Usage: stackattack command [arguments]
Available Commands:
bad send invalid requests
create create servers [--image|-i]
delete delete all stackattack servers [--all|-a] (deletes ALL servers)
get send get servers requests
get-images send image list requests
help show syntax and available commands
rebuild rebuild all stackattack servers [--all|-a] [--image|-i]
# Create a server
$ stackattack create
# Create 10 servers in parallel
$ stackattack create 10
# Create 10 servers with an explicit image id
$ stackattack create -i b79cf9f9-cea9-44c7-a3ac-74a6668eb78b 10
# Delete all servers
$ stackattack delete -a
This is a command line utility for stress testing an OpenStack deployment. All
http requests are run in parallel using HTTP::Async.
- William Wolf <>
- Naveed Massjouni <>
This software is copyright (c) 2011 by Naveed Massjouni.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.