byte that controls something. Used carefully it can be used to figure out how different values affect things.FUZZING IS DANGEROUSYou have now been warned. Sending random garbage over the CAN bus to see what happens could mess something up. It just might put your vehicle into gear and cause you to drive over a box full of kittens. Be careful! Never fuzz a car unless you're right there and you can stop it. Even better, don't do it unless your car is up on a hoist or jacks and can't drive over anyone. Even still, there is a small chance you could cause an adverse effect to your car. If you break something you own the pieces.CONTROLLING THE FUZZY BEASTSo, you want to give it a try? Let's do it! First of all, you can set the delay between frames and the burst rate. The delay is in milliseconds but can be set as low as 0. If the delay is set to 0 then the system will attempt to send frames as fast as it can. However, even then you may not get quite as many frames per second as you'd like. Even at 0 it will still be scheduled by your operating system and so might not quite get to the speed you want. The burst rate can cause the program to send one than one frame each interval. This is useful as a CAN bus could potentially support 2000 to 8000 frames per second. If you need rapid frame sending your best bet is to set the sending interval to 1-2ms and then adjust the burst rate until you get your desired sending rate. Then you can set the number of bytes to send. Ordinarily this would be the full 8 but you can experiment with smaller frames. You can set to send on a specific bus. That's all the simple settings. It gets a bit more complicated now.The "ID Scanning" box has two radio buttons:
But, perhaps you don't want to fuzz IDs like that? The next box is "ID Selection" and the choices are:
The last box is "Bit Scanning"
In order to fuzz bits you need to set which bits to fuzz and which not to. As listed at the bottom of the window, there is a color code to the 8x8 grid. Clicking cells in the grid will toggle them between their various values. White bits are never set, black bits are always set no matter what, green bits follow the fuzzing pattern you specified in "Bit Scanning" You can also set the bytes directly with the text boxes above the 8x8 grid. Setting a hexadecimal value in these boxes will set the relevant bits in the 8x8 grid. You must press the ENTER/RETURN key to set the values. Merely changing the value will not update it (as a safety measure). PULLING THE TRIGGEROnce you've configured everything click "Start Fuzzing" to give it a shot. You will see the number of frames sent so far listed below the button. Approximately four times per second the current value for each byte is copied into the text boxes just above the 8x8 grid. This can be used to see what is going on and to ensure that it is working the way you want it to. You can stop the fuzzing by pushing the start button again.ISO-TP DECODER. [image]USING THE ISO-TP DECODERThis window scans the existing captured frames and newly captured frames to see if it can find CAN traffic that seems to conform to the ISO-TP standard. ISO-TP is used to send multi-frame messages and as an encoding standard that forms the base for other protocols such as UDS and ODBII (which is essentially itself a subset of UDS).The main list at the top shows any messages that seem to conform to ISO-TP. There will very likely be messages here which aren't really ISO-TP. You can deselect IDs that seem to generate false positives so that they quit showing up in this list. As you can see in the picture only the ids 0x7E0 through 0x7EA were selected. These IDs are standard for UDS communication. If you want to immediately recalculate the results to exclude the deselected IDs then push "Interpret Previously Captured Frames" to regenerate the whole list. Otherwise the effect of changing the ID selections will only happen for newly captured frames. The "Show incomplete and/or corrupted messages" checkbox will cause a lot of false positives and should only be used as a last resort if you suspect that you might have some dropped traffic. "Use extended addressing" will cause the decoder to assume that extended addressing is being used on this CAN bus. Extended addressing adds an additional byte of addressing that is found in the data bytes of the frame. This isn't that commonly used but is used on some vehicles and ISO-TP decoding won't work properly unless this setting is correct. If you find that decoding seems to have failed you might try toggling this setting to see if it helps. Remember to click "Interpret Previously Captured Frames" to recalculate things for previously captured traffic. Once you have messages in the table at the top of the window you can click on a message to get more details about it in the text box in the lower left. In the picture you can see that 0x7F 0x10 0x12 was interpreted as a UDS error response saying that the ECU does not support the requested sub-function passed to the diagnostic session control service. This is much easier than trying to remember what all those bytes mean off the top of your head! RANGE STATE WINDOW. [image]USING THE RANGE STATE WINDOWThe purpose of this window is to search for signals that look like they might be important. That's a rather nebulous description. But, the idea is to find signals that seem to vary somewhat coherently. As you can see in the picture in this help, the displayed signal has some jumps but they look like they might "be something." That's the idea. It will generate a lot of false positives but it will still provide some decent ideas for where to look for signals. It is up to you to figure out if the signal is anything important or anything you can use.To use it first set up the follow things:
Once you've got it all set up click "Recalculate Candidate Signals." Be prepared to wait depending on what options you selected. Once it is done processing you'll get a list of candidates in the upper list labeled "Candidate Signals." Here you can see all of the signals it found. You get the ID, the starting bit (remember, bits start at 0 and go through 63), the length, and whether it was signed/unsigned and big/little endian. If you click on or otherwise select a signal in this list then a graphical view of it will appear in the graphing area beneath. You might try the arrow keys Up and Down to move through the list. You can even hold down the arrow key and let it rapidly scroll. As it scrolls through the signals you can look at the graph and stop when you see a signal that catches your eye. This is useful as you can have hundreds of candidates and it is tedious to view them explicitly one at a time. UDS SCAN WINDOW. [image]PURPOSE OF THE UDS SCAN WINDOWThis is essentially another CAN fuzzing window but a very special one. This window is meant to search for UDS compliant (or nearly compliant) nodes on the CAN bus. It can also be used to do a blanket search for services, sub functions, and data items on a known UDS node.USING THE UDS SCAN WINDOWUDS queries are sent out on the bus from "Starting ID" to "Ending ID". Usually UDS compliant ECUs will respond to 0x7E0 through 0x7E7 which is why those are the defaults. Some vehicles use UDS "like" protocols on other IDs. Usually UDS nodes reply with an ID 8 higher than the request ID. This is thus the default in the program. However, some nodes cheat and do not do this. It is quite common for responses to come from an address 16 higher instead. To deal with this situation there is a checkbox "Allow adaptive reply offset." If this is checked then replies will be accepted no matter what address they come from. Deselecting this will cause only replies of the proper offset to be accepted. The offset defaults to 8 but can be changed with the "Reply Offset" selector. Additionally, you can select which bus to scan and set how long you want to wait for replies."Show tests with no Replies" - This checkbox does what it says. It is a personal preference whether you'd like to see an entry in the list for scans that returned no results. Sometimes an ECU will just plain ignore messages it doesn't like. In that case you have the option to see an entry in the list telling you that the message was ignored or whether you'd prefer to reduce clutter and just skip anything that had no reply. You need to also set a type of scan to do. You can select more than one type but if you don't set any then you aren't going to see any results. Keep that in mind as none are checked by default. "Read By ID" - UDS allows one to read data from the ECU by an ID number. These are not defined anywhere and are custom to each ECU. But, you can use this to scan a range of IDs to see if you get a response to any of them. There is no real standard for how many bytes the ID will be. It could be 1, it could be 2, 3, 4. It's likely to be around 2. You can set the number of subfunction bytes which will set the size of the ID. Then you can set the upper and lower bound to scan. "Read By Addr" - You can also read data by address. Like IDs the address could be different sizes depending on the hardware you are querying. This works the same as reading by ID but by address instead. "Session Ctrl" - UDS has the concept of session type. Some types are "normal" "extended diagnostics" "programming". Scanning for session type will try them all and let you know which the device supports. However, note that you might get a response that indicates that conditions are not correct or that access was denied. This probably means that the mode is actually supported but you'd have to do the right things first. This is still useful information. This scan window is too simple to use for further cracking of such things but the scripting interface is the perfect thing to use instead. "ECU Reset" - The ECU might also support being reset by a UDS message. This scan type will try the various reset types and see which are supported. "Security Access" - When a device is first started and normally operating it will generally not allow you to do potentially dangerous or sensitive operations such as downloading firmware or changing parameters. To do these things you need to enter a different security level. The security access mechanism is used for this. There are a few different security levels that are likely to be supported. This scan type will attempt to find security levels and see if they are protected or not. That is, unfortunately for the casual cracker, most of the time the elevate security levels will be protected by a challenge/response system. The ECU will send you a challenge in the form of one or more random looking bytes. You are tasked with returning the proper response for those challenge bytes. You generally don't have very many guesses before your hands are slapped. Sometimes the C/R is actually fixed and you can just capture valid traffic once and then use the same response forever. Sometimes the C/R is stupidly easy or there are only a couple of different possible answers. Sometimes the ECU developer actually took more than 2 seconds to implement these features and your work will be cut out for you. This scan type will find which levels the ECU seems to support but is unlikely to actually unlock them. "Tester Present" - A scan that tries to see if tester present is supported. It almost certainly is. This scan can be used to sweep a wide range of addresses just to narrow down the list of addresses to scan more thoroughly. Normally tester present is sent periodically by a connected device just to let the ECU know that someone is still there. "Wildcard" - Allows for you to set a lower and upper range for the service byte as well as the number of subfunction bytes and the range there as well. This allows for UDS fuzzing by shooting the moon and trying a huge range of traffic just to see what is supported and what isn't. This test can take a VERY long time if you aren't careful but will thoroughly determine what the ECU will support and what it won't. PLAYBACK WINDOW. [image]PREPARING FRAMES FOR PLAYBACKThe first order of business is to load some CAN frames that you'd like to play back onto a CAN bus. In the lower left is a section titled "Playback Sequence". It is so named because this playback interface can play a chain of different CAN captures very configurably. It consists of a list of captures to playback along with how many times to play each sequence item. For instance, you could play a file twice then go to the next, then play a third one four times. A playback item can either come from a file (Load File) or from the current list of captured frames on the main window (Load Captured Data). If you load the currently captured frames it truly means "currently". That is, if more traffic comes in it will not play that new traffic back. A snapshot is taken at the time you push the button. Each sequence item has its own list of ID filters. In this way you can send only some of the frame IDs from the capture and this list can be different for each file or capture you load. The list of ID filters can be saved and loaded to make the process faster in the future.Once you've set up a sequence of frames to playback you can also decide whether you'd like to loop that sequence forever or not. Up above the Playback Sequence and ID Filtering sections is the "Loop Sequence" checkbox. PLAYING BACK FRAMESThe playback window can send frames on a specific bus, all buses (be careful with that!) or "From File." Some file formats store which bus each frame came in on. Also, the main window stores that info. So, captures that stored the bus properly could be used to send frames out multiple buses always to the proper bus for the frame in question. But, if you load a capture without this info it will default to bus 0 so bear that in mind.The next order of business is frame timing. There are two approaches possible here. If you click "Use original frame timing from captured frames" then frames will be sent out in approximately the same timing as they came in with. The word approximately is used because it is difficult to get 1ms timing precision on a desktop OS. Frames that come in rapidly might have a 2-3ms jitter. In practice this is almost always irrelevant. This setting is suitable for nearly all uses. Alternatively, it is also possible to send on a set schedule. With the "Use original" checkbox not checked you can set a playback speed in milliseconds and a burst rate. Burst means that it'll send that many frames every tick. So, if you have a burst of 5 and a timing of 10ms then every 10ms 5 frames will be sent. This mode can provide for a predictable number of frames per second and could be useful to test how quickly a device really requires traffic without faulting. But, it will potentially drastically alter the timing of frames compared to their timing when they were captured. The top of the window has a series of 6 icons all in a row:
PLAYBACK STATUSBelow the number spinners for Playback Speed and Burst Rate is text that displays the currently playing sequence item along with the current frame within that capture.CUSTOM SENDER WINDOW. [image]GENERAL OVERVIEWThis window allows you to create custom frames that will be sent out on one of the can buses. The uses are endless. It can be used to generate valid traffic to control connected hardware. It can be used to test out various ideas you might have for now to interact with other devices. It can replay frames from one bus into the other bus but with modifications.LAYOUT OF THE VIEWThis screen is laid out as a data grid.
WRITING TRIGGER RULESIt should first be noted that each line can contain multiple triggers. Each trigger is separated by a comma ','.Triggers are allowed to have one or more conditions. Each condition contained within a single trigger is separated by a space ' '. The program implements the following conditions:
Now, a full example of a trigger line: "id0x200 5ms 10x bus0,1000ms" This trigger means: Trigger when a frame with ID 0x200 comes in on bus 0. Wait 5 milliseconds before sending and only allow this to happen at most 10 times. Also, always trigger every 1 second and never stop doing this. WRITING MODIFICATIONSAs with the triggers, you can have multiple modifications per line; each of which is separated by a comma ','.Modifications always start with a data byte to modify The syntax is 'D' or 'd' followed by a number 0 through 7. For example: 'D4'. This is then always followed by an equal sign '='. Thereafter there is a string of operands and operations. Operands have a special syntax. Each operand can have multiple sections separated by colons ':'.
A few full examples of operands:
Each operand is usually followed by an operation and then a second operand. If no operation or second operand is found that is also OK. Thus a modifier can be as simple as "D0 = D1" if you choose. Operands can also be directly chained such that the output of the last operation is used as the left hand operand for the next operation. This will be shown later on. Modifiers can use the following operations:
Putting all of that together yields complete modifiers. For simplicity all operations are done left to right. There is no special order of operations like in normal mathematics. Here are a few examples:
SCRIPTING INTERFACE. [image]PURPOSE OF THE SCRIPTING INTERFACETo give you an open ended place where you can write JavaScript files that do whatever you need them to do. You can load several files at once and they'll all work at the same time. Scripts can expose parameters that can then be edited by you while the program is running. They also update 4 times per second so they can be used to give feedback of the current state of the script as well. But, it is safer to give status in the "Log Window" instead. However, for values that might need to be seen and frequently updated it might be easiest to show them as "Public Variables".MANAGING SCRIPTSIn the bottom left is the "Loaded Scripts" list. You can create a new script by clicking the "New" button below the list. The new script will have a random name until you save it. The "Del" button will delete the currently selected script but it will ask you first. The "Load" button will load a new script from a file. The "Save" button is above the main script view which is in the upper right of the window. "Revert" will revert the script to the last version that was compiled. Any changes you've made since compiling well be reverted. "Recompile" is used to compile the script and begin running the new version.GETTING SCRIPT STATUSThere are two places you can look for the status of a script. The "Log Window" is directly below the script source code editor. This window is shared between all scripts and shows the status of compiling scripts as well as log messages from each script. The script name that sent the log message is prepended. The number before the script name is the amount of time the scripting window had been open for when the message was sent. This unified interface can be used to keep an eye on all of the running scripts and to debug issues when a script is compiled. Any compile errors will show up in the log window. You can set the checkbox on "Auto Scroll Log Window" to make it continue to stay at the bottom of the log. You can clear the log at any time as well.The other way to see script status is to use the "Public Variables" interface. Here you will find variables that were registered by the current script. Each script has its own list so information that needs to be updated frequently and/or specific to a script and easily accessible should be registered here. But, public variables can have their value set by you, the user, as well. So, care should be taken not to edit variables used for script feedback and scripts shouldn't try to change the value of variables used for input to the program. WRITING SCRIPTSYou are more or less free to write JavaScript scripts but, of course, you aren't in a web browser so browser specific functions are just not there. In their place are a couple of JS objects that allow the script to interface with the CAN buses connected to SavvyCAN. Also, certain functions can be created to automatically register callbacks.CALLBACK FUNCTIONSThese functions can be created in your scripts to enable certain functionality:setup () - If you create a function named setup then it will be called as soon as the script starts. Yes, you probably could just dump code into no function at all right into the file but that's bad form! tick () - If you registered to receive a periodic tick within your setup function then the script interface will call this function for every tick. You can do whatever you need to periodically do here. But, you get only one tick handler so if you need multiple tick rates you'll have to create a fast tick here and dispatch from this function at different rates yourself. gotCANFrame (bus, id, len, data) - A callback that will be called whenever a CAN frame comes in that you've registered for. You did register for frames in your setup function didn't you? Well, if you use one of the below callbacks you might not need this one. gotISOTPMessage (bus, id, len, data) - If you are instead looking for ISO-TP messages (which could have been multiple CAN frames in length) then you can create this function and it will automatically be registered with the system. But, you still will need to set which ISO-TP message IDs you want to receive. That is covered later on. gotUDSMessage (bus, id, service, subfunc, len, data) - UDS messages are transmitted over ISO-TP but with additional structure. If you're looking to interface directly at the UDS level then you can create this function to have it automatically registered. As with raw CAN and ISO-TP you still need to specify which messages IDs you are interested in. THE HOST OBJECTThe first object you can use is "host" This object handles setup of the tick timer as well as logging output and registration of public variables.host.setTickInterval(interval) - If the interval is more than 0 then your tick callback will be called every "interval" milliseconds. If a value of 0 is passed then the tick timer will be stopped. host.log(text) - Send text to the log window. It will be timestamped, marked according to which script sent it, and placed into the log window. host.addParameter("variablename") - Add the named variable to the list of public variables. From then on any changes that you make in the GUI will immediately show up in the script and any changes the script makes to a value will reflect in the GUI within 250ms. Remember to use quotes around the variable name. You want to pass the variable name, not its value. THE CAN OBJECTThis object is your interface to raw CAN. It has the following functions:can.setFilter(id, mask, bus) - register to receive messages based on an ID, Mask, and Bus. It works like this. First the bus is compared. If it doesn't match the frame is not delivered to you. Then, the incoming frame has its ID ANDed with your mask. Let's say your mask is 0x7F0 and the incoming frame has an ID of 0x235. 0x235 AND 0x7F0 is 0x230. This value is compared to the ID you passed. So, if your filter ID is 0x230 then the frame is accepted and you will get a callback with the frame. Otherwise the frame is not delivered to you. This masking setup is very common in CAN bus interfaces. Basically, the mask allows a single filter to accept a range of IDs. 0x7F0 would accept 16 different IDs (0x230 through 0x23F in this case). 0x700 accepts 256 different IDs, etc. can.clearFilters() - remove all filters and revert to a clean state. You will no longer receive any CAN callbacks unless you create more filters with setFilter. can.sendFrame(bus, id, length, data) - Send a CAN frame out the given bus. The CAN id will be what you set as will the length. The length can thus be different from the actual length of "data" which should be a valid javascript array. The length can not exceed 8. The frame will be sent as soon as possible so long as that bus is connected and not in listen only mode. THE ISOTP OBJECTisotp.setFilter(id, mask, bus) - Exactly like the raw CAN version in the can object. Allows you to register a filter so that you can receive ISO-TP traffic from the filtered addresses. It should be noted that you'll essentially only get traffic that seems to be able to be turned into ISO-TP traffic. Any CAN frames obviously not ISO-TP will be rejected.isotp.clearFilters() - Clear all ISO-TP filters and no longer receive ISO-TP traffic. isotp.sendISOTP(bus, id, length, data) - As in the can version. The difference here is that ISO-TP messages can be longer than 8 bytes and so might get turned into a multi-frame set of messages with flow control. This is handled for you by SavvyCAN so you needn't handle of the details of the exchange. THE UDS OBJECTuds.setFilter(id, mask, bus) - Exactly like the other two setFilter functions. Register for a set of IDs to be interpreted as UDS (if possible) and sent through to your callback. Any obviously not UDS traffic will be discarded.uds.clearFilter() - Remove all filters and quit receiving UDS traffic. uds.sendUDS(bus, id, service, sublen, subfunc, length, data) - Sends a UDS message out from the script. service must be between 0 and 255, subfunc can be larger than one byte if needed. data is only needed for extended payloads as the actual UDS protocol is handled by the service and subfunc parameters. A FULL EXAMPLE SCRIPTvar newID = 0; //set this to the ID you want your RLEC to become function setup () { host.log("RLEC ID Changer"); can.setFilter(0x0, 0x0F, 0); can.sendFrame(0, 0x7E0, 8, [0x0d, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]); } function gotCANFrame (bus, id, len, data) { var dataBytes = []; if (len == 8) { if (data[0] == 0xd && data[1] == 1 && data[2] == 0xAA) { host.log("Got challenge: 0x" + data[3].toString(16) + data[4].toString(16)); var notData3 = ~data[3]; var notData4 = ~data[4]; dataBytes[0] = 0xD; dataBytes[1] = 2; dataBytes[2] = ((notData4 & 0xF) << 4) + ((notData3 >> 4) & 0xF); dataBytes[3] = ((notData4 >> 4) & 0xF) + ((notData3 & 0xF) << 4); dataBytes[4] = 0; dataBytes[5] = 0; dataBytes[6] = 0; dataBytes[7] = 0; can.sendFrame(0, 0x7E0, 8, dataBytes); } if (data[0] == 0xd && data[1] == 2 && data[2] == 0xAA) { host.log("Passed security Check!"); dataBytes[0] = 4; dataBytes[1] = 0x15; dataBytes[2] = newID; can.sendFrame(0, 0x7E0, 8, dataBytes); } if (data[0] ==4 && data[1] == 0x15 && data[2] == 0xAA) { host.log("ID Reprogramming Successful!"); } } } AUTHORCollin KidderCOPYRIGHT2018, EVTV