simpleftp - Rudimentary FTP client
simpleftp is a Perl script that provides basic support for fetching files
with FTP in a batch oriented fashion. It takes one or more FTP URLs on the
command line. The file(s) will be retrieved from the remote server and placed
in the current directory with the same basename as on the remote; e.g.,
<> is stored as
active.gz in the current directory.
The script properly understands usernames, passwords and ports
specified as follows:
simpleftp is an extremely poor substitute for more complete programs like
the freely available wget or ncftp utilities. It was written
only to provide elementary support in INN for non-interactive fetching of the
files in <> or
<> without requiring
administrators to install yet another package. Its shortcomings as a general
purpose program are too numerous to mention, but one that stands out is that
downloaded files by simpleftp override existing files with the same
name in the local directory.
Tossed off by David C Lawrence <> for InterNetNews. Rewritten
to use "Net::FTP" by Julien Elie.