NAMEtranslit - transliterate text between various writing systemsSYNOPSIStranslit -t name -r -i file -o file -l -v -hDESCRIPTIONtranslit transliterates UTF-8 encoded natural language text from one writing system to another.It utilizes the Perl module Lingua::Translit to accomplish this task and follows the provided transliteration standards as strict as possible. translit regards the following commandline switches:
RESTRICTIONSThe input has to be UTF-8 encoded.BUGSNone known.Please report bugs using CPAN's request tracker at <https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Dist/Display.html?Name=Lingua-Translit>. SEE ALSOLingua::Translit, Lingua::Translit::TablesAUTHORSAlex Linke <alinke@netzum-sorglos.de>Rona Linke <rlinke@netzum-sorglos.de> LICENSE AND COPYRIGHTCopyright (C) 2007-2008 Alex Linke and Rona LinkeCopyright (C) 2009-2016 Lingua-Systems Software GmbH Copyright (C) 2016-2017 Netzum Sorglos, Lingua-Systems Software GmbH Copyright (C) 2017 Netzum Sorglos Software GmbH This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
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